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Composer Index – Alphabetical – Complete

A complete alphabetical listing of all composers and arrangers represented on this website.

A Kempis, Nicolaus (c1600-1676)
Aareskjold, Stian (b?)
Abbasi, Anahita (b1985)
Abel, Carl Friedrich (1723-1787)
Abelard, Peter (1079-1142)
Abraham, Ben (b?)
Ábrányi, Kornél (1822-1903)
Abreu, Zequinha de (1880-1935)
Achron, Joseph (1886-1943)
Adam de la Halle (1245/50-1285/8)
Adam, Adolphe (1803-1856)
Adams, Byron (b1955)
Adams, Joe (b?)
Adams, John (b1947)
Adams, Stephen (1844-1913)
Adams, Stephen (b?)
Adams, Thomas (1785-1858)
Addison, John (1766-1844)
Adès, Thomas (b1971)
Adkins, Adele (b1988)
Adkins, Donna (b1940)
Afanasieff, Walter (b1958)
Agnew, Elaine (b?)
Agricola, Alexander (c1456-1506)
Aguilera de Heredia, Sebastián (1561-1627)
Ahmed, Yazz (b1983)
Aikin, William (1857-1939)
Ailenberg, Leib (?-1943)
Ainger, Geoffrey (b1925)
Alain, Jehan (1911-1940)
Alamire, Pierre (c1470-?1536)
Alanus, Johannes (fl late 14th century-early 15th century)
Albéniz, Isaac (1860-1909)
Albert, Eugen d' (1864-1932)
Alberti, Innocentio (c1535-1615)
Albinoni, Tomaso Giovanni (1671-1751)
Albrici, Vincenzo (1631-1696)
Albright, William (1944-1998)
Alcock, Sir Walter Galpin (1861-1947)
Alcorn, Michael (b1962)
Aldrich, Henry (1647-1710)
Alexander, Geoffrey (b?)
Alexandrov, Anatoly (1888-1982)
Alfvén, Hugo (1872-1960)
Alkan, Charles-Valentin (1813-1888)
Allain, Richard (b1965)
Allan, Kathleen (b1989)
Allegri, Gregorio (1582-1652)
Allen, Andrew (?-?)
Allitsen, Frances (1848-1912)
Almeida, Fernando de (c1600-1660)
Almeida, Francisco António de (c1702-1755)
Almuc de Castelnau (?-?)
Alnæs, Eyvind (1872-1932)
Alvarado, Diego de (1570-1643)
Álvarez, Javier (b1956)
Alwood, Richard (fl1550-1550)
Alyabyev, Alexander Alexandrovich (1787-1851)
Amewudah-Rivers, Francesca (b1998)
Amigone, Giovanni (fl1613-1613)
Amner, John (1579-1641)
Amon, Blasius (c1560-1590)
Ananyan, Karen (b1976)
Anchieta, Juan de (1462-1523)
Ancliffe, Charles (1880-1952)
Anderson, Julian (b1967)
Anderson, Leroy (1908-1975)
Andreae, Carolus (c1570-1627)
Andreas de Florentia (dc1415)
Andrew, Kerry (b1978)
Andriessen, Louis (b1939)
Androzzo, Alma (1912-2001)
Anerio, Felice (c1560-1614)
Anerio, Giovanni Francesco (c1567-1630)
Antheil, George (1900-1959)
Anthonello de Caserta (fl1390-1410)
Antognini, Ivo (b1963)
Aoki, Steve (b1977)
Appenzeller, Benedictus (c1480/88-after 1558)
Appleford, Patrick (b1925)
Arakelyan, Kristina (b1994)
Araujo, Juan de (1648-1712)
Arcadelt, Jacques (?1505-1568)
Archer, Malcolm (b1952)
Arensky, Anton (1861-1906)
Ariosti, Attilio (1666-1729)
Arlen, Harold (1905-1986)
Arlen, Walter (1920-2023)
Armes, Philip (1836-1908)
Armstrong, Mark (b?)
Armstrong, Thomas (1898-1994)
Arndt, Felix (1889-1918)
Arne, Thomas (1710-1778)
Arnesen, Kim André (b1980)
Arnold, John (c1720-1792)
Arnold, John Henry (1887-1956)
Arnold, Malcolm (1921-2006)
Arnold, Samuel (1740-1802)
Arodin, Sidney (1901-1948)
Arriaga, Juan Crisóstomo de (1806-1826)
Artzt, Alice (b1943)
Arutunian, Alexander (1920-2012)
Ashby, Benjamin (b?)
Ashby, Nick (b1987)
Ashfield, Robert (1911-2006)
Ashlyn, J Quenton (1858-1933)
Ashmore, Lawrence (b?)
Ashton, Graham (b?)
Ashton, Kim B (b?)
Ashworth, Caleb (1722-1775)
Askin, Ali N (b1962)
Asola, Giammateo (c1532-1609)
Asti, Eugene (b1962)
Aston, Hugh (c1485-?1558)
Aston, Peter (1938-2013)
Astorga, Emanuele d' (1680-?1757)
Atkins, John (d1671)
Atkins, Sir Ivor Algernon (1869-1953)
Atmajian, Jeff (b1960)
Atovmian, Levon (1901-1973)
Attwood, Thomas (1765-1838)
Atwell, Una Winifred (1910/14-1983)
Auber, Daniel-François-Esprit (1782-1871)
Audefroi le Bastart (fl1190-1230)
Auer, Leopold (1845-1930)
Auric, Georges (1899-1983)
Austin, Billy (1896-1964)
Austin, Frederic (1872-1952)
Avison, Charles (1709-1770)
Avondano, Pedro António (1714-1782)
Avramovitz, Itay (b?)
Ayala, Hector (1914-1990)
Azpiazu, José de (1912-1986)
Babadjanian, Arno (1921-1983)
Babakhanian, Armen (b?)
Babell, William (1689-1723)
Babin, Victor (1908-1972)
Baccusi, Ippolito (c1550-1609)
Bacewicz, Grażyna (1909-1969)
Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel (1714-1788)
Bach, Heinrich (1615-1692)
Bach, Johann Christian (1735-1782)
Bach, Johann Christoph (1642-1703)
Bach, Johann Ludwig (1677-1731)
Bach, Johann Michael (1648-1694)
Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750)
Bache, Francis Edward (1833-1858)
Bacheler, Daniel (1572-1619)
Bachelet, Alfred (1864-1944)
Backhaus, Wilhelm (1884-1969)
Badajoz, João de (fl c1520-1520)
Badarzewska, Tekla (1834-1861)
Baigent, Bertie (b1995)
Bailly, Henri de (d1637)
Bain, James Leith Macbeth (1860-1925)
Bainton, Edgar (1880-1956)
Bairstow, Sir Edward Cuthbert (1874-1946)
Baker, David (b1931)
Baker, George (b1951)
Baker, Martin (b1967)
Balakirev, Mili (1837-1910)
Balbi, Ludovico (c1545-1604)
Baldassari, Pietro (c1683-c1768)
Baldwin, John (1560-1615)
Ball, Ernest R (1878-1927)
Ballard, Robert (c1575-after 1649)
Baltzar, Thomas (c1630-1663)
Banck, Carl (1809-1889)
Bang, Jan (b1968)
Banister, John (c1625-1679)
Banks, Paul (b?)
Bannan, Richard (b?)
Bantock, Sir Granville (1868-1946)
Barab, Seymour (b1921)
Barber, Graham (b?)
Barber, Samuel (1910-1981)
Barbingant (fl c1445-1460)
Bargiel, Woldemar (1828-1897)
Barié, Augustin (1883-1915)
Baring-Gould, Sabine (1834-1924)
Barley, Matthew (b1965)
Barlow, Jeremy (b?)
Barlow, Stephen (b1954)
Barnard, John (b1948)
Barnby, Sir Joseph (1838-1896)
Barnes, Tim (b1990)
Barnwell, Ysaÿe Maria (b1946)
Barrett, John (c1676-1719)
Barrett, Roger Keith 'Syd' (1946-2006)
Barri, Odoardo (1844-1920)
Barrière, Jean (1707-1747)
Barrow, Geoff (b1971)
Barry, Gerald (b1952)
Barsanti, Francesco (1690-1772)
Barshai, Rudolf (1924-2010)
Bartlett, Clifford (1939-2019)
Bartlett, Ethel (1896-1978)
Bartók, Béla (1881-1945)
Barua, Joi (b?)
Barvinsky, Vasyl (1888-1963)
Bassano, Augustine (?-1604)
Bassano, Giovanni (1560/1-1617)
Bassano, Jerome (1559-1635)
Bassi, James (b1961)
Bates, Django (b1960)
Bates, William (fl1750-1780)
Bath, Hubert (1883-1945)
Batiste, Antoine Édouard (1820-1876)
Battishill, Jonathan (1738-1801)
Battiwalla, Darius (b1966)
Bauer, Harold (1873-1951)
Baughen, Michael (b1930)
Bauldeweyn, Noel (c1480-1530)
Bax, Alessio (b1977)
Bax, Sir Arnold (1883-1953)
Bayco, Fredric (1913-1970)
Bayley, William (1810-1858)
Baynes, Sydney (1879-1938)
Bazelaire, Paul (1886-1958)
Beach, Amy (1867-1944)
Beal, Jeff (b1963)
Beamish, Sally (b1956)
Beatritz de Romans (?-?)
Beaver, Jack (1900-1963)
Bebey, Francis (1929-2001)
Beck, Franz Ignaz (1734-1809)
Becker, John Joseph (1886-1961)
Becucci, Ernesto (1845-1905)
Bedford, David (1937-2011)
Bednall, David (b1979)
Bedyngham, John (dc1459/60)
Beecham, Sir Thomas (1879-1961)
Beesly, Michael (1700-?)
Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770-1827)
Behnke, John A (b1953)
Behr, Franz (1837-1898)
Bell, Iain (b1980)
Bellini, Vincenzo (1801-1835)
Benda, Georg (1722-1795)
Bendel, Franz (1833-1874)
Bendinelli, Cesare (c1542-1617)
Benedict, Sir Julius (1804-1885)
Ben-Haïm, Paul (1897-1984)
Benjamin, Arthur (1893-1960)
Benjamin, George (b1960)
Bennet, John (1570-1615)
Bennett, George John (1863-1930)
Bennett, Mark (b?)
Bennett, Ned (b?)
Bennett, Sir Richard Rodney (1936-2012)
Bennett, Sir William Sterndale (1816-1875)
Bennett, Thomas Case Sterndale (1882-1944)
Benoit, Peter (1834-1901)
Ben-Tal, Oded (b1979)
Bentz Woods, Edna (fl1924-1924)
Berg, Alban (1885-1935)
Berger, Ludwig (1777-1839)
Bergman, Stefan (?1901-?)
Bergmann, Walter (1902-1988)
Berkeley, Michael (b1948)
Berkeley, Sir Lennox (1903-1989)
Berkowitz, Sol (b1922)
Berlin, Irving (1888-1989)
Berlin, Johan Daniel (1714-1787)
Berlioz, Hector (1803-1869)
Bernabei, Ercole (1622-1687)
Bernabei, Giuseppe Antonio (1649-1732)
Bernard, Felix (1897-1944)
Bernart de Ventadorn (1125-1195)
Berners, Sir Gerald Hugh Tyrwhitt-Wilson, Lord (1883-1950)
Bernhard, Christoph (1628-1692)
Bernstein, Leonard (1918-1990)
Bertalot, John (b1931)
Bertani, Lelio (1554-1612)
Berwald, Franz (1796-1868)
Besard, Jean-Baptiste (c1567-c1617)
Best, William Thomas (1826-1897)
Betinis, Abbie (b1980)
Bevan, David (1951-2021)
Bevan, Francis
Bevan, Maurice (1921-2006)
Bevan, Sydney (1838-1901)
Beyer, Franz (b1922)
Beznosiuk, Lisa (b?)
Biba, Otto (b1946)
Biber, Heinrich (1644-1704)
Biebl, Franz (1906-2001)
Bielby, Jonathan Leonard (b1944)
Bignold, Barrie (b?)
Binchois, Gilles (c1400-1460)
Binge, Ronald (1910-1979)
Bingham, Judith (b1952)
Birchall, Richard (b?)
Bird, William Hamilton (c1750-c1804)
Birtwistle, Sir Harrison (1934-2022)
Bishop, Henry (1786-1855)
Bishop, Sir Henry (1786-1855)
Bissill, Richard (b?)
Bizet, Georges (1838-1875)
Black, Colin (b?)
Blackford, Richard (b1954)
Blackwell, David (b1961)
Blair, Hugh (1864-1932)
Blake, Howard (b1938)
Blake, James (b1988)
Blanchet, Émile-Robert (1877-1943)
Blancks, Edward (c1550-1633)
Bland, James (1854-1911)
Blane, Ralph (1914-1995)
Blatchly, Mark (b1960)
Blázquez, Eladia (1931-2005)
Bliss, Julian (b1989)
Bliss, Sir Arthur (1891-1975)
Blitheman, John (c1525-1591)
Bloch, Ernest (1880-1959)
Blok-Wilson, Gerda (b1955)
Blondel de Nesle (fl1180-1200)
Blow, John (1649-1708)
Blumenfeld, Felix (1863-1931)
Boccherini, Luigi (1743-1805)
Bocchi, Lorenzo (fl1725-1725)
Boden, Mark David (b1986)
Boëllmann, Léon (1862-1897)
Boësset, Antoine (1586-1643)
Bogdanović, Dušan (b1955)
Bohlander-Green, Samuel
Böhm, Georg (1661-1733)
Boismortier, Joseph Bodin de (1689-1755)
Bojesen, Michael (b1960)
Bolcom, William (b1938)
Bond, Capel (1730-1790)
Bonini, Pietro Andrea (c1550-c1605)
Bonis, Mel (1858-1937)
Bonnet, Joseph (1884-1944)
Bononcini, Giovanni (1670-1747)
Boothby, Richard (b?)
Borenstein, Nimrod (b1969)
Boretti, Giovanni Antonio (c1638-1672)
Borisovsky, Vadim (1900-1972)
Börjesson, Anders S (b1975)
Borodin, Alexander (1833-1887)
Bortkiewicz, Sergei (1877-1952)
Bortniansky, Dmitri (1751-1825)
Börtz, Daniel (b1943)
Borwick, Leonard (1868-1925)
Bosco Mwenda, Jean (1930-1990)
Bossi, Marco Enrico (1861-1925)
Bossinensis, Franciscus (fl1510-1510)
Botsford, George (1874-1949)
Boughton, Rutland (1878-1960)
Boulanger, Lili (1893-1918)
Boulanger, Nadia (1887-1979)
Bourgeois, Derek (1941-2017)
Bourgeois, Louis (c1510-1559)
Bowden, Don (1906-1966)
Bowen, Ruairi (b?)
Bowen, York (1884-1961)
Bowens, Reginald (b1987)
Bowers-Broadbent, Christopher (b?)
Bowie, David (1947-2016)
Boyce, William (1711-1779)
Boykin, B E (b1989)
Boyle, George Frederick (1886-1948)
Boyle, Ina (1889-1967)
Boyle, Malcolm (1902-1976)
Bozzi, Paolo (c1550-1628)
Brabbins, Martyn (b1959)
Brachlianoff, Arcady (1912-2001)
Brade, William (1560-1630)
Bradford, Harry (b?)
Brady, Owen (b?)
Brahe, May Hannah (1885-1956)
Brahms, Johannes (1833-1897)
Brandy, Jerry (b?)
Bratton, John W (1867-1947)
Braun, Carl (1788-1835)
Braun, Yehezkel (1922-2014)
Braunfels, Walter (1882-1954)
Bray, Charlotte (b1982)
Bremner, Rory (b1961)
Brescianello, Giuseppe Antonio (c1690-1758)
Bretón, Tomás (1850-1923)
Bréville, Pierre de (1861-1949)
Brewer, Sir Herbert (1865-1928)
Brian, Havergal (1876-1972)
Bridge, Frank (1879-1941)
Bridge, Frederick (1844-1924)
Briggs, David (b1962)
Briggs, Kerensa (b1991)
Briquet (fl c1420-1420)
Brito, Estêvão de (c1575-1641)
Brittain, Daniel (b?)
Britten, Benjamin (1913-1976)
Brockway, Oliver Michael (b?)
Brodsky, Nicholas (1905-1958)
Brody, Teodora (b1967)
Brollo, Bartolomeus (fl1430-1450)
Bronsart von Schellendorf, Hans (1830-1913)
Brooks, James (1760-1809)
Brophy, Gerard (b1953)
Broström, Tobias (b1978)
Brown, Alan (b?)
Brown, Arthur Henry (1830-1926)
Brown, Eddie (b?)
Brown, Henry Albert (c1864-1925)
Brown, Mark (b1941)
Brown, Timothy (b1946)
Browne, John (fl c1490-1490)
Browne, William Denis (1888-1915)
Bruce, David (b1970)
Bruch, Max (1838-1920)
Bruck, Arnold von (?1500-1554)
Bruckner, Anton (1824-1896)
Bruerton, Christopher (b?)
Brüll, Ignaz (1846-1907)
Brumel, Antoine (c1460-1512/13)
Bruna, Pablo (1611-1679)
Brunning, John (b1954)
Brunt, Kieran (b?)
Bryars, Gavin (b1943)
Bryne, Albertus (c1621-1668)
Bublé, Michael (b1975)
Bucalossi, Ernest (1863-1933)
Bucher, Matthias (b1988)
Buck, Dudley (1839-1909)
Buck, Sir Percy Carter (1871-1947)
Buckley, David (b1976)
Bukinik, Mikhail (1872-1953)
Bulakhov, Pyotr Petrovich (1822-1885)
Bulhakov, Konstantin (1812-1862)
Bull, John (?1562/3-1628)
Bullard, Alan (b1947)
Bullard, Tom (b?)
Bullock, Sir Ernest (1890-1979)
Bülow, Hans von (1830-1894)
Bunting, Edward (1773-1843)
Buonamente, Giovanni (d1642)
Bürde, Jeannette Antonie (1799-?)
Burgess, Joby (b?)
Burgon, Geoffrey (1941-2010)
Burke, Johnny (1908-1964)
Burleigh, Harry Thacker (1866-1949)
Burney, Charles (1726-1814)
Burns, Robert (1759-1796)
Burton, James (b1974)
Bush, Geoffrey (1920-1998)
Busnois, Antoine (c1430-1492)
Busoni, Ferruccio (1866-1924)
Büsser, Henri (1872-1973)
Butterworth, George (1885-1916)
Butts, Thomas (?-?)
Buxtehude, Dieterich (c1637-1707)
Byram-Wigfield, Timothy (b1963)
Byrchmore, Ruth (b1966)
Byrd, William (1539/40-1623)
Byrt, Dr John (1940-2021)
Byttering, Thomas[?] (fl c1410-1420)
Cabezón, Antonio de (1510-1566)
Cabezón, Hernando de (1541-1602)
Cable, Howard (b1920)
Caccini, Giuliano (1546-1618)
Cadenet (d?1325)
Cadman, Charles Wakefield (1881-1946)
Caesar, Anthony (b1924)
Cage, John (1912-1992)
Cahn, Sammy (1913-1993)
Cailliet, Lucien (1891-1985)
Calace, Raffaele (1863-1934)
Caldara, Antonio (1670-1736)
Calloway, Cab (1907-1994)
Cambell, Colin (b?)
Cameron, David (b1937)
Cameron, John (fl1856-1856)
Camidge, Matthew (1764-1844)
Camm, Cheryl (b1964)
Campbell, Ewan (b?)
Campbell, Paul (b?)
Campbell, Richard (b?)
Campbell, Sidney (1909-1974)
Campbell, Thomas (1777-1844)
Campion, Thomas (1567-1620)
Campkin, Alexander (b1984)
Candlyn, T Frederick H (1892-1964)
Canteloube, Joseph (1879-1957)
Capel, John Mais (1862-1931)
Capirola, Vincenzo (1474-after 1548)
Caplet, André (1878-1925)
Cara, Marchetto (c1470-?1525)
Carcassi, Matteo (1792-1853)
Cardon, Jean-Baptiste (1760-1803)
Cardoso, Jorge (b1949)
Cardoso, Manuel (1566-1650)
Cardot (c1380-1470)
Carenza, Alais, Iselda
Carey, Henry (c1690-1743)
Carey, Mariah (b1969)
Carissimi, Giacomo (1605-1674)
Carleston, Stephen (b?)
Carleston, Tim (b?)
Carlson, David (b1952)
Carlsson, Andreas (b1973)
Carlton, Richard (c1558-?1638)
Carmichael, Howard Hoagland (1899-1981)
Carolan, Turlough (1670-1738)
Caroso, Fabritio (c1527-c1605)
Caroubel, Pierre Francisque (d1611)
Carpenter, Gary (b1951)
Carpenter, John Alden (1876-1951)
Carr, Michael (1905-1968)
Carrara, Cristian (b1977)
Carreira, António (c1515-c1590)
Carrington, Simon (b1942)
Carrington, Simon (b1966)
Carter, Andrew (b1939)
Carter, Charles Thomas (c1735-1804)
Carter, Elliott (1908-2012)
Carter, Sydney (1915-2004)
Carvor, Robert (c1484/7-after 1567)
Caryll, Ivan (1861-1921)
Casals, Pablo (1876-1973)
Casella, Alfredo (1883-1947)
Castegren, Nils
Castello, Dario (fl1610-1620)
Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario (1895-1968)
Castro y Malagaray, Juan de (c1572-1632)
Castrovillari, Daniele da (1613-1678)
Catherine, Georges (1872-1958)
Catoire, Georgy (1861-1926)
Caustun, Thomas (c1522-1569)
Cavaccio, Giovanni (c1556-1626)
Cavalieri, Emilio de' (c1550-1602)
Cavalli, Francesco (1602-1676)
Cavendish, Michael (c1565-1628)
Cazzati, Maurizio (1620-1677)
Ceballos, Rodrigo de (c1530-1581)
Cecere, Carlo (1706-1761)
Celis, Juan de (d1695)
Cesaris, Johannes (fl1406-1417)
Cesti, Antonio (1623-1669)
Chabrier, Emmanuel (1841-1894)
Chadburn, Leo (b?)
Chadwick, George (1854-1931)
Challinor, Frederick Arthur (1866-1952)
Chambers, Herbert Arthur (1880-1967)
Chambonnières, Jacques Champion (1601/2-1672)
Chaminade, Cécile (1857-1944)
Champion, Greg (b?)
Champion, Jacques (?-in or after 1535)
Champion, Nicolas (fl1526-1526)
Chan, Lyle (b?)
Chance, Alice (b1994)
Chandler, Adrian (b1974)
Chang, Alan (b1979)
Chanler, Theodore (1902-1961)
Chapman Campbell, Alexander (b?)
Chapman, Edward (1902-1981)
Chapple, Brian (b1945)
Charke, Richard (c1709-c1738)
Charles the Bold (1433-1477)
Charles, Ernest (1895-1984)
Charlton, Alan (1970-2018)
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine (1643-1704)
Chasins, Abram (1903-1987)
Chastelain de Couci (c1165-1203)
Chausson, Ernest (1855-1899)
Chédeville, Nicolas (1705-1782)
Chelkauskas, Juozas (?-?)
Cherkassky, Shura (1909-1995)
Chernov, Konstantin (1865-1937)
Cherubini, Luigi (1760-1842)
Chesnokov, Pavel (October 1877-1944)
Chilcot, Thomas (c1700-1766)
Chilcott, Bob (b1955)
Child, William (1606-1697)
Chilingirian, Levon (b?)
Chirbury, [? Robert] (? c1380-1454)
Chisholm, Erik (1904-1965)
Chivers, Chris (b1967)
Choi, Saunder (b1988)
Choisnel, Gaston (1857-1921)
Chopin, Frédéric (1810-1849)
Chowhan, Pam
Christian, Charlie (1916-1942)
Christopher, Jacob (b?)
Chung, Lucille (b?)
Ciampi, Francesco (?c1690-after 1764)
Ciconia, Johannes (c1335-1411)
Cima, Gian Paolo (c1570-c1622)
Cimarosa, Domenico (1749-1801)
City Waites, The (?-?)
Clapton, Eric (b1945)
Clare, Alan (1921-1993)
Clark, Brian (b?)
Clark, Richard (1780-1856)
Clark, Thomas (1775-1859)
Clarke, Jeremiah (1670-1707)
Clarke, Rebecca (1886-1979)
Clausen, René (b1953)
Clay, Frederic (1838-1889)
Clemens non Papa, Jacobus (c1510/15-1555/6)
Clementi, Muzio (1752-1832)
Clements, Jim (b1983)
Cleobury, Stephen (1948-2019)
Clerk, John (1676-1755)
Cleve, Johannes de (1528/9-1582)
Cliffe, Frederic (1857-1931)
Clifton, John (1781-1841)
Clowes, Trish (b1984)
Clucas, Humphrey (b1941)
Coates, Eric (1886-1957)
Cobbold, William (1560-1639)
Cochrane, Peggy (1902-1988)
Cocker, Norman (1889-1953)
Cockram, Edward Purcell (1853-1932)
Codax, Martin (fl1230-1230)
Cohen, Harriet (1895-1967)
Coke, Roger Sacheverell (1912-1972)
Colahan, Dr Arthur (1885-1952)
Cole, Elliot (b1984)
Coleman, Cy (1929-2004)
Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel (1875-1912)
Coles, Cecil (1888-1918)
Colista, Lelio (1629-1680)
Colla, John (b1952)
Collier, Jacob (b1994)
Collin, June (b?)
Collins, Anthony (1893-1963)
Colombani, Oratio (c1550-1595)
Colonna, Giovanni Paolo (1637-1695)
Comeau, Ben (b?)
Comeau, Paul (b1958)
Compère, Loyset (c1445-1518)
Confrey, Zez (1895-1971)
Connick, Harry (b1967)
Connolly, Sarah (b1963)
Connor, Tommie (1904-1993)
Conradi, August (1821-1873)
Constable, Robert (b1947)
Conti, Francesco (1681-1732)
Conus, Julius (1869-1942)
Converse, C C (1832-1918)
Conway, Eoin (b?)
Cook, Daniel (b1979)
Cook, John (1918-1984)
Cooke, Arnold (1906-2005)
Cooke, Benjamin (1734-1793)
Cooke, John? (c1385-?1442)
Cooke, Phillip (b1980)
Cooke, Robert (1768-1814)
Cooley, Eddie (bc1930)
Cooper, Julie (b1964)
Coots, John Frederick (1897-1985)
Copeland, Stewart (b1952)
Čopi, Ambrož (b1973)
Copland, Aaron (1900-1990)
Coprario, John (c1570-1626)
Corbett, William (c1675-1748)
Corder, Frederick (1852-1932)
Cordier, Baude (fl1410-1410)
Corea, Chick (b1941)
Corelli, Arcangelo (1653-1713)
Corfe, Joseph (1740-1820)
Corigliano, John (b1938)
Cornago, Johannes (fl c1455-1485)
Cornelius, Peter (1824-1874)
Cornysh, William (d1523)
Cornysh, William (dc1502)
Corp, Ronald (b1951)
Correa de Arauxo, Francisco (1584-1654)
Cortez, Alberto (1940-2019)
Corti, Mario (1882-1957)
Cortot, Alfred (1877-1962)
Costa, Gasparo (fl1580-1590)
Cosyn, Benjamin (c1570-after 1652)
Cotes, Ambrosio (c1550-1603)
Couperin, François (1668-1733)
Couperin, Louis (c1626-1661)
Couperin, Marc Roger Normand (1663-1734)
Courcelle, Francisco (1705-1778)
Coward, James (1824-1880)
Coward, Sir Noël (1899-1973)
Cowell, Henry (1897-1965)
Cowen, Sir Frederic Hymen (1852-1935)
Cox, Neil (b1955)
Cózatl, Jorge (b?)
Craen, Nicolaus (?-1507)
Cramer, Johann Baptist (1771-1858)
Cranford, William (fl1613-fl1621)
Craxton, Harold (1885-1971)
Creamer, Henry (1879-1930)
Crecquillon, Thomas (c1505-c1557)
Crellin, Naomi (b?)
Cressonnois, Jules (1823-1883)
Cristo, Pedro de (c1550-1618)
Croce, Giovanni (c1557-1609)
Croft, William (1678-1727)
Crooke, Sidney (?-?)
Crotch, William (1775-1847)
Cruft, Adrian (1921-1987)
Crüger, Johannes (1598-1662)
Crumb, George (1929-2022)
Crusell, Bernhard Henrik (1775-1838)
Cruttwell-Reade, Ninfea (b1989)
Cui, César (1835-1918)
Cullen, Joseph (b?)
Culloton, Matthew (b1976)
Cummings, William Hayman (1831-1915)
Cunningham, Bridget (b?)
Curtis, Ian (1956-1980)
Curzon, Frederic (1899-1973)
Cutler, Joe (b1968)
Cutting, Francis (c1550-1595/6)
Czerny, Carl (1791-1857)
Cziffra, György (1921-1994)
Dacre, Harry (1860-1922)
Dahmen, Johann Arnold (1766-1812)
Dale, Benjamin (1885-1943)
Dale, Rebecca (b1985)
Daley, Eleanor (b1955)
Dall'Abaco, Evaristo Felice (1675-1742)
Dallapiccola, Luigi (1904-1975)
Dallo y Lana, Miguel Mateo de (?c1650-1705)
Dalza, Joan Ambrosio (fl1508-1508)
Daman, William (c1540-1591)
Damase, Jean-Michel (1928-2013)
Damett, [Thomas?] (? 1389/90-between 15 July 1436 and 14 April 1437)
D'Anglebert, Jean-Henri (1635-1691)
Danillon, Regis (b1949)
Dankworth, Sir John (1927-2010)
Danyel, John (1564-c1626)
Danziger, Dr Ron J (b?)
Daquin, Louis-Claude (1694-1772)
Dargaville, Tim (b1962)
Dargomïzhsky, Aleksandr (1813-1869)
Darke, Harold (1888-1976)
Darlington, Stephen (b?)
Darwall, John (1731-1789)
Daser, Ludwig (1526-1589)
Datta, Soumik (b?)
Davenport, John (1931-2002)
David, Félicien-César (1810-1876)
David, Ferdinand (1810-1873)
David, John (b1946)
David, Mack (1912-1993)
Davie, Cedric Thorpe (1913-1983)
Davies, David Ivor (1893-1951)
Davies, Jeremy (b1963)
Davies, Sir Henry Walford (1869-1941)
Davies, Tansy (b1973)
Davis, Carl (b1936)
Davis, Katherine Kennicott (1892-1980)
Davis, Oliver (b1972)
Davis, Taylor Scott (b1980)
Davison, Nigel (b1929)
Davy, John (1763-1824)
Day, Edgar Frederick (1891-1983)
De Fesch, Willem (1687-?1757)
de Greef, Arthur (1862-1940)
de Sabata, Victor (1892-1967)
De Silva, Andreas (c1475/80-c1530)
Dean, Brett (b1961)
Deane, William (?1575-c1638)
Dearmer, Percy (1867-1936)
Dearnley, Christopher (1930-2000)
Deazley, Stephen (b1969)
Debretzeni, Kati (b?)
Debussy, Claude (1862-1918)
Decaux, Abel (1869-1943)
DeLange, Eddie (1904-1949)
Delerue, Georges (1925-1992)
Delibes, Léo (1836-1891)
De-Lisser, Mark (b?)
Delius, Frederick (1862-1934)
Demessieux, Jeanne (1921-1968)
Denis Le Grant (d1352)
Dennehy, Donnacha (b1970)
Dennis, Catherine (b1969)
Denoth, Christoph
Dering, Richard (c1580-1630)
Derr, Elwood (b?)
Desmond, Eoghan (b1989)
Despax, Emmanuel (b?)
Dessauer, Josef (1798-1876)
DeSylva, George Buddy (1895-1950)
Dett, Robert Nathaniel (1882-1943)
Deutsch, Otto Erich (1883-1967)
Devor, James (b1982)
Dexter, Harry (1910-1973)
Dhamabutra, Narongrit (b1962)
Diabelli, Anton (1781-1858)
Díaz Bessón, Gabriel (before 1590-1638)
Díaz-Jerez, Gustavo (b1970)
Dibble, Jeremy (b?)
Dibdin, Charles (1745-1814)
Dickson, Stanley (1885-1956)
Diémer, Louis (1843-1919)
Dietrich, Albert (1829-1908)
Dietrichstein, Moritz von (1775-1864)
Dietz, Howard (1896-1983)
Distler, Hugo (1908-1942)
Dittersdorf, Carl Ditters von (1739-1799)
Divitis, Antonius (c1470-c1530)
Dix, J Airlie (d1911)
Dixon, Graham (b?)
Dixon, Jon (b?)
Dizi, François-Joseph (1780-c1840)
Dlugoraj, Wojciech (1557/8-after c1619)
Dobbins, Bill (b?)
Docker, Robert (1918-1992)
Doheny, Anthony (b1938)
Doherty, Seán (b?)
Döhler, Theodor (1814-1856)
Dohnányi, Ernő (1877-1960)
Dolmetsch, Rudolph (1906-1942)
Domarto, Petrus de (fl1450-1450)
Domínguez, Alberto (1913-1975)
Donizetti, Gaetano (1797-1848)
Donizetti, Giuseppe (1788-1856)
Doppelbauer, Josef Freidrich (1918-1989)
Dougherty, Celius (1902-1986)
Douglas, Roy (b?)
Dove, Jonathan (b1959)
Dowland, John (1563-1626)
Draeseke, Felix (1835-1913)
Draghi, Giovanni Battista (c1640-1708)
Dragoni, Giovanni Andrea (c1540-1598)
Drake, Sir Francis (1588-1637)
Drake, Susan (b?)
Drayton, Paul (b1944)
Dresser, Paul (1857-1906)
Dreyschock, Alexander (1818-1869)
Driffelde, Robert[?] (fl1424-1468)
Dring, Madeleine (1923-1977)
Drofnatski, Karel (1852-1924)
Druce, Duncan (1939-2015)
Dubensky, Arcady (1890-1966)
Dubois, Théodore (1837-1924)
Dubra, Rihards (b1964)
Dubugnon, Richard (b1968)
Duddell, Joe (b1972)
Dudley, Anne (b1956)
Dufay, Guillaume (1397-1474)
Duhig, Ian (b?)
Dukas, Paul (1865-1935)
Dumesnil, Maurice (1886-1974)
Dun, Tan (b1957)
Dunachie, Patrick (b?)
Duncan, Trevor (1924-2005)
Dunhill, Thomas (1877-1946)
Duni, Egidio (1708-1775)
Dunkley, Sally (b?)
Dunphy, Melissa (b1980)
Dünser, Richard (b1959)
Dunstall, Clive (b?)
Dunstaple, John (c1390-1453)
Duparc, Henri (1848-1933)
Dupont, Auguste (1827-1890)
Dupré, Marcel (1886-1971)
Durand, Auguste (1830-1909)
Durant, Sharon
Durante, Francesco (1684-1755)
Durey, Louis (1888-1979)
D'Urfey, Thomas (1653-1723)
Durosoir, Lucien (1878-1955)
Duruflé, Maurice (1902-1986)
Dushkin, Samuel (1891-1976)
Dussek, Jan Ladislav (1760-1812)
Dutilleux, Henri (1916-2013)
Dvořák, Antonín (1841-1904)
Dyens, Roland (1955-2016)
Dykes, John Bacchus (1823-1876)
Dylan, Bob (b1941)
Dyson, Sir George (1883-1964)
Earle, William Benson (1740-1796)
Earley, Desmond (b1974)
East, Michael (1580-1648)
Eastop, Zachary (b1997)
Ebeling, Johann Georg (1637-1676)
Eben, Petr (1929-2007)
Eberwein, Maximilian (1775-1831)
Ebreo da Pesaro, Guglielmo (c1420-1484)
Eccard, Johannes (1533-1611)
Eccles II, Solomon (1649-1710)
Eccles, John (1668-1735)
Edgley Smith, Mark (1955-2008)
Edmundson, Garth (1900-1971)
Edwards, Edwin (1830-1907)
Edwards, Paul (b1955)
Edwards, Ross (b1943)
Eftestøl, Sverre (b1952)
Egressy, Béni (1814-1851)
Eichheim, Henry (1870-1942)
Eiger, Walter (b1917)
Einaudi, Ludovico (b1955)
Einfelde, Maija (b1939)
Eisler, Hanns (1898-1962)
Elgar, Sir Edward (1857-1934)
Elias, Brian (b1948)
Ellington, Edward Kennedy 'Duke' (1899-1974)
Elliott, James William (1833-1915)
Elliott, Vernon (1912-1996)
Elliott, Zo (1891-1964)
Ellis, Simon (b?)
Ellis, Vivian (1903-1996)
Elmas, Stéphan (1862-1937)
Elms, Roderick (b1951)
Elsley, Owen (b?)
El-Turk, Bushra (b?)
Elvey, Sir George Job (1816-1893)
Elvey, Stephen (1805-1860)
Emanuel, Louis (1819-c1889)
Emery, Matthew (b1991)
Emmett, Daniel Decatur (1815-1904)
Encina, Juan del (1468-1529/30)
Enescu, George (1881-1955)
Eno, Brian (b1948)
Enrique (d1488)
Epworth, Paul (b1974)
Erb, James (1926-2014)
Erbach, Christian (c1570-1635)
Eremita, Giulio (c1550-c1600)
Ericsson, Hans-Ola (b1958)
Eriksson, Gunnar (b1936)
Erkel, Ferenc (1810-1893)
Erlanger, Frédéric d' (1868-1943)
Ernesaks, Gustav (1908-1993)
Ernoul le vielle de Gastinois (fl c1280-1280)
Ernst, Duke of Sachsen-Coburg-Gotha (1818-1893)
Ernst, Heinrich Wilhelm (1814-1865)
Ernst, Johann (1696-1715)
Ertel, Sebastian (1550/60-1618)
Escobedo, Bartolomé de (c1505-1563)
Ešenvalds, Ēriks (b1977)
Esipoff, Stepan (?-?)
Esmail, Reena (b1983)
Esquivel, Juan (c1560-before 1630)
Esteban, Miguel (b?)
Estrin, Marshall (b1996)
Eteson, Richard (b?)
Etienne de Meaux (fl1250-1250)
Euprasert, Denny (b1969)
Evans, David (1874-1948)
Evans, David (b1957)
Evans, Tolchard (1901-1978)
Ewazen, Eric (b1954)
Ewing, Alexander (1830-1895)
Excetre, J (fl c1410-1410)
Eyck, Jacob van (1589-1657)
Eymard, Matthieu (b?)
Faidit, Gaucelm (c1150-c1220)
Fairclough, Matthew (b1970)
Falkenberg, Amanda Lee (b?)
Falla, Manuel de (1876-1946)
Fano, Guido Alberto (1875-1961)
Fantini, Girolamo (1600-c1640)
Farber, Sharon (b1965)
Fariña, Mimi (1945-2001)
Farjeon, Harry (1878-1948)
Farmer, John (fl1591-1601)
Farnaby, Giles (c1563-1640)
Farnaby, Richard (c1594-?)
Farnon, Robert (1917-2005)
Farrant, Richard (?1525-1580)
Farrar, Ernest (1885-1918)
Farrell, Bernadette (b1957)
Farrés, Osvaldo (1902-1985)
Farrin, Suzanne (b?)
Farrington, Iain (b1977)
Fasch, Johann Friedrich (1688-1758)
Fauré, Gabriel (1845-1924)
Fawcett, John (1789-1867)
Fayrfax, Robert (1464-1521)
Feinberg, Samuil (1890-1962)
Feldman, Morton (1926-1987)
Fenby, Eric (1906-1997)
Ferguson, Barry (b1942)
Ferguson, Howard (1908-1999)
Ferguson, William Harold (1874-1950)
Ferko, Frank (b1950)
Fernandes, Gaspar (1570-1629)
Fernández Palero, Francisco (d1597)
Fernandez, Aires (?-?)
Fernández, Heraclio (1851-1886)
Ferrabosco, Alfonso (1542/3-1588)
Ferrabosco, Alfonso (c1575-1628)
Ferrari, Luc (1929-2005)
Festa, Costanzo (c1485/90-1545)
Festa, Sebastiano (1495-1524)
Festetics, Count Leo (1800-1884)
Fetrás, Oscar (1854-1931)
Févin, Antoine de (c1470-1511/12)
Fibich, Zdeněk (1850-1900)
Field, John (1782-1837)
Fields, Buddy (1889-1965)
Fillimarino, Fabrizio (fl1594-1594)
Filsell, Jeremy (b?)
Finck, Herman (1872-1939)
Finetti, Giacomo (fl1605-1631)
Finger, Gottfried (c1660-1730)
Finlay, Kenneth G (1882-1974)
Finnis, Edmund (b1984)
Finnissy, Michael (b1946)
Finzi, Gerald (1901-1956)
Fiocco, Joseph Hector (1703-1741)
Fiorillo, Federigo (1775-1823)
Firestone, Idabelle (1874-1954)
Fischer, Edwin (1886-1960)
Fischer, Johann Caspar Ferdinand (c1670-1746)
Fischer, Michael Gotthard (1773-1829)
Fischer, Wilfried (b1938)
Fischhof, Robert (1856-1918)
Fissinger, Edwin (1920-1990)
Fitch, Fabrice (b1967)
Fitkin, Graham (b1963)
Fitzenhagen, Wilhelm (1848-1890)
Flanders, Michael (1922-1975)
Flecha, Matteo (1481-1553)
Fletcher, Percy (1879-1932)
Fleury, Abel (1903-1958)
Flintoft, Luke (c1680-1727)
Florio, Giovanni (fl1555-1598)
Flotow, Friedrich von (1812-1883)
Foggitt, Peter (b?)
Fontaine, Louis-Noël (b1956)
Fontaine, Pierre (c1380-c1450)
Fontana, Giovanni Battista (?-c1630)
Fonteyns (fl c1400-1400)
Forbes L'Estrange, Joanna (b1971)
Ford, Thomas (d1648)
Forest (fl 1400-1450)
Forestier, Mathurin (fl c1500-1500)
Forrest, Dan (b1978)
Forsdyke, Leo (b?)
Forsey, Keith (b1948)
Forshaw, Christian (b1972)
Forsyth, Cecil (1870-1941)
Foss, Chris (b?)
Foss, Hubert (1899-1953)
Fossa, François de (1775-1849)
Foster, John (1762-1822)
Foster, John (1827-1915)
Foster, Stephen (1826-1864)
Foster-Gillies, Amy (b1973)
Foulds, John Herbert (1880-1939)
Fournival, Richart de (1201-1260)
Fowler, [John?] (fl c1460-1460)
Fox, Christopher (b1955)
Françaix, Jean (1912-1997)
Frances (b1993)
Franceschini, Petronio (1650-1680)
Francesco Canova da Milano (1497-1543)
Frances-Hoad, Cheryl (b1980)
Franchomme, Auguste (1808-1884)
Franck, César (1822-1890)
Franco, Hernando (1532-1585)
Francus de Insula (fl1420-1425)
Frankel, Benjamin (1906-1973)
Franz, Robert (1815-1892)
Franz, Stephan (1785-1855)
Franzetti, Carlos (b?)
Fraser-Simson, Harold (1872-1944)
French, M Helen (?-?)
French, Percy (1854-1920)
Frescobaldi, Girolamo (1583-1643)
Freyhan, Michael (b?)
Fricker, Herbert A (1868-1943)
Friedländer, Max (1852-1934)
Friedman, Ignacy (1882-1948)
Friend, Lisa (b?)
Friml, Rudolf (1879-1972)
Frogatt, Anthony (b1946)
Frost, Stephen (b1959)
Frye, Walter (d1475)
Fryer, Herbert (1877-1957)
Fuchs, Robert (1847-1927)
Fučik, Julius (1872-1916)
Fülep, Tibor (b1923)
Fung, Zlatomir (b1999)
Furniss, Rosemary (b?)
Fux, Johann Joseph (1660-1741)
Gabbitas, Christopher (b1979)
Gablenz, Jerzy (1888-1937)
Gabriel de Texerana (?1480-1528)
Gabriel, Virginia (1825-1877)
Gabrieli, Andrea (c1510-1586)
Gabrieli, Giovanni (c1554/7-1612)
Gabrilowitsch, Ossip (1878-1936)
Gace Brulé (c1160-after 1213)
Gad, Tobias (b1968)
Gade, Niels Wilhelm (1817-1890)
Galilei, Vincenzo (c1520-1591)
Gallagher, Noel (b1967)
Galli, Antonius (d1565)
Gallo, Domenico (fl1745-1755)
Galvani, Marco (b1994)
Gamble, Kenny (b1943)
Ganglberger, Johann Wilhelm (1876-1938)
Gant, Andrew (b?)
Ganz, Rudolph (1877-1972)
Gara, Jeremy (b?)
Garbon, Lucien (b?)
Garcia, Eduardo (b?)
Garcia, José Maurício Nunes (1767-1830)
Gardane, Antonio (1509-1569)
Gardel, Carlos (1887-1935)
Gardiner, Henry Balfour (1877-1950)
Gardiner, Sir John Eliot (b1943)
Gardiner, William (1770-1853)
Gardner, John (1917-2011)
Garland, Tim (b1966)
Garner, Erroll (1923-1977)
Garrard, Timothy (b?)
Garrett, George Mursell (1834-1897)
Garsi da Parma, Santino (1542-1604)
Garth, John (1722-1810)
Garthwaite, Joel (b?)
Gastoldi, Giovanni Giacomo (c1553/4-1609)
Gauntlett, Henry John (1805-1876)
Gautier de Dargies (c1165-after 1236)
Gay, John (1685-1732)
Geehl, Henry (1882-1961)
Geist, Christian (c1640-1711)
Gelineau, Joseph (1920-2008)
Geminiani, Francesco (1687-1762)
Gendron, Maurice (1920-1990)
Georg Hólm (b1976)
George-Hainl, François (1807-1876)
Gerarde, Dericke (1485-1580)
Geraso (fl 1700-fl 1720)
German, David (b1954)
German, Edward (1862-1936)
Germani, Fernando (1906-1998)
Gernsheim, Friedrich (1839-1916)
Gershwin, George (1898-1937)
Gershwin, Ira (1896-1983)
Gervaise, Claude (fl1540-1560)
Gervays (fl c1400-1400)
Gesualdo, Carlo (c1561-1613)
Geter, Damien (b?)
Giacobbi, Girolamo (1567-1628)
Giacomelli, Geminiano (c1692-1740)
Gianoncelli, Bernardo (fl1650-1650)
Giardini, Felice (1716-1796)
Giay, Giovanni Antonio (1690-1764)
Giazotto, Remo (1910-1998)
Gibbons, Beth (b1965)
Gibbons, Christopher (1615-1676)
Gibbons, Ellis (1573-1603)
Gibbons, Orlando (1583-1625)
Gibbs, Alan (b1932)
Gibbs, Cecil Armstrong (1889-1960)
Gibbs, Joseph (1698-1788)
Gibbs, Stacey V (b1962)
Gibson, Bob (1931-1996)
Gibson, Josephine (b?)
Gibson, Tim (b?)
Gieseking, Walter (1895-1956)
Gigout, Eugène (1844-1925)
Giguère, Patrick (b?)
Gilbert, Joe (b?)
Giles, Thomas (?-?)
Gill, Harry (1897-1987)
Gillis, Don (1912-1978)
Gimpel, Jakob (1906-1989)
Ginastera, Alberto (1916-1983)
Ginzburg, Grigory (1904-1961)
Ginzburg, Lev Solomonovich (1907-1981)
Giorgi, Giovanni (d1762)
Giovannelli, Ruggiero (c1560-1625)
Giovanni da Cascia (fl 1340-1350)
Gippenbusch, Jacob (1612-1664)
Gipps, Ruth (1921-1999)
Giraut de Bornelh (c1140-1200)
Gismonti, Egberto (b1947)
Giuliani, Mauro (1781-1829)
Giustinian, Leonardo (c1383-1446)
Gjeilo, Ola (b1978)
Gladwin, Thomas (c1710-?1799)
Glass, Philip (b1937)
Glasser, Stanley (b1926)
Glazunov, Alexander (1865-1936)
Gleichmann, William (?-?)
Glière, Reinhold (1875-1956)
Glinka, Mikhail (1804-1857)
Gluck, Christoph Willibald, Ritter von (1714-1787)
Glynn, Christopher (b1974)
Godard, Benjamin (1849-1895)
Godefroid, Félix (1818-1897)
Godefroy de St Victoire (fl1170-1190)
Godfrey, Fred (1837-1882)
Godin, Felix (c1864-1925)
Godowsky, Leopold (1870-1938)
Goedicke, Alexander (1877-1957)
Goehr, Alexander (b1932)
Goehr, Walter (1903-1960)
Goetz, Hermann (1840-1876)
Goldmark, Karl (1830-1915)
Goldschmidt, Adalbert von (1848-1906)
Goldschmidt, Otto (1829-1907)
Goldstein, Mikhail (1917-1989)
Golijov, Osvaldo (b1960)
Golovanov, Nikolay (January 1891-1958)
Gombert, Nicolas (c1495-c1560)
Gomes, André da Silva (1752-1844)
Gontier de Soignies (dfl before 1220)
Goodall, Howard (b1958)
Goodenough, Robert Philip (c1776-1826)
Goodhart, Arthur Murray (1866-1941)
Goodman, Alice (b1958)
Goodman, Benny (1909-1986)
Goodwin, Ron (1925-2003)
Goodwin, Starling (d1774)
Goossens, Sir Eugene (1893-1962)
Gordon, David (b1965)
Gordon, Geoffrey (b1968)
Gordon, Mack (1904-1959)
Gordon, Michael (b1956)
Gordy, Berry (b1929)
Górecki, Henryk (1933-2010)
Gorton, William (d1711)
Goss, Sir John (1800-1880)
Goss, Stephen (b1964)
Gottschalk, Louis Moreau (1829-1869)
Gottschick, Sebastian (b1959)
Gottwald, Clytus (1925-2023)
Goudimel, Claude (c1514-1572)
Gough, Orlando (b1953)
Gould, Glenn (1932-1982)
Gould, Morton (1913-1996)
Gounod, Charles (1818-1893)
Goves, Larry (b1980)
Gowers, Patrick (1936-2014)
Grabbe, Johann (1585-1655)
Grabu, Louis (fl1665-1694)
Grace, Harvey (1874-1944)
Graham, Brendan (b1945)
Grainger, Percy (1882-1961)
Granados, Enrique (1867-1916)
Granata, Giovanni Battista (dc1684)
Grandi, Alessandro (1575/80-1630)
Grant, David (1833-1893)
Grau Vegara, Francisco (1947-2019)
Grau, Gonzalo (b?)
Graun, Carl Heinrich (1704-1759)
Gray, Alan (1855-1935)
Greatorex, Thomas (1758-1831)
Greatorex, Walter (1877-1949)
Grechaninov, Aleksandr Tikhonovich (1864-1956)
Green, Alwyn (b?)
Green, CeeLo (b1974)
Green, Philip (1911-1982)
Greene, Maurice (1696-1755)
Gregorio, Joseph (b?)
Grétry, André-Ernest-Modeste (1741-1813)
Grieg, Edvard (1843-1907)
Grier, Francis (b1955)
Griffes, Charles Tomlinson (1884-1920)
Grigny, Nicolas de (1672-1703)
Grime, Helen (b1981)
Gritton, Peter (b1963)
Groeger, Bertrand (b1963)
Grofé, Ferde (1892-1972)
Grossi, Andrea (fl1680-1690)
Grossin, Estienne (fl 1418-1421)
Grosvenor, Benjamin (b1992)
Gruber, Franz Xaver (1787-1863)
Gruber, HK (b1943)
Grunenwald, Jean-Jacques (1911-1982)
Grünfeld, Alfred (1852-1924)
Grützmacher, Friedrich (1832-1903)
Guadagni, Gaetano (1728-1792)
Guami, Gioseffo (c1540-1611)
Guarnieri, Mozart Camargo (1907-1993)
Guastavino, Carlos (1912-2000)
Gubaidulina, Sofia (b1931)
Guédron, Pierre (c1570-c1620)
Guerau, Francisco (?1659-?1715)
Guerrero, Francisco (1528-1599)
Guest, Douglas (1916-1996)
Guest, George (1924-2002)
Guetta, David (b1967)
Gui d'Ussel (c1170-before 1225)
Guibert Kaukesel (fl c1230-1255)
Guido of Arezzo (991/2-after 1033)
Guillaume, Sydney (b?)
Guillou, Jean (b1930)
Guilmant, Alexandre (1837-1911)
Guion, David Wendell de Fentresse (1892-1981)
Guiot de Dijon (fl1215-1225)
Guiraud, Ernest (1837-1892)
Gulda, Friedrich (1930-2000)
Gunning, Christopher (1944-2023)
Guridi, Jesús (1886-1961)
Gurney, Ivor (1890-1937)
Gussago, Cesario (fl1599-1612)
Guyot, Jean (?1520-1588)
Gyger, Elliott (b1968)
Gynn, Eloise Nancie (b1985)
Gyrowetz, Adalbert (1763-1850)
Haas, Pavel (1899-1944)
Hadley, Patrick (1899-1973)
Hageman, Richard (1882-1966)
Hagen, Jocelyn (b1980)
Hägg, Jakob Adolf (1850-1928)
Hagley, Joshua (b?)
Hahn, Reynaldo (1874-1947)
Hairston, Jester (1901-2000)
Hakim, Naji (b1955)
Halévy, Fromental (1799-1862)
Halffter, Ernesto (1905-1989)
Hall, Henry (c1656-1707)
Hall, Mike (b1957)
Hallgrímsson, Haflidi (b1941)
Halsey, Louis (b1929)
Halstead, Anthony (b1945)
Halvorsen, Johan (1864-1935)
Hamelin, Marc-André (b1961)
Hamilton, Arthur (b1926)
Hamilton, Gordon (b?)
Hammond, Albert (b1944)
Hammond, Richard (1896-1980)
Hancock, Gerre (1934-2012)
Handel, George Frideric (1685-1759)
Handford, George (1582/5-1647)
Handl, Jacobus (1550-1591)
Hanforth, Thomas William (1867-1948)
Hanmer, Ronald (1917-1994)
Hann, Sidney (1867-1921)
Hannon, Neil (b1970)
Hansson, Bo (b1950)
Hardel, Jacques (d1678)
Hardelot, Guy d' (c1858-1936)
Harington, Henry (1727-1816)
Harlap, Aharon (b1941)
Harper, Celia (b1945)
Harper, Roy (b1941)
Harris, Christopher H (b1985)
Harris, Keith (b1949)
Harris, Robert A (b1938)
Harris, Roy (1898-1979)
Harris, Sir William (1883-1973)
Harrison, Annie Fortescue (1851-1944)
Harrison, Daniel (b?)
Harrison, George (1943-2001)
Harrison, John (1808-1871)
Harrison, John (fl1867-1880)
Harrison, Julius (1885-1963)
Harrison, Lou (1917-2003)
Harrison, Timothy Craig (b1962)
Hart, Paul (b1954)
Hartley, Fred (1905-1991)
Hartley, Philip (b?)
Hartmann, Johan Peter Emilius (180-1900)
Hartmann, Karl Amadeus (1905-1963)
Harty, Sir Hamilton (1879-1941)
Harvey, Jonathan (1939-2012)
Harvey, Roger (b?)
Harwood, Basil (1859-1949)
Harwood, Edward (1707-1787)
Hasse, Johann Adolf (1699-1783)
Hasselmans, Alphonse (1845-1912)
Hassilev, Alex (b1932)
Hassler, Hans Leo (1562-1612)
Hatt, Chris (b?)
Hatton, John Liptrot (1808-1886)
Haucourt, Johannes (fl 1390-after 1416)
Havergal, William Henry (1793-1870)
Hawes, Patrick (b1958)
Hawkesworth, Henry (b?)
Hawley, William (b1950)
Haydn, Joseph (1732-1809)
Haydn, Michael (1737-1806)
Hayes, Christopher (b?)
Hayes, Nick (b1963)
Hayes, Philip (1738-1797)
Hayman, Richard (1920-2014)
Hayne, L G (1836-1883)
Haywood, John (b?)
Hazlewood, Charles (b?)
Head, Michael (1900-1976)
Heap, Imogen (b1977)
Hebden, John (c1712-1765)
Heidenreich, Karl (1879-1922)
Heifetz, Jascha (1901-1987)
Heinze, Gustav Adolf (1820-1904)
Hellendaal, Pieter (1721-1799)
Heller, Stephen (1813-1888)
Hellinck, Lupus (1493/4-1541)
Hellmesberger, Joseph (1828-1893)
Helmore, Thomas (1811-1890)
Hely, Benjamin (dbefore 1699)
Hely, Cuthbert (fl1620-1648)
Hemby, Natalie (b1977)
Hemmings, Alan Stephen (1934-2018)
Henderson, Archibald Martin (1879-1957)
Hendricks, Jon (b1921)
Henry V (1386-1422)
Henry VIII (1491-1547)
Henselt, Adolph von (1814-1889)
Herbeck, Johann, Ritter von (1831-1877)
Herbert, Victor (1859-1924)
Herbst, Martin (1654-1681)
Hermannus Contractus (1013-1054)
Hernández, Francisco (1517-1587)
Herrick, Christopher (b1942)
Herrmann, Bernard (1911-1975)
Herschel, Sir William (1738-1822)
Hertel, Johann Wilhelm (1727-1789)
Hervey, Frederick Alfred (1846-1910)
Herz, Henri (1803-1888)
Hess, Dame Myra (1890-1965)
Hess, Johnny (1915-1983)
Hess, Nigel (b1953)
Hess, Willy (1906-1997)
Hession, Toby (b1997)
Heuberger, Richard (1850-1914)
Hewitt Jones, Thomas (b?)
Hewitt, Angela (b1958)
Heykens, Jonny (1884-1945)
Hickman, Art (1886-1930)
Hickox, Richard (1948-2008)
Hidalgo, Juan (1614-1685)
Higgs, Henry Marcellus (1855-1929)
Hildegard of Bingen, Saint (1098-1179)
Hill, Alfred (1869-1960)
Hill, David (b1957)
Hill, Jackson (b1941)
Hill, John (1714-?)
Hillemacher, Lucien-Joseph-Édouard (1860-1909)
Hillemacher, Paul-Joseph-Guillaume (1852-1933)
Hiller, Ferdinand (1811-1885)
Hilton, John (1565-?1609)
Hilton, John (1599-1657)
Hindemith, Paul (1895-1963)
Hindson, Matthew (b1968)
Hine, Stuart (1899-1989)
Hine, William (1687-1730)
Hisaishi, Joe (b1950)
Hobbs, John William (1799-1877)
Hoddinott, Alun (1929-2008)
Hodges, Edward (1796-1867)
Hoérée, Arthur (1897-1986)
Hoffman, Al (1902-1960)
Hoffmann, Melchior (c1679-1715)
Hoffstetter, Roman (1742-1815)
Hofhaimer, Paul (1459-1537)
Hofmann, Josef (1876-1957)
Holborne, Antony (c?1545-1602)
Holbrooke, Joseph (1878-1958)
Hollins, Alfred (1865-1942)
Holloway, Robin (b1943)
Holman, Peter (b1946)
Holmès, Augusta (1847-1903)
Holmes, John (?-1629)
Holowell, Sonya (b?)
Holst, Gustav (1874-1934)
Holst, Imogen (1907-1984)
Holst, Matthew (b?)
Holten, Bo (b1948)
Holzmann, Abe (1874-1939)
Homer, Sidney (1864-1953)
Honegger, Arthur (1892-1955)
Honnoré, Léon (1859-after 1901)
Hook, James (1746-1827)
Hook, Peter (b1956)
Hooper, Edmund (c1553-1621)
Hoorickx, Father Reinhard van (1918-1997)
Hope, Peter (b1930)
Hopkins, Alexander (b?)
Hopkins, Antony (1921-2014)
Hopkins, Edward John (1818-1901)
Hopkins, John Henry (1820-1891)
Hopkins, John Larkin (1820-1873)
Horder, Mervyn (1910-1998)
Horne, Elsie (1870-1947)
Horovitz, Joseph (1926-2022)
Horowitz, Vladimir (1903-1989)
Horrocks-Hopayian, Cevanna (b1986)
Horsch, Lucie (b1999)
Horsley, William (1774-1858)
Horsting, Rob
Hotteterre, Jacques (1673-1763)
Hough, Stephen (b1961)
Hovland, Egil (1924-2013)
Howard, Leslie (b1948)
Howard, Michael (1922-2002)
Howat, Roy (b1951)
Howe, Mary (1882-1964)
Howell, Dorothy (1898-1982)
Howells, Herbert (1892-1983)
Høybye, John (b1939)
Hubay, Jenő (1858-1937)
Hudson, Will (1908-1981)
Hüe, Georges (1858-1948)
Huet, Gregorio (before 1550-c1616)
Huff, Leon (b1942)
Hug, Tobias (b?)
Hughes, Bernard (b1974)
Hughes, Herbert (1882-1937)
Hughes, John (1677-1720)
Hughes, John (1873-1932)
Hullah, John Pyke (1812-1884)
Hulse, Camil Van (1897-1988)
Humble, Aaron (b1977)
Hume, James Ord (1864-1932)
Hume, Tobias (?c1579-1645)
Humfrey, Pelham (1647-1674)
Hummel, Johann Nepomuk (1778-1837)
Humperdinck, Englebert (1854-1921)
Humphris, Ian (b?)
Hunnis, William (d1597)
Hunt, Thomas (fl c1600-fl c1600)
Huon de St Quentin (fl1210-fl1230)
Hurford, Peter (1930-2019)
Hurlstone, William (1876-1906)
Huss, Henry Holden (1862-1953)
Hutcheson, Ernest (1871-1951)
Hüttenbrenner, Anselm (1794-1868)
Hyde, Daniel (b1980)
Hyde, Thomas (b1978)
Ibert, Jacques (1890-1962)
Iliff, David (b?)
India, Sigismondo d' (c1582-c1629)
Indy, Vincent d' (1851-1931)
Infantas, Fernando de las (1534-c1610)
Infante, Manuel (1883-1958)
Inglot, William (1554-1621)
Innes, Don (b?)
Iradier, Sebastián de (1809-1865)
Ireland, John (1879-1962)
Irvine, Jessie Seymour (1836-1887)
Isaac, Heinrich (c1450-1517)
Iseut de Capio (?-?)
Isserlis, Julius (1888-1968)
Isserlis, Steven (b1959)
Ivan the Terrible, Tsar (1530-1584)
Ives, Charles (1874-1954)
Ives, Grayston (b1948)
Ives, Simon (1600-1662)
Jacchini, Giuseppe Maria (c1663-1727)
Jack, Adrian (b1943)
Jackman, Andrew (1946-2003)
Jackman, Jeremy (b1952)
Jackson, Francis (1917-2022)
Jackson, Gabriel (b1962)
Jackson, Michael (1958-2009)
Jackson, Thomas (1715-1781)
Jackson, Timothy (b1972)
Jackson, William (1730-1803)
Jacob de Senleches (fl1378-1395)
Jacob, Gordon (1895-1984)
Jacobs, William (c1800-1873)
Jacobs-Bond, Carrie (1862-1946)
Jacobson, Julian (b1947)
Jacobson, Maurice (1896-1976)
Jacques, Reginald (1894-1969)
Jacquet of Mantua (1483-1559)
Jadassohn, Salomon (1831-1902)
Janáček, Leoš (1854-1928)
Jančevskis, Jēkabs (b1992)
Janequin, Clément (c1485-1558)
Janotha, Natalia (1856-1932)
Jarman, Thomas (1776-1861)
Jarreau, Al (b1940)
Jarvis, Samuel (d1785)
Jarvis, Stephen (?-?)
Javits, Joan (b?)
Jeffreys, George (c1610-1685)
Jeffries, John (b1927)
Jegede, Tunde (b1972)
Jenkins, Gordon (1910-1984)
Jenkins, John (1592-1678)
Jenkins, Karl (b1944)
Jennings, Kenneth (1925-2015)
Jensen, Adolf (1837-1879)
Jepsen, Carly Rae (b1985)
Jessel, Leon (1871-1942)
Joachim, Joseph (1831-1907)
João IV of Portugal (1604-1656)
Jobim, Antônio Carlos (1927-1994)
Joel, Billy (b1949)
Johannes de Lymburgia (fl1400-1440)
John, Keith (b1953)
John, Sir Elton (b1947)
Johns, Sebastian (b?)
Johnson, David (1922-1987)
Johnson, Edward (fl1572-1601)
Johnson, Emma (b1966)
Johnson, Robert (c1583-1633)
Johnson, Simon (b1975)
Johnston, Ken (b?)
Jolivet, André (1905-1974)
Jolson, Al (1886-1950)
Jommelli, Niccolò (1714-1774)
Jones, John (1728-1796)
Jones, Richard (d1744)
Jones, Richard Elfyn (b?)
Jones, Robert (fl1597-1615)
Jones, Sidney (1861-1946)
Jones, Stuart (b?)
Jongen, Joseph (1873-1953)
Jónsi (b1975)
Joplin, Scott (1868-1917)
Jorda, Pere (?-?)
Jordan, Louis (1908-1975)
Jordan, Thomas (c1614-1685)
Joseph James (b?)
Joseph, Julian (b1966)
Joslyn, Andrew (b?)
Josquin des Prez (c1450/55-1521)
Joubert, John (1927-2019)
Joyce, Archibald (1873-1963)
Joyce, Dr Patrick Weston (1827-1914)
Joyce, James (1882-1941)
Jung Jae-il (b1982)
Juon, Paul (1872-1940)
Kabalevsky, Dmitri (1904-1987)
Kachelmeier, Linda (b1965)
Kahane, Gabriel (b1981)
Kalabis, Viktor (1923-2006)
Kalianov, S (?-?)
Kalinnikov, Viktor (1870-1927)
Kalivoda, Jan Křtitel Václav (1801-1866)
Kalkbrenner, Friedrich (1785-1849)
Kálmán, Emmerich (1882-1953)
Kaner, Matthew (b?)
Kapsberger, Giovanni Girolamo (c1580-1651)
Kapustin, Nikolai (1937-2020)
Karg-Elert, Sigfrid (1877-1933)
Karłowicz, Mieczysław (1876-1909)
Karlsen, Kjell Mørk (b1947)
Kassia (810-by 867)
Kastalsky, Aleksandr (November 1856-1926)
Kastelic, Matej (b1994)
Kats-Chernin, Elena (b1957)
Kaufmann, Armin (1902-1980)
Kay, Brian (b1944)
Kaye, Buddy (1918-2002)
Keane, Robert (b1948)
Kearns, Benedict (b?)
Keating, Geoffrey (b?)
Kedrov, Nikolay (1871-1940)
Keel, James Frederick (1871-1954)
Keen, Marta (b?)
Keenan, Andrew (b?)
Kellam, Ian (b1933)
Keller, Gottfried (d before 25 November 1704)
Kellogg, Daniel (b1976)
Kelly, Bryan (b1934)
Kelly, Frederick Septimus (1881-1916)
Kemp, Will (?-?)
Kempff, Wilhelm (1895-1991)
Kennedy, Jimmy (1902-1984)
Kennedy, Piers Connor (b1991)
Kennedy-Fraser, Marjorie (1857-1930)
Kerll, Johann Caspar (1627-1693)
Kern, Jerome (1885-1945)
Kernis, Aaron Jay (b1960)
Ketèlbey, Albert W (1875-1959)
Key, Joseph (d1784)
Keyte, Hugh (b?)
Khachaturian, Aram (1903-1978)
Khalifa, Wiz (b1987)
Khan, Amjad Ali (b1945)
Khan, Kadar (b?)
Khan, Sultan (1940-2011)
Khan, Wajahat (b1969)
Kidjo, Angélique (b1960)
Kiefer, Hans-Martin (b1956)
Kiefert, Carl (c1855-1937)
Kiel, Friedrich (1821-1885)
Kilpinen, Yrjö (1892-1959)
Kindler, Hans (1892-1949)
King, Ben E (1938-2015)
King, Oliver (1855-1923)
King, Robert (b1960)
Kinoshita, Makiko (b1956)
Kirbye, George (c1565-1634)
Kirchner, Theodor Fürchtegott (1823-1903)
Kirkor, Georg (1910-1980)
Kirkpatrick, William James (1838-1921)
Kit and the Widow
Kitson, Charles Herbert (1874-1944)
Kjartan Sveinsson (b1978)
Klein, Gideon (1919-January 1945)
Kleinheinz, Karl Xaver (1765-1832)
Klimov, Pyotr (b1970)
Klingenstein, Bernhard (1545/6-1614)
Knecht, Justin Heinrich (1752-1817)
Knigge, Max (b1984)
Knight, Gerald Hocken (1908-1979)
Knight, Peter (1917-1985)
Knight, Richard (b?)
Knothe, Dietrich (b?)
Knotts, David (b1972)
Knowles, Brian (b1946)
Knüpfer, Sebastian (1633-1676)
Knyvett, William (1779-1856)
Koch, Johannes H E
Kocher, Conrad (1786-1872)
Kocián, Jaroslav (1883-1950)
Kocsis, Zoltán (1952-2016)
Kodály, Zoltán (1882-1967)
Koechlin, Charles (1867-1950)
Komitas, Vardapet (1869-1935)
Kondo, Koji (b1961)
Konoye, Hidemaro (1898-1973)
Koppin, Connor (b1991)
Korngold, Erich Wolfgang (1897-1957)
Kõrvits, Tõnu (b1969)
Koschat, Thomas (1845-1914)
Koshkin, Nikita (b1956)
Kosma, Joseph (1905-1969)
Kotecha, Savan (b?)
Kovacs, Stephen (1907-1964)
Kozeluch, Leopold (1747-1818)
Kramer, Arthur Walter (1890-1969)
Krása, Hans (1899-1944)
Kreek, Cyrillus (1889-1962)
Kreisler, Fritz (1875-1962)
Kreisler, Hugo (1884-1929)
Krenek, Ernst (1900-1991)
Kress, Georg Philipp (1719-1779)
Kreutzer, Conradin (1780-1849)
Kreutzer, Rodolphe (1766-1831)
Krieger, Johann (1652-1735)
Krieger, Johann Philipp (1649-1725)
Krommer, František (1759-1831)
Krov, Josef Theodor (1797-1859)
Krufft, Nikolaus von (1779-1818)
Kuhn, Paul (1928-2013)
Kuhnau, Johann (1660-1722)
Kullak, Theodor (1818-1882)
Kurtág, György (b1926)
La Comtesse de Die (fl1190?-1190)
La Forge, Frank (1879-1953)
La Hèle, George de (1547-1586)
La Montaine, John (1920-2013)
La Pierre, Paul de (1612-after 1690)
La Rue, Pierre de (c1452-1518)
Labunski, Felix (1892-1979)
Lachner, Franz Paul (1803-1890)
Lack, Graham (b1954)
Lacoste, Louis (c1675-c1750)
Laitman, Lori (b1955)
Lalande, Michel-Richard de (1657-1726)
Lalo, Édouard (1823-1892)
Laloux, Fernand (1901-1970)
Lamb, Ben (b?)
Lambe, Walter (c1450-c1500)
Lambert, Constant (1905-1951)
Lambert, Dave (1917-1966)
Lambert, Edward Frank (1868-1925)
Lamond, Frederic (1868-1948)
Lampe, Jens Bodewalt (1869-1929)
Lampe, John Frederick (1702/3-1751)
Lancaster, David (b1960)
Landini, Francesco (c1325-1397)
Landowska, Wanda (1879-1959)
Lane, Alan (1932-2002)
Lane, Jonathan (b1958)
Lane, Philip (b1950)
Lang, Craig Sellar (1891-1971)
Lang, David (b?)
Langdon, John (b?)
Langdon, Richard (1729-1803)
Langey, Otto (1851-1922)
Langford, Gordon (1930-2017)
Langgaard, Rued (1893-1952)
Langlais, Jean (1907-1991)
Langley, John
Langley, Robin (b?)
Lanier, Nicholas (1588-1666)
Lanquetuit, Marcel (1894-1985)
Lantins, Hugo de (fl 1420-1430)
Lapwood, Anna (b1995)
Larsen, Libby (b1950)
Lascae, Alexandru (1942-2009)
Lassen, Eduard (1830-1904)
Lassus, Orlande de (1530/32-1594)
Lauridsen, Morten (b1943)
Lauro, Antonio (1917-1986)
Lavallée, Calixa (1842-1891)
Lavino, James (b1973)
Lawes, Henry (1596-1662)
Lawes, William (1602-1645)
Lawrence-King, Andrew (b?)
Lawson, Geoff (b?)
Lawson, Ian (b1955)
Lawson, Philip (b1957)
Layton, Stephen (b1966)
Layton, Turner (1894-1978)
Lazzari, Ferdinando (1678-1754)
Lazzari, Sylvio (1857-1944)
Le Beau, Luise Adolpha (1850-1927)
Le Jeune, Claude (1528/30-1600)
Le Page, David (b1971)
Le Rouge, Guillaume (fl c1450-1465)
Le, Rex (b?)
Leach, Jimmy (b?)
Leach, Rachel (b1973)
Lebègue, Nicolas (c1631-1702)
Lebertoul, Franchois (fl 1409-?1428)
Leclair, Jean-Marie (1697-1764)
Lecocq, Charles (1832-1918)
Lecuona, Ernesto (1895-1963)
Ledger, Sir Philip (1937-2012)
Lee, Joanna (b1982)
Lee, Trey (b1973)
Leech, Owen (b1971)
Lefébure-Wély, Louis-James-Alfred (1817-1870)
Legend, John (b1978)
Legrand, Michel (1932-2019)
Legrant, Johannes (fl c1420-1440)
Legrenzi, Giovanni (1626-1690)
Lehár, Franz (1870-1948)
Lehmann, Liza (1862-1918)
Lehrer, Tom (b1928)
Leighton, Kenneth (1929-1988)
Leite, António da Silva (1759-1833)
Lekeu, Guillaume (1870-1894)
Lemare, Edwin (1865-1934)
Lennon, John (1940-1980)
Leo, Leonardo (1694-1744)
Leonard, Lawrence (1923-2001)
Leoni, Leone (c1550-1627)
Léonin 'Magister Leoninus' (fl1150s-c1201)
Leonore d'Este (1515-1575)
Leontovych, Mykola (1877-1921)
Leopold, Bohuslav (1888-1956)
Leopold, Rudolf (b1954)
Leschetizky, Theodor (1830-1915)
Leslie, Henry (1822-1896)
Lessmann, Otto (1844-1918)
L'Estrange, Alexander (b1974)
L'Estrange, Harry (b2008)
Leuner, Karl (?-?)
Lev, Tomer (b1967)
Levanon, Aryeh (1932-2023)
Levant, Oscar (1906-1972)
Leveridge, Richard (1670/1-1758)
Levin, Robert (b1947)
Levine, Alexander (b1955)
Levy, Alexandre (1864-1892)
Lewis, Al (?-?)
Lewis, Ed (1909-1985)
Lewis, Geraint (b1958)
Lewis, Huey (b1950)
Lewis, Ryan (b1988)
Ley, Henry George (1887-1962)
Lhéritier, Jean (c1480-after 1551)
Liadov, Anatol (1855-1914)
Lidarti, Christian Joseph (1730-1795)
Liddell, Claire (b?)
Lidström, Mats (b1959)
Liebermann, Lowell (b1961)
Ligeti, György (1923-2006)
Lilburn, Tom (b?)
Limbrick, Simon (b?)
Lincke, Paul (1866-1946)
Lindberg, Oskar (1887-1955)
Lindley, Simon (b?)
Lindpaintner, Peter von (1791-1856)
Lindsay, Peter (b?)
Linley, Thomas (1733-1795)
Linley, Thomas (1756-1778)
Linley, William (1771-1835)
Lintinen, Kirmo (b1967)
Lisley, John (fl c1600-fl c1600)
Liszt, Franz (1811-1886)
Litaize, Gaston (1909-1991)
Litolff, Henry Charles (1818-1891)
Livingston, Jay (1915-2001)
Livingston, Jerry (1909-1987)
Llewellyn, William (b1925)
Llobet, Miguel (1878-1938)
Lloyd Webber, Andrew (b1948)
Lloyd Webber, William (1914-1982)
Lloyd, Charles Harford (1849-1919)
Lloyd, Erika
Lloyd, Graham J (b?)
Lloyd, Richard (b1933)
Lobanova, Marina (b?)
Lobo de Mesquita, José Joaquim Emerico (1746-1805)
Lobo, Alonso (1555-1617)
Lobo, Duarte (c1565-1646)
Locatelli, Pietro (1695-1764)
Locke, Joe (b1959)
Locke, Matthew (c1621/3-1677)
Lockhart, Charles (1745-1815)
Lockhart, Eugene (1891-1957)
Loeillet, Jean Baptiste (1680-1730)
Loes, Harry Dixon (1892-1965)
Loewe, Carl (1796-1869)
Löhr, Hermann (1871-1943)
Loman, Jules (b?)
Lonati, Carlo Ambrogio (c1645-c1710/15)
Long, Ashley John (b1986)
Long, James (b1987)
Longas, Federico (1893-1968)
López Capillas, Francisco (1614-1674)
Lopez, Antonio (?-?)
Loqueville, Richard (d1418)
Lord, Jon (1941-2012)
Lotter, Adolf (1871-1942)
Lotti, Antonio (1667-1740)
Louis Ferdinand of Prussia, Prince (1772-1806)
Lourié, Arthur Vincent (1892-1966)
Lovatt, Samuel Ernest (1877-1954)
Love, Henry (1895-1976)
Love, Michael (b1941)
Løvland, Rolf (b1955)
Löwenstein-Wertheim-Freudenberg, Prince Carl Friedrich von (1783-1849)
Luard-Selby, Bertram (1853-1918)
Lubbe, Gareth (b?)
Lubbock, Jeremy (b?)
Luboff, Norman (1917-1987)
Luca, Dani
Ludford, Nicholas (c1490-1557)
Luigini, Alexandre (1850-1906)
Łukaszewski, Paweł (b1968)
Lully, Jean-Baptiste (1632-1687)
Lumsden, Andrew (b1962)
Lupi da Caravaggio, Livio (fl1607-1607)
Lupi, Johannes (c1506-1539)
Lupo, Joseph (c1537-1616)
Lupo, Thomas (1571-1627)
Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
Lutosławski, Witold (1913-1994)
Lutyens, Elisabeth (1906-1983)
Lutz, Wilhelm Meyer (c1829-1903)
Lyapunov, Sergei Mikhailovich (1859-1924)
Lyatoshinsky, Boris (1895-1968)
Lynch, Graham (b1957)
Lynch, Vincent (b?)
Lyon, Meyer (1751-1797)
Mac Domhnaill, Adhamhnán (b?)
Mac Domhnaill, Seán Clárach (1691-1754)
MacColl, Ewan (1915-1989)
MacCunn, Hamish (1868-1916)
MacDonald, Colin (b?)
Macdonald, Don (b1966)
MacDonald, Ralph (1944-2011)
MacDonald, Sarah (b1968)
MacDowell, Edward (1860-1908)
Macfarlane, Malcolm (?-?)
Macfarren, Sir George (1813-1887)
Macfarren, Walter (1826-1905)
Machaut, Guillaume de (c1300-1377)
Mackenzie, Sir Alexander Campbell (1847-1935)
Mackerras, Sir Charles (1925-2010)
Mackey, John (b1973)
Maclagan, Archbishop William Dalrymple (1826-1910)
MacMillan, Sir James (b1959)
Maconchy, Elizabeth (1907-1994)
Macpherson, Charles (1870-1927)
Macque, Giovanni de (?1548/50-1614)
Madan, Martin (1725-1790)
Madden, Richard (b1953)
Maessens, Pieter (c1505-1562)
Magalhães, Filipe de (c1563-1652)
Magin, Milosz (1929-1999)
Magnard, Albéric (1865-1914)
Mahler, Gustav (1860-1911)
Mahon, John (c1748-1834)
Mainerio, Giorgio (c1535-1582)
Maio, Giovan Tomaso di (c1500-1563)
Maistorovici, Vlad (b1985)
Majo, Giuseppe de (1697-1771)
Major, John (?-?)
Makaroff, Mia (b1970)
Makor, Andrej (b1987)
Malats, Joaquín (1872-1912)
Malcolm, George (1917-1997)
Maldere, Pierre van (1729-1768)
Malotte, Albert Hay (1895-1964)
Malzew, Stefan (b1964)
Mana-Zucca (1885-1981)
Manchicourt, Pierre de (c1510-1564)
Mancini, Curzio (c1553-after 1611)
Mancini, Francesco (1672-1737)
Mandyczewski, Eusebius (1857-1929)
Mann, Arthur Henry (1850-1929)
Manners, David (b1975)
Mansfield, Purcell James (1889-1968)
Mäntyjärvi, Jaakko (b1963)
Manz, Paul (1919-2009)
Manzanero, Armando (b1935)
Manze, Andrew (b1965)
Marais, Marin (1656-1728)
Marcello, Alessandro (1684-1750)
Marcello, Benedetto (1686-1739)
Marchant, Sir Stanley Robert (1883-1949)
Marchbank, Peter (b1943)
Marchetti, Fermo Dante (1876-1940)
Marder, Marc (b1955)
Maréchal, Maurice (1892-1964)
Maren, Artie (b?)
Marenzio, Luca (1553/4-1599)
Marianelli, Dario (b1963)
Marie de Dregnau de Lille (?-?)
Marín, José (?1619-1699)
Marini, Biagio (1594-1663)
Marini, Francesco Maria (fl 1637-1637)
Markevitch, Dimitry (1923-2002)
Marks, Johnny (1909-1985)
Marlow, Richard (1939-2013)
Marlowe, Louis (b?)
Marmén, Johannes (b1980)
Marr, Johnny (b1963)
Marsh, Joanna (b1970)
Marsh, John (1752-1828)
Marsh, William (fl1816-1816)
Marshall, Philip (1921-2005)
Marshall, Wayne (b1961)
Marson, George (c1573-1632)
Marston, Nicholas (b?)
Martín y Soler, Vicente (1754-1806)
Martin, Frank (1890-1974)
Martin, Hugh (1914-2011)
Martin, Manu (b?)
Martin, Matthew (b1976)
Martin, Max (b1971)
Martin, Ray (1918-1988)
Martin, Sir George Clement (1844-1916)
Martini, Jean-Paul-Égide (1741-1816)
Martinů, Bohuslav (1890-1959)
Martucci, Giuseppe (1856-1909)
Marx, Joseph (1882-1964)
Marx, Richard (b1963)
Maschmeyer, Natalie (b?)
Maskats, Arturs (b1957)
Mason, Christian (b1984)
Mason, William (1829-1908)
Massaino, Tiburtio (c1550-1609)
Massenet, Jules (1842-1912)
Matheus de Sancto Johanne (fl1365-?1389)
Mathias, William (1934-1992)
Matičič, Janez (b1926)
Matos Rodríguez, Gerardo (1897-1948)
Matteis, Nicola (c1678-1737)
Matteis, Nicola (d1695)
Matteo da Perugia (d?1418)
Matthay, Tobias (1858-1945)
Matthews, Colin (b1946)
Matthews, David (b1943)
Matthews, William (1759-1830)
Maunder, John Henry (1858-1920)
Maunder, Richard (b?)
Maurício, José (1752-1815)
Maw, Nicholas (1935-2009)
Mawby, Colin (1936-2019)
Mawson, James (b?)
Maxwell Davies, Sir Peter (1934-2016)
Maybrick, Michael (1844-1913)
Mayerl, Billy (1902-1959)
Maylath, Henry (1827-1883)
Mayo, Christopher (b1980)
Mayone, Ascanio (c1565-1627)
Mays, Lyle (b1953)
McAnally, Shane (b1974)
McArthur, Edwin (1907-1987)
McBroom, Amanda (b1947)
McBurney, Gerard (b1954)
McCabe, John (1939-2015)
McCarthy, James (b1979)
McCarthy, John (b1961)
McCartney, Paul (b1942)
McCormack, Andrew (b1978)
McDonald, Harl (1899-1955)
McDowall, Cecilia (b1951)
McEwen, Sir John (1868-1948)
McGarr, Peter (b1953)
McGill, Josephine (1877-1919)
McGlynn, Michael (b1964)
McGonigal, Dominic (b?)
McGowan, Keith (b?)
McKay, Albert (b1948)
McKevitt, Donna (b1970)
McKie, Sir William (1901-1984)
McLachlan, Sarah (b1968)
McLaughlin, John (b1942)
McMillan, Ian (b?)
McPhee, George (?-?)
McVicar, George (?-?)
McVie, Christine (b1943)
Meakins, Vaughan (b?)
Mealor, Paul (b1975)
Mednikoff, Nikolai (1890-1942)
Medtner, Nikolai (1880-1951)
Meeropol, Abel (1903-1986)
Méhul, Etienne-Nicolas (1763-1817)
Melachrino, George (1909-1965)
Melani, Alessandro (1639-1703)
Melani, Jacopo (1623-1676)
Melcer-Szczawinski, Henryk (1869-1928)
Melgás, Diogo Dias (1638-1700)
Mellos, Aristea (b1987)
Mendelssohn, Fanny (1805-1847)
Mendelssohn, Felix (1809-1847)
Mendes, Manuel (c1547-1605)
Mendoza, Quirino (1865-1957)
Menter, Sophie (1846-1918)
Merbecke, John (c1510-c1585)
Mercadante, Giuseppe Saverio Raffaele (1795-1870)
Mercure d'Orléans (fl c1590-c1619)
Mercury, Freddie (1946-1991)
Meredith, Anna (b1978)
Merrick, Frank (1886-1981)
Merula, Tarquinio (1594/5-1665)
Merulo, Claudio (1533-1604)
Messager, André (1853-1929)
Messerer, Henri (1838-1923)
Messiaen, Olivier (1908-1992)
Mestre, Melani (b1976)
Metcalf, John (b1946)
Metcalfe, John (b1964)
Metheny, Pat (b1954)
Meyer, Philippe-Jacques (1737-1819)
Meyerbeer, Giacomo (1791-1864)
Michael, George (b1963)
Michałowski, Aleksander (1851-1938)
Michi, Orazio (1594/5-1641)
Middleton, Hubert Stanley (1890-1959)
Migliacci, Franco (b1930)
Mika (b1983)
Mikhailovsky, Viktor (b?)
Mikhashoff, Yvar (1941-1993)
Milán, Luys (c1500-after 1560)
Milford, Robin (1903-1959)
Milhaud, Darius (1892-1974)
Militon (?-?)
Miller, Edward (1735-1807)
Milligan, Spike (1918-2002)
Mills, Frederick Allen (1869-1948)
Mills, Irving (1894-1985)
Mills, Kerry (1869-1948)
Milner, Anthony (1925-2002)
Milstein, Nathan (1904-1992)
Milton, John (c1563-1647)
Minkus, Ludwig (1826-1917)
Minot, Adolf (?-?)
Miškinis, Vytautas (b1954)
Misraki, Paul (1908-1998)
Miss L H of Liverpool (?-?)
Mitchell, Joni (b1943)
Mizell, Alphonso (1943-2011)
Młynarski, Emil (1870-1935)
Modugno, Domenico (1928-1994)
Moeran, Ernest John (1894-1950)
Moffat, Alfred (1866-1950)
Mold, Simon (b1957)
Molinari, Bernardino (1880-1952)
Molinaro, Simone (c1565-1615)
Molins, P des (fl 1350-1350)
Molloy, James Lynam (1837-1909)
Mompou, Federico (1893-1987)
Monckton, Lionel (1861-1924)
Mondonville, Jean-Joseph Cassanéa de (1711-1772)
Monk, Edwin George (1819-1900)
Monk, Thelonious (1917-1982)
Monk, William Henry (1823-1889)
Monks, Christopher (b?)
Monnikendam, Marius (1896-1977)
Monro, George (1680-1731)
Montague, Stephen (b1943)
Monte, Philippe de (1521-1603)
Monteverdi, Claudio (1567-1643)
Montgomery, Jessie (b1981)
Montsalvatge, Xavier (1912-2002)
Moody, Ivan (1964-2024)
Moore, Dudley (1935-2002)
Moore, Gerald (1899-1987)
Moore, Philip (b1943)
Moore, Thomas (1779-1852)
Morago, Estêvão Lopes (c1575-after 1630)
Morales, Cristóbal de (c1500-1553)
Morata, Ginés de (fl1550-1550)
Moray, Jim (b1981)
Moret, Niel (1878-1943)
Morgan, Blake (b?)
Morgan, Thomas (fl1691-1699)
Morgan-Williams, Bethan (b1992)
Moriarty, James (b?)
Moritz, Landgrave of Hessen-Kassel (1572-1632)
Morley, Thomas (1557/8-1602)
Morley, William (d1721)
Mornington, Garret Wesley (1735-1781)
Moroder, Giorgio (b1940)
Morricone, Ennio (b1928)
Morris, Reginald Owen (1886-1948)
Morris, Stephen (b1957)
Morrison, Sir George Ivan (b1945)
Mortelmans, Lodewijk (1868-1952)
Morton, Robert (c1430-after 13 March 1479)
Moruja, Fernando (1960-2004)
Moscheles, Ignaz (1794-1870)
Mosolov, Alexander (1900-1973)
Mosonyi, Mihály (1815-1870)
Mossman, Donald Wyndham Cremer (b1913)
Moszkowski, Moritz (1854-1925)
Mothersole, Wilfred John (1898-1992)
Moulinié, Étienne (1599-1676)
Moult, Daniel (b?)
Moulu, Pierre (?1484-c1550)
Mouton, Hubert (1872-1954)
Mouton, Jean (before 1459-1522)
Mozart, Franz Xaver (1791-1844)
Mozart, Leopold (1719-1787)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791)
Mraz, Jason (b1977)
Muczynski, Robert (1929-2010)
Mudarra, Alonso (c1510-1580)
Muffat, Georg (1653-1704)
Muhly, Nico (b1981)
Muir, Lewis F (?-?)
Muldowney, Dominic (b1952)
Mulet, Henri (1878-1967)
Mundy, James (1907-1983)
Mundy, John (c1555-1630)
Mundy, William (c1529-1591)
Murcott, Dominic (b1965)
Murdoch, William (1888-1942)
Murphy, Walter (b1952)
Murray, Alan Robert (1890-1952)
Murray, James Ramsey (1841-1905)
Murray, T K (b1965)
Murrill, Herbert (1909-1952)
Muset, Colin (fl c1200-1250)
Musgrave, Thea (b1928)
Musgraves, Kacey (b1988)
Musorgsky, Modest (1839-1881)
Musto, John (b1954)
Muyanga, Neo (b?)
Mvula, Laura (b1987)
Myaskovsky, Nikolai (1881-1950)
Myddleton, W H (c1858-1917)
Mykietyn, Paweł (b1971)
Mysliveček, Josef (1737-1781)
Nagel, Matthias (b1958)
Nakayama, Shinpei (1887-1952)
Nancarrow, Conlon (1912-1997)
Nanino, Giovanni Maria (1543/4-1607)
Napoleão dos Santos, Alfredo (1852-1917)
Napoleão dos Santos, Artur (1843-1925)
Nápravník, Eduard (1839-1916)
Nares, James (1715-1783)
Narváez, Luys de (fl1526-1549)
Nash, Grace Helen (1882-1969)
Nat King Cole (1919-1965)
Nathan, Isaac (1790-1864)
Nau, Stephen (c1600-1647)
Naudot, Jacques-Christophe (c1690-1762)
Naylor, Edward Woodall (1867-1934)
Naylor, Ken (1931-1991)
Neale, Rhubee (b?)
Neary, Martin (b1940)
Neaum, Michael (b?)
Negri, Cesare (c1536-fl1604)
Nenov, Dimitar (1901-1953)
Nesbit, Edward (b1986)
Neufeld, Sarah (b?)
Neukomm, Sigismund (1778-1858)
Nevin, Ethelbert (1862-1901)
Newbould, Brian (b?)
Newman, Anthony (?-?)
Newman, Randy (b1943)
Newton-Jackson, Paul (b?)
Newton-Rex, Edmund (b?)
Ney, Tibor (1906-1981)
Ng, Kah-Ming (b?)
Ngwenyama, Nokuthula (b1976)
Nicholas, Jeremy (b1947)
Nichols, Cliff (b?)
Nicholson, Richard (1563-1639)
Nicholson, Sir Sydney Hugo (1875-1947)
Nicodé, Jean Louis (1853-1919)
Nicolai, Otto (1810-1849)
Nicolson, Richard (c1570-1639)
Nield, David (b1941)
Nielsen, Carl (1865-1931)
Niemann, Walter (1876-1953)
Nieper, Wendy (b?)
Niles, John Jacob (1892-1980)
Nin, Joaquín (1879-1949)
Nin-Culmell, Joaquín (1908-2004)
Nivers, Guillaume Gabriel (c1632-1714)
Nixon, June (b1942)
Noble, Thomas Tertius (1867-1953)
Nobre, Marlos (b1939)
Norcombe, Daniel (1576-before 1626)
Nordoff, Paul (1909-1977)
Nordqvist, Gustaf (1886-1949)
Norris, Michael (b1934)
Norris, Thomas (1741-1790)
Northcott, Bayan (b1940)
Norton, Caroline (1808-1877)
Notari, Angelo (1566-1663)
Novaes, Guiomar (1895-1979)
Novello, Ivor (1893-1951)
Novello, Vincent (1781-1861)
Nowak, Leopold (1904-1991)
Nowels, Rick (b?)
Nucius, Johannes (c1556-1620)
Nunn, David (b?)
Nwanoku, Chi-Chi (b?)
Nyman, Michael (b1944)
Nystedt, Knut (1915-2014)
Nystroem, Gösta (1890-1966)
Ó Cearbhaill, Fiontán (1922-1981)
O/Modernt Chamber Orchestra
Oakeley, Sir Herbert Stanley (1830-1903)
Oates, Jackie (b1983)
Obrecht, Jacob (1457/8-1505)
O'Brien, Vincent (1870-1948)
Obrovská, Jana (1930-1987)
Ockeghem, Johannes (c1410-1497)
O'Connor, Sir Frederick (1870-1943)
O'Donnell, James (b1961)
Offenbach, Jacques (1819-1880)
Ogonek, Elizabeth (b?)
O'Halloran, Dustin (b1971)
Oistrakh, David (1908-1974)
Ólafsson, Vikingur (b1984)
Olcott, Chauncey (1858-1932)
Oldham, Arthur (1926-2003)
Olivers, Thomas (1725-1799)
Olson, Tawnie (b1974)
Olsson, Otto (1879-1964)
Omizzolo, Silvio (1905-1991)
O'Neill, Megan (b?)
O'Neill, Nicholas (b1970)
Ono, Yoko (b1933)
Onorati, Henry (?-?)
Onslow, George (1784-1853)
Ord, Boris (1897-1961)
O'Regan, Tarik (b1978)
Orel, Alfred (1899-1967)
Orlandini, Giuseppe Maria (1676-1760)
Orlovich, Matthew (b1970)
Ornstein, Leo (1893-2002)
Orr, C W (1893-1976)
Orr, Robin (1909-2006)
Ortiz, Diego (c1510-c1570)
Orton, Beth (b1970)
Orzabal, Roland (b1961)
Osborne, Steven (b1971)
Oswald, Henrique (1852-1931)
Ouseley, Sir Frederick Arthur Gore (1825-1889)
Overton, David (b?)
Owen Norris, David (b1953)
Owen, David (1709-1739)
Oxley, Harrison (1933-2009)
Oxley, James (b?)
Ozone, Makoto (b1961)
Pabst, Eugene (?-?)
Pachelbel, Johann (1653-1706)
Pacini, Giovanni (1796-1867)
Paderewski, Ignacy Jan (1860-1941)
Padilla, José (1889-1960)
Padilla, Juan Gutiérrez de (c1590-1664)
Padovano, Annibale (1527-1575)
Paganini, Nicolò (1782-1840)
Paine, John Knowles (1839-1906)
Painter, Christopher (b1962)
Paisible, James (d1721)
Paisiello, Giovanni (1740-1816)
Paiva, Heliodoro de (1502-1552)
Paladilhe, Émile (1844-1926)
Palella, Antonio (1692-1761)
Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da (1525/6-1594)
Pallavacino, Carlo (1630-1688)
Palmer, Christopher (1946-1995)
Palmer, Clement Charlton (1871-1944)
Palmgren, Selim (1878-1951)
Palomo, Lorenzo (b1938)
Pang Vongtaradon, Saksri (b1974)
Pankhurst, Lucy (b1981)
Panufnik, Roxanna (b1968)
Panufnik, Sir Andrzej (1914-1991)
Paolo da Firenze (d1419)
Papa, Francesco (fl 1740-fl 1750)
Pappano, Sir Antonio
Paradies, Domenico (1707-1791)
Parish-Alvars, Elias (1808-1849)
Park, Owain (b1993)
Parker, Aaron (b1991)
Parker, Charlie (1920-1955)
Parker, Horatio (1863-1919)
Parker, Katharine (1886-1971)
Parker, Martin (fl1650?-1650)
Parratt, Sir Walter (1841-1924)
Parrott, Andrew (b1947)
Parry, Ben (b1965)
Parry, Sir Hubert (1848-1918)
Parsons, Robert (c1535-1572)
Parsons, William (fl1545-1563)
Pärt, Arvo (b1935)
Pasquini, Bernardo (1637-1710)
Passereau, Pierre (fl1509-1547)
Pastorius, Jaco (1951-1987)
Patterson, Paul (b1947)
Pauer, Ernst (1826-1905)
Paul, Justin (b1985)
Paulberg, Natasa (b?)
Paulus, Stephen (1949-2014)
Pavia, Isidore Leo (1875-1945)
Payen, Nicolas (c1512-after 24 April 1559)
Payne, Anthony (1936-2021)
Peacock, Adrian (b1962)
Pearce, Charles (1858-1928)
Pearsall, Robert Lucas (1795-1856)
Pedersen, Erling (b1944)
Peel, Graham (1877-1937)
Peerson, Martin (c1572-1651)
Peeters, Flor (1903-1986)
Peinado, Clara
Pellegrini, Domenico (dafter 1682)
Pembroke College Girls' Choir
Peñalosa, Francisco de (c1470-1528)
Penderecki, Krzysztof (1933-2020)
Pendleton, Edmund J (1899-1987)
Penn, Arthur (1875-1941)
Pepusch, Johann Christoph (1667-1752)
Peraza, Francisco de (1564-1598)
Percy, Heather (b?)
Perez, Davide (1711-1778)
Pergolesi, Giovanni (1710-1736)
Perkins, Laurence (b1954)
Perna, Dana (b1958)
Pernambuco, João (1883-1947)
Pérotin (fl c1200-1200)
Perren, Frederick (1943-2004)
Perrichon, Julien (1566-c1600)
Pescetti, Giovanni Battista (c1704-1766)
Pessard, Émile Louis Fortuné (1843-1917)
Peterson, Tom (b?)
Peterson, Vince
Petrali, Vincenzo (1830-1889)
Petri, Egon (1881-1962)
Petrie, Chris (b1987)
Pettman, Edgar (c1866-1943)
Pezold, Christian (1677-by 2 June 1733)
Pezzini, F (?-?)
Pfitzner, Hans (1869-1949)
Phibbs, Joseph (b1974)
Philipp, Isidore (1863-1958)
Philips, Peter (1560/1-1628)
Phillips, Peter (b?)
Phillips, Thomas (1735-1807)
Philp, James East (?-?)
Phinot, Dominique (c1510-c1556)
Piatigorsky, Gregor (1903-1976)
Piazzolla, Astor (1921-1992)
Picchi, Giovanni (1572-1643)
Piccinini, Alessandro (1566-c1638)
Picforth (fl c1580-1580)
Pick-Mangiagalli, Riccardo (1882-1949)
Pieczonka, Albert (1828-1912)
Pierné, Gabriel (1863-1937)
Pierpont, James Lord (1822-1893)
Pierson, Henry Hugo (1815-1873)
Pilkington, Francis (c1570-1638)
Pinel, Richard (b1984)
Pinto, George Frederick (1785-1806)
Pinto, Luís Álvares (1719-?1789)
Pinto, Octávio (1890-1950)
Piper, Charlie (b1982)
Pirani, Eugenio (1852-1939)
Pisendel, Johann Georg (1687-1755)
Pitts, Antony (b1969)
Pitts, John (b1976)
Pixell, John (1725-1784)
Pixis, Johann Peter (1788-1874)
Pizzetti, Ildebrando (1880-1968)
Plakidis, Pēteris (b1947)
Plant, Andrew (b?)
Planté, Francis (1839-1934)
Pletnev, Mikhail (b1957)
Plitmann, Hila (b1973)
Plummer, John (?c1410-c1484)
Poldini, Ede (1869-1957)
Poliziano, Angelo (1454-1494)
Pollarolo, Carlo Francesco (c1653-1723)
Ponce, Manuel (1882-1948)
Ponniah, Ben (b1984)
Poole, Geoffrey (b1949)
Popper, David (1843-1913)
Popplewell, Richard (1935-2016)
Poppy, Andrew (b1954)
Porpora, Nicola (1686-1768)
Porta, Costanzo (1528-1601)
Porta, J de (?-?)
Porter, Cole (1891-1964)
Portugal, Marcos António (1762-1830)
Posse, Wilhelm (1852-1925)
Poston, Elizabeth (1905-1987)
Pott, Francis (b1957)
Potter, Cipriani (1792-1871)
Potts, Nigel (b?)
Poulenc, Francis (1899-1963)
Powell, Rosephayne (b?)
Powell, William C (b?)
Power, Leonel (d1445)
Praestholm, Christian (b1972)
Praetorius, Hieronymus (1560-1629)
Praetorius, Michael (1571-1621)
Prathivadi, Kethaki (b1998)
Prauliņš, Uģis (b1957)
Prendergast, William (1868-1933)
Press, Mikhail (1871-1938)
Preston, Simon (1938-2022)
Preti, Alfonso (fl1586-1592)
Preumayr, Frans (1782-1853)
Price, Florence (1887-1953)
Prichard, Rowland Huw (1811-1887)
Prima, Louis (1910-1978)
Primavera, Giovan Leonardo (c1540/45-after 1585)
Primrose, William (1904-1982)
Prioris, Johannes (fl c1485-1512)
Pritchard, Deborah (b1977)
Pritchard, Thomas Cuthbertson Leithead (1885-1960)
Proch, Heinrich (1809-1878)
Prokofiev, Gabriel (b1975)
Prokofiev, Serge (1891-1953)
Prooijen, Marijn van
Prota, Tommaso (?1727-after 1768)
Prowo, Pierre (1697-1757)
Pryor, Arthur (1870-1942)
Puccini, Giacomo (1858-1924)
Puget, Paul (1848-1917)
Pugh, Jim (b?)
Pugno, Raoul (1852-1914)
Pulkingham, Betty (b1928)
Pullois, Jean (?-1478)
Purcell, Daniel (c1664-1717)
Purcell, Edward C (1853-1932)
Purcell, Henry (1659-1695)
Purday, Charles Henry (1799-1885)
Puth, Charlie (b1991)
Putt, Alastair (b1983)
Pyamour, John (fl c1418-before March 1426)
Pycard (fl c1410-1410)
Pye, Kellow John (1812-1901)
Pykini (fl c1364-1389)
Pysing, William (c1599-1684)
Quantz, Johann Joachim (1697-1773)
Quilter, Roger (1877-1953)
Quinney, Robert (b1976)
Rachimov, Kamil (1900-1978)
Rachmaninov, Sergei (1873-1943)
Racquet, Charles (1597-1664)
Radcliffe, Philip (1905-1986)
Raff, Joseph Joachim (1822-1882)
Raimbaut de Vaqueiras (c1150-1207)
Raine, Nic (b?)
Rameau, Jean-Philippe (1683-1764)
Ramirez, Ariel (1921-2010)
Ramsay, Parker (b?)
Ramsey, Andrea (b1977)
Ramsey, Robert (fl c1612-1644)
Randall, John (1717-1799)
Randhartinger, Benedict (1802-1893)
Rangström, Ture (1884-1947)
Raphael, Günter (1903-1960)
Rasbach, Oscar (1888-1975)
Rathaus, Karol (1895-1954)
Rathbone, Jonathan (b1957)
Rautavaara, Einojuhani (1928-2016)
Rava, Gennaro (d1779)
Ravel, Maurice (1875-1937)
Ravenscroft, Thomas (c1582-c1635)
Rawsthorne, Alan (1905-1971)
Rawsthorne, Noel (b1929)
Reade, Paul (1943-1997)
Rebelo, João Lourenço (1610-1661)
Rebikov (1866-1920)
Recknell, Thomas (b1989)
Redford, John (d1547)
Redhead, Richard (1820-1901)
Redon, Ernest (1835-1907)
Redshaw, Alec (b?)
Reece-Trapp, Ghislaine (b1992)
Reed, Lou (1942-2013)
Reger, Max (1873-1916)
Reggio, Pietro (1632-1685)
Regis, Johannes (c1425-c1496)
Regnart, Jacob (c1540-1599)
Reich, Steve (b1936)
Reicha, Antoine (1770-1836)
Reichardt, Johann Friedrich (1752-1814)
Reichardt, Louise (1779-1826)
Reichenauer, Antonín (c1694-1730)
Reid, Charles (b1962)
Reid, Craig (b1962)
Reinecke, Carl (1824-1910)
Reiner, Jacob (1555/60-1606)
Reis, Dilermando (1916-1977)
Reisfeld, Bert (1906-1991)
Reizenstein, Franz (1911-1968)
Respighi, Ottorino (1879-1936)
Reubke, Julius (1834-1858)
Reuss, Eduard (1851-1911)
Reyneau, Gacian (c1370-c1429)
Reynolds, Lee
Reynolds, Peter (b1958)
Reynolds, Stephen (b1947)
Rheinberger, Joseph (1839-1901)
Rhodes, Helen (c1858-1936)
Rhodes, James (b1976)
Ribera, Bernardino de (c1520-?1580)
Ribo, Enrique (?-?)
Ricci, Ruggiero (1918-2012)
Riccio, Giovanni Battista (fl1609-1621)
Rice, Robert (b1971)
Richafort, Jean (c1480-after 1547)
Richards, Deke (1944-2013)
Richards, Goff (1944-2011)
Richardson, Clive (1909-1998)
Richardson, Neil (b?)
Richart de Semilli (fl1200-1200)
Richter, Max (b1966)
Rider, Charles (fl1820-1820)
Ridout, Alan (1934-1996)
Riego, Teresa del (c1876-1968)
Ries, Ferdinand (1784-1838)
Rieti, Vittorio (1898-1994)
Rietz, Julius (1812-1877)
Rigatti, Giovanni Antonio (1615-1649)
Riley, Adam (b1971)
Rimkus, Sarah (b1990)
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai (1844-1908)
Rinck, Johann Christian Heinrich (1770-1846)
Rissmann, Paul (b?)
Ristori, Giovanni Alberto (1692-1753)
Rittler, Philipp Jakob (c1637-1690)
Rivafrecha, Martín de (c1479-1528)
Rizzi, Carlo (b1960)
Roberton, Sir Hugh (1874-1952)
Roberts, Deborah (b?)
Roberts, John (1822-1877)
Roberts, Jonathan (b1983)
Roberts, Keith (b?)
Roberts, Stephen (b1952)
Roberts, Timothy (b?)
Robertson, Rae (1893-1978)
Robertson, Roland (b?)
Robinson, Christopher (b1936)
Robinson, John (1682-1762)
Robledo, Melchor (c1520-before 7 April 1587)
Roblou, David (b1949)
Robson, John Gair 'Jack' (c1885-1957)
Rodgers, Richard (1902-1979)
Rodgers, Sir John Leman (1780-1847)
Rodrigo, Joaquín (1901-1999)
Rodrigues Coelho, Manuel (c1555-1635)
Rodrigues, Eugénio Manuel (b1961)
Roe, Betty (b1930)
Roelons, Alexandre (b?)
Roger-Ducasse, Jean (1873-1954)
Rogers, James H (1857-1940)
Rogers, John (1780-1847)
Rogers, Rodney (b1953)
Rogg, Lionel (b1936)
Rogier, Philippe (c1561-1596)
Rognoni Taeggio, Francesco (dbefore 1626)
Rognoni, Riccardo (dc1620)
Rollinat, Maurice (1846-1903)
Rollins, Walter (1906-1973)
Romberg, Andreas (1767-1821)
Romberg, Sigmund (1887-1951)
Ronald, Sir Landon (1873-1938)
Roncalli, Ludovico (fl1680-1690)
Rooney, Michael (b?)
Rootham, Cyril (1875-1938)
Roques, Léon (1839-1923)
Rore, Cipriano de (1515/16-1565)
Rorem, Ned (b1923)
Rose, Barry (b1934)
Rose, Bernard (1916-1996)
Rose, David (1910-1990)
Rose, Vincent (1880-1944)
Roseingrave, Ralph (1695-1747)
Roseingrave, Thomas (1688-1766)
Rosenhain, Jacob (1813-1894)
Rosenmüller, Johann (c1619-1684)
Rosenthal, Manuel (1904-2003)
Rosenthal, Moriz (1862-1946)
Rosenzweig, Michael (b1951)
Roslavets, Nikolay (1881-1944)
Ross, Dr William Baird (1871-1950)
Ross, Marshall (1918-1988)
Rosse, Frederick (1867-1940)
Rosseter, Philip (1567/8-1623)
Rossi, Luigi (c1597-1653)
Rossi, Michelangelo (c1601-1656)
Rossi, Salomone (c1570-c1630)
Rossini, Gioachino (1792-1868)
Rostropovich, Mstislav (1927-2007)
Rota, Andrea (c1553-1597)
Roth, Alec (b1948)
Roth, Alex (b?)
Roth, Daniel (b1942)
Roth, Ernst (1896-1971)
Rott, Hans (1858-1884)
Rouget de Lisle, Claude-Joseph (1760-1836)
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (1712-1778)
Roussel, Albert (1869-1937)
Routley, Erik Reginald (1917-1982)
Rovetta, Giovanni (c1595-1668)
Rowarth, Benjamin (b1992)
Rowlands, Thomas (b1971)
Rowlands, William Penfro (1860-1937)
Royal, Fred (?-?)
Rózsa, Miklós (1907-1995)
Różycki, Ludomir (1883-1953)
Rubbra, Edmund (1901-1986)
Rubinstein, Anton (1829-1894)
Rudoi, Paul John (b?)
Rugen, Kira Zeeman (b?)
Ruggieri, Giovanni Maria (fl c1690-1720)
Ruggles, Carl (1876-1971)
Ruiz de Ribayaz, Lucas (1650-?)
Ruiz, Gabriel (?-?)
Ruiz, Rodrigo (b1988)
Rummel, Walter Morse (1887-1953)
Runswick, Daryl (b1946)
Runyan, William Marion (1870-1957)
Rusby, Kate (b1973)
Rush, George (fl1760-1780)
Russell, William (1777-1813)
Rutter, John (b1945)
Rütti, Carl (b1949)
Rzewski, Frederic (1938-2021)
Saariaho, Kaija (1952-2023)
Sabicas (1912-1990)
Sabino, Ippolito (c1550-1593)
Saddler, Frank (d1921)
Sagreras, Julio Salvador (1879-1942)
Saint-Saëns, Camille (1835-1921)
Sakyi, Ofei (b?)
Salazar, Antonio de (c1650-1715)
Salazar, Diego José de (c1660-1709)
Salieri, Antonio (1750-1825)
Salomon, Johann Peter (1745-1815)
Salter, William (b?)
Salzedo, Carlos (1885-1961)
Saman, René (fl 1610-1631)
Samazeuilh, Gustave (1877-1967)
Sammartini, Giuseppe (1681-1767)
Sammons, Albert (1886-1957)
Sammoutis, Evis (b1979)
Sampson, Edgar (1907-1973)
Samuelson, Bror (1919-2008)
Sances, Giovanni Felice (c1600-1679)
Sanders, John (1933-2003)
Sanderson, Wilfred (1878-1935)
Sandström, Jan (b1954)
Sandström, Sven-David (1942-2019)
Santini, Prospero (fl1591-1614)
Santos, Pablo (b?)
Sanz, Gaspar (1640-1710)
Sapellnikoff, Vassily (1867-1941)
Sapozhnikov, Roman (?-?)
Sarasate, Pablo de (1844-1908)
Sargent, Malcolm (1895-1967)
Sargent, Paul (1910-1987)
Sarti, Giuseppe (1729-1802)
Sartori, Baldassare (fl1689-1716)
Satie, Erik (1866-1925)
Sauer, Emil von (1862-1942)
Sauguet, Henri (1901-1989)
Saunders, Adam (b?)
Sawyer, Ben (b?)
Saxton, Robert (b1953)
Saya, Mark (b1954)
Sayat-Nova (1712-1795)
Scaife, George Arthur (1874-1960)
Scarlatti, Alessandro (1660-1725)
Scarlatti, Domenico (1685-1757)
Scarlatti, Francesco (1666-? after January 1741)
Scharwenka, Franz Xaver (1850-1924)
Scharwenka, Ludwig Philipp (1847-1917)
Scheidt, Samuel (1587-1654)
Schein, Johann (1586-1630)
Schelle, Johann (1648-1701)
Schelling, Ernest (1876-1939)
Schiassi, Gaetano Maria (1698-1754)
Schlözer, Paul de (c1841-1898)
Schmelzer, Johann Heinrich (c1620/3-1680)
Schmid, Adolf (1868-1958)
Schmitt, Aloys (1788-1866)
Schmitt, Florent (1870-1958)
Schneider, Fritz (?-?)
Schnittke, Alfred (1934-1998)
Schoeck, Othmar (1886-1957)
Schoenberg, Arnold (1874-1951)
Schoendorff, Philipp (1565/70-in or after 1617)
Scholefield, Clement Cotterill (1839-1904)
Scholz, Bernhard (1835-1916)
Schop, Johann (d1667)
Schubert, Franz (1797-1828)
Schubert, Franz Anton (1768-1827)
Schulhoff, Erwin (1894-1942)
Schulz, Johann Abraham Peter (1747-1800)
Schulz, Leo (1865-1944)
Schulz-Evler, Adolf (1852-1905)
Schuman, William (1910-1992)
Schumann, Clara (1819-1896)
Schumann, Robert (1810-1856)
Schuon, Frithjof (1907-1998)
Schütt, Eduard (1856-1933)
Schutte, Daniel L (b1947)
Schütz, Heinrich (1585-1672)
Schwantner, Joseph (b1943)
Schwartz, Arthur (1900-1984)
Schwartz, Eric (b1976)
Schweitzer, Anton (1735-1787)
Schwindl, Friedrich (1737-1786)
Sciarrino, Salvatore (b1947)
Scott, Bennett (1871-1930)
Scott, Cyril (1879-1970)
Scott, Francis George (1880-1958)
Scott, John (1956-2015)
Scott, Mike (b1958)
Scott, Raymond (1908-1994)
Scott, Tom (b1948)
Scriabin, Alexander (1872-1915)
Scriven, Stanford (b1988)
Sculthorpe, Peter (1929-2014)
Searle, Oliver Iredale (b1977)
Sebert, Kesha (b1987)
Sechter, Simon (1788-1867)
Sedlak, Wenzel (1776-1851)
Seeling, Hans (1828-1862)
Seers, Jonathan (b1954)
See-Schierenberg, Sebastian (b?)
Segni, Julio (1498-1561)
Seiber, Mátyás (1905-1960)
Seitz, Ernest (1892-1978)
Seixas, Carlos de (1704-1742)
Sellito, Giuseppe (1700-1777)
Semmens, Anjula (b?)
Semple, Anna (b1997)
Senaillé, Jean Baptiste (c1688-1730)
Senfl, Ludwig (1489/91-1543)
Serafino Aquilano (1466-1500)
Sergeant, Matthew (b1984)
Serly, Tibor (1901-1978)
Sermisy, Claudin de (1490-1562)
Servais, Adrien-François (1807-1866)
Sessions, Roger (1896-1985)
Séverac, Déodat de (1872-1921)
Seymer, William (1890-1964)
Sgambati, Giovanni (1841-1914)
Shakespeare, William (1564-1616)
Shalit, Daniel (b1940)
Shaw, Caroline (b1982)
Shaw, Geoffrey (1879-1943)
Shaw, Ian (b1960)
Shaw, Martin (1875-1958)
Shaw, Thomas (c1755-1830)
Shaw, Watkins (1911-1996)
Shchedrin, Rodion Konstantinovich (b1932)
Shearing, George (1919-2011)
Sheeran, Ed (b1991)
Sheils, Laura (b?)
Sheldon, Gladys Mary (1889-?)
Shephard, Richard (1949-2021)
Sheppard, Elizabeth (b?)
Sheppard, John (c1515-1558)
Sheppard, Mike (b?)
Sheppard, Philip (b1969)
Sheremetiev, Count Alexander (1859-1931)
Sherly, Joseph (fl c1600-1600)
Sherman, Al (1897-1973)
Sherman, Richard (1928-2024)
Sherman, Robert (1925-2012)
Sherwin, Manning (1902-1974)
Shield, William (1748-1829)
Shin, Donghon (b?)
Shipley, Ellen (b1949)
Shirin (1827-1857)
Shlomo (b1983)
Short, Nigel (b?)
Shostakovich, Dmitri (1906-1975)
Shvedov, Konstantin (1886-1954)
Sibelius, Jean (1865-1957)
Siem, Charlie (b1986)
Siem, Sasha (b1984)
Silas, Edouard (1827-1909)
Silcher, Philipp Friedrich (1789-1860)
Siloti, Alexander (1863-1945)
Silverman, Stanley (b1938)
Simaku, Thomas (b1958)
Simcock, Gwilym (b1981)
Simcock, Iain (b?)
Simeone, Harry (1911-2005)
Simon, Carlos (b1986)
Simon, Nat (b?)
Simon, Paul (b1941)
Simons, Edmund (b1970)
Simons, Moisés (1889-1945)
Simpson, Christopher (c1602/6-1669)
Simpson, Mark (b1988)
Simpson, Robert (1921-1997)
Simpson, Thomas (1582-?1628)
Sinclair, George Robertson (1863-1917)
Sinding, Christian (1856-1941)
Singh, Sukhvinder (b?)
Sisask, Urmas (b1960)
Sissoko, Bao
Sitkovetsky, Dmitry (b1954)
Sixten, Fredrik (b1962)
Sjögren, Emil (1853-1918)
Skeaping, Lucie (b?)
Skeats, Highmore (1757-1831)
Skeats, Highmore (1787-1835)
Skempton, Howard (b1947)
Skinner, Colin (b?)
Skip Martin, Lloyd (1916-1976)
Slater, Edward (1844-1920)
Slater, Gordon (1896-1979)
Sløgedal, Bjarne (1927-2014)
Smart, Henry Thomas (1813-1879)
Smert, Richard (c1400-?1478/9)
Smetana, Bedřich (1824-1884)
Smith, Barnaby (b?)
Smith, Clive (b1950)
Smith, Harry Bache (1860-1936)
Smith, John Christopher (1712-1795)
Smith, John Stafford (1750-1836)
Smith, Robert (c1648-1675)
Smith, Robert A (1780-1829)
Smith, William (1603-1645)
Smolka, Jaroslav (b1933)
Smyth, Dame Ethel (1858-1944)
Snider, Sarah Kirkland (b?)
Soaper, John (1743-1794)
Sobeck, Johann (1831-1914)
Sobol, Itai (b1976)
Söderberg, Sofia (b1972)
Sokola, Miloš (1913-1976)
Solage (fl1370-1390)
Soler, Antonio (1729-1783)
Solère, Étienne (1753-1817)
Sollima, Giovanni (b1962)
Solovyov-Sedoy, Vasily (1907-1979)
Somerset, Lord Henry Richard Charles (1849-1932)
Somervell, Sir Arthur (1863-1937)
Sontonga, Enoch (c1873-1905)
Sor, Fernando (1778-1839)
Sorabji, Kaikhosru Shapurji (1892-1988)
Soriano Fuertes y Piqueras, Mariano (1817-1880)
Soriano, Francesco (1548/9-1621)
Soursby (fl c1430-1460)
Sousa, John Philip (1854-1932)
Souster, Tim (1943-1994)
South, Charles Frederick (1850-1916)
Souza, Theodoro Cyro de (1761-?)
Spacht, Joshua (b1980)
Spain-Dunk, Susan (1880-1962)
Spark, William (1823-1897)
Späth, Andreas (1792-1876)
Speaks, Oley (1874-1948)
Spee, Friedrich von (1591-1635)
Spicer, Paul (b1952)
Spiegl, Fritz (1926-2003)
Spinacino, Francesco (fl1507-1507)
Spofforth, Reginald (1769-1827)
Spohr, Louis (1784-1859)
Spontini, Gaspare (1774-1851)
Springer, Philip (b1926)
Springer, Tony (b?)
Squire, William Henry (1871-1963)
Stabile, Annibale (c1535-1595)
Stadler, Maximilian (1748-1833)
Stainer, Sir John (1840-1901)
Stamitz, Carl (1745-1801)
Stamm, Hans-André (b1958)
Stamponi, Héctor (1916-1997)
Stanford, Sir Charles Villiers (1852-1924)
Stanley, John (1712-1786)
Stanley, Wynn (?-?)
Stannard, Kevin (b?)
Stanton, Robert (b?)
Stapleton, Dave (b1979)
Stavenhagen, Bernhard (1862-1914)
Štedron, Jan (1907-1981)
Steffani, Agostino (1654-1728)
Steggall, Charles (1826-1905)
Steibelt, Daniel (1765-1823)
Steinberg, Maximilian (1883-1946)
Stenhammar, Wilhelm (1871-1927)
Stephan, Rudi (1887-1915)
Stephen, David (b?)
Stephens, Geoff (b1934)
Stephens, Ian (b1974)
Stephens, Timothy (b?)
Stephenson, Joseph (?1723-1810)
Steptoe, Roger (b1953)
Sternberg, Constantin von (1852-1924)
Stevens, Sufjan (b1975)
Stevenson, Ronald (1928-2015)
Stevenson, Sir John Andrew (1761-1833)
Stewart, Charles Hylton (1884-1932)
Stewart, Sir Robert Prescott (1825-1894)
Stilgoe, Richard (b1943)
Stills, Stephen (b1945)
Sting (b1951)
Stockhausen, Karlheinz (1928-2007)
Stockmeier, Wolfgang (1931-2015)
Stojowski, Zygmunt (1869-1946)
Stokowski, Leopold (1882-1977)
Stoller, Mike (b1933)
Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich (1690-1749)
Stone, Robert (1516-1613)
Stonex, Henry (1823-1897)
Stonnard, William (c1575-?1631)
Storace, Stephen (1762-1796)
Strachey, Jack (1894-1972)
Stradal, August (1860-1930)
Stradella, Alessandro (1639-1682)
Strakhov, Yevgeny (1909-1978)
Straus, Oscar (1870-1954)
Strauss, Franz (1822-1905)
Strauss, Johann (1804-1849)
Strauss, Johann (1825-1899)
Strauss, Richard (1864-1949)
Stravinsky, Igor (1882-1971)
Stravinsky, Soulima (1910-1994)
Strengthfield, Thomas (?-?)
Strickland, William (b?)
Striggio, Alessandro (c1536/7-1592)
Strimer, Joseph (1881-1962)
Strogers, Nicholas (d1575?)
Stroman, Scott (b?)
Strozzi, Barbara (1619-c1664)
Stubbs, Simon (fl c1620-1620)
Stucky, Steven (1949-2016)
Sturgeon, [? Nicholas] (d1454)
Sturt, John (d1625)
Styne, Jule (1905-1994)
Suckling, Martin (b1981)
Suk, Josef (1874-1935)
Sullivan, Sir Arthur (1842-1900)
Sumaya, Manuel de (c1678-1755)
Sumner, Bernard (b1956)
Sumsion, Herbert Whitton (1899-1995)
Suriñach, Carlos (1915-1997)
Surplice, Alwyn (1906-1977)
Süssmayr, Franz Xaver (1766-1803)
Sutherland, Gavin (b1972)
Sventelius, Harald (1902-1996)
Sviridov, Georgy (1915-1998)
Swann, Donald (1923-1994)
Swayne, Giles (b1946)
Sweelinck, Jan Pieterszoon (1562-1621)
Swensen, Joseph (b1960)
Swingle, Ward (1927-2015)
Swinstead, Felix (1880-1959)
Synder, Ted (1881-1965)
Szabadi Frank, Ignác (1825-after 1879)
Szántó, Theodor (1877-1934)
Széchényi Imrétöl, Gróf (1825-1898)
Székely, Zoltán (1903-2001)
Szulc, Joseph (1875-1956)
Szymanowski, Karol (1882-1937)
Szymański, Paweł (b1954)
Tabakova, Dobrinka (b1980)
Tabourot, Jehan (1520-1595)
Tailleferre, Germaine (1892-1983)
Takach, Timothy C (b?)
Takemitsu, Tōru (1930-1996)
Takle, Mons Leidvin (b1942)
Talbot, George Surtees (1875-1918)
Talbot, Joby (b1971)
Tall, David (b1941)
Tallis, Thomas (c1505-1585)
Tamir, Alexander (1931-2019)
Tanaka, Karen (b1961)
Taneyev, Alexander (1850-1918)
Taneyev, Sergei (1856-1915)
Tann, Hilary (b1947)
Tansman, Alexandre (1897-1986)
Taplin, Michael (b1991)
Tarney, Oliver (b1984)
Tárrega, Francisco (1852-1909)
Tartini, Giuseppe (1692-1770)
Tate, Arthur F (1870-1950)
Tate, James William (1872-1922)
Tate, Phyllis (1911-1987)
Taubert, Wilhelm (1811-1891)
Tausch, Franz Wilhelm (1762-1817)
Tausig, Carl (1841-1871)
Tavener, Sir John (1944-2013)
Taverner, John (c1490-1545)
Tayler, ? J (?-?)
Taylor, Colin (1881-1973)
Taylor, Cyril (1907-1991)
Taylor, James (b1948)
Taylor, Richard (1758-1827)
Taylor, Robert (d?1637)
Taylor, Thomas (?-?)
Tchaikovsky, Boris (1925-1996)
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr (1840-1893)
Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681-1767)
Tellefsen, Thomas (1823-1874)
Teml, Jiří (b1935)
Temple, Sebastian (1928-1997)
Templeton, Alec (1910-1963)
ten Holt, Simeon (1923-2012)
Terry, Richard Runciman (1865-1938)
Teschner, Melchior (1584-1635)
Thalben-Ball, Sir George (1896-1987)
Thalberg, Sigismond (1812-1871)
The London Quartet
The Yetties
Thibaudet, Jean-Yves (b1961)
Thiel, Carl (1862-1939)
Thiele, Bob (1922-1996)
Thiman, Eric (1900-1975)
Thoene, Helga (b?)
Thomas, Bernard (b?)
Thomas, John (1826-1913)
Thomas, Meinir (b?)
Thompson, Randall (1899-1984)
Thompson, Sarah Elise (b1996)
Thomson, Virgil (1896-1989)
Thornton, Neal (b?)
Thrupp, Joseph Francis (1827-1867)
Thurlow, Jeremy (b?)
Ticciati, Hugo (b?)
Ticheli, Frank (b1958)
Tiersen, Yann (b1970)
Tille, François Lucas (1712-1772)
Tiomkin, Dimitri (1894-1979)
Tippett, Keith (b1947)
Tippett, Sir Michael (1905-1998)
Tirindelli, Pier Adolfo (1858-1937)
Titelouze, Jehan (1562/3-1633)
Todd, Will (b1970)
Toldrá, Eduardo (1895-1962)
Tollett, Thomas (d?1696)
Tolstiakov, Nikolay (1883-1958)
Tomášek, Václav Jan Křtitel (1774-1850)
Tomkins, Thomas (1572-1656)
Tomlinson, Ernest (1924-2015)
Tono, Tamami (b?)
Toolan, Suzanne (b1927)
Torch, Sidney (1908-1990)
Torelli, Giuseppe (1658-1709)
Tormé, Melvin Howard (1925-1999)
Tormis, Veljo (1930-2017)
Torre, Francisco de la (fl1483-1504)
Torri, Pietro (c1650-1737)
Tortelier, Paul (1914-1990)
Tournemire, Charles (1870-1939)
Tournier, Marcel (1879-1951)
Tovey, Sir Donald Francis (1875-1940)
Toye, Geoffrey (1889-1942)
Trabaci, Giovanni Maria (1575-1647)
Traetta, Tommaso (1727-1779)
Trainer, Fraser (b1967)
Tranchell, Peter Andrew (1922-1993)
Travers, Alison (1895-1969)
Trebilcock, Leonard Charles (1924-2005)
Tredinnick, Noël (b1949)
Treece, Roger (b?)
Tregian, Francis (1574-1619)
Tremain, Thomas (fl1782-1782)
Trenet, Charles (1913-2001)
Triebensee, Joseph (1772-1846)
Tromboncino, Bartolomeo (c1470-1535)
Trouluffe, John (fl 1448-c1473)
Trumbore, Dale (b1987)
Tsontakis, George (b1951)
Tuinfort, Giorgio (b?)
Tunder, Franz (1614-1667)
Tunstall, KT (b1975)
Tupper, Fred (b?)
Turina, Joaquín (1882-1949)
Turle, James (1802-1882)
Turnage, Mark-Anthony (b1960)
Turner, Bruno (b?)
Turner, Guy (b1955)
Turner, William (1651-1740)
Turull, Xavier (1922-2000)
Tye, Christopher (c1505-before 15 March 1573)
Tymoczko, Dmitri (b1969)
Tysoe, A C (1884-1962)
Tyson, Mildred Lund (1900-?)
U2 (b1976)
Uccellini, Marco (c1603-1680)
Ufkî, Ali (1610-1675)
Ullmann, Viktor (1898-1944)
Unger, Johann Karl (1771-1836)
Unger-Sabatier, Karoline (1803-1877)
Urspruch, Anton (1850-1907)
Utley, Adrian (b1957)
Vaet, Jacobus (c1529-1567)
Vaillant, Jehan (fl1360-1390)
Valente, Antonio (c1520-1581)
Valentini, Giuseppe (1680-1759)
Vallet, Nicolas (c1583-after 1642)
Vallier, John (1920-1991)
Valverde, Mari Esabel (b1987)
van Dijk, Péter Louis (b1953)
Van Heusen, Jimmy (1913-1990)
Van Ness, Patricia (b1951)
Van Tiel, Bernie (b?)
Vance, Foy (b1974)
Vandini, Antonio (c1690-1778)
Vanhal, Johann Baptist (1739-1813)
Vann, W Stanley (1910-2010)
Vasks, Pēteris (b1946)
Vásquez, Juan (c1500-c1560)
Vaughan Williams, Ralph (1872-1958)
Vautor, Thomas (fl600-1620)
Vecchi, Orazio (c1550-1605)
Végh, János (1845-1918)
Vellones, Pierre (1889-1939)
Velut, Gilet (fl early 15th century-?)
Venables, Ian (b1955)
Venegas de Henestrosa, Luis (c1510-1557)
Veracini, Francesco Maria (1690-1768)
Verdelot, Philippe (c1480/85-?1530/32)
Verdi, Giuseppe (1813-1901)
Vernon, Joseph (1738-1782)
Vesque von Püttlingen, Johann (1803-1883)
Viacava, Carlos (?-?)
Viadana, Lodovico (c1560-1627)
Vianna da Motta, José (1868-1948)
Viardot, Pauline (1821-1910)
Vicars, Harold (?-?)
Victoria, Tomás Luis de (1548-1611)
Vierdanck, Johann (c1605-1646)
Vierne, Louis (1870-1937)
Vieuxtemps, Henry (1820-1881)
Vignoles, Roger (b1943)
Villa-Lobos, Heitor (1887-1959)
Villette, Pierre (1926-1998)
Villoldo, Ángel (1861-1919)
Vincenet du Bruecquet (dbefore 1480)
Vinci, Leonardo (1690-1730)
Vinders, Jheronimus (fl1525-1526)
Vinter, Gilbert (1909-1969)
Viotti, Giovanni Battista (1755-1824)
Virtanen, Timo (b?)
Vitali, Giovanni (1632-1692)
Vitali, Tomaso Antonio (1663-1745)
Vitry, Philippe de (1291-1361)
Vivaldi, Antonio (1678-1741)
Vivanco, Sebastián de (c1551-1622)
Vivian, James (b1974)
Viviani, Giovanni Buonaventura (1638-1692)
Vladigerov, Pancho (1899-1978)
Vlasov, Vladimir (1903-1986)
Vogl, Johann Michael (1768-1840)
Volans, Kevin (b1949)
Volkmann, Robert (1815-1883)
Voříšek, Jan Václav (1791-1825)
Vrána, František (1914-1975)
Vulpius, Melchior (c1570-1615)
Wachtmann, C (fl1868-1868)
Wade, John Francis (c1711-1786)
Wagner, Ernst David (1806-1883)
Wagner, Franz (1870-1929)
Wagner, Richard (1813-1883)
Wainwright, John (1723-1768)
Wainwright, Robert (1748-1782)
Wakefield, Anthony (b1942)
Waldteufel, Émile (1837-1915)
Waley-Cohen, Freya (b1989)
Walker, Dan (b?)
Walker, Don (1907-1989)
Walker, Ernest (1870-1949)
Walker, George (1922-2018)
Walker, Lucy (b1998)
Walker, Robert (b1946)
Walker, Robin (b1953)
Walker, Timothy (b?)
Wallace, William (1860-1940)
Wallace, William Vincent (1812-1865)
Wallen, Errollyn (b1958)
Wallfisch, Elizabeth (b?)
Walmisley, Thomas Attwood (1814-1856)
Walsh, John (c1665-1736)
Walsh, Thomas (b?)
Walter, Bruno (1876-1962)
Walter, David (b1958)
Walters, David (b?)
Walthew, Richard Henry (1872-1951)
Walton, Sir William (1902-1983)
Ward, Duncan (b?)
Ward, Joanna (b1998)
Ward, John (c1589-1638)
Wardener, Max de (b1972)
Ware, Hugh (b?)
Warland, Dale (b1932)
Warlock, Peter (1894-1930)
Warner, Ken (1902-1988)
Warnow, Harry (1908-1994)
Warrell, Arthur (1882-1939)
Warren, Huw (b1962)
Warren, Samuel Prowse (1841-1915)
Wassenaer, Unico Wilhelm, Graf van (1692-1766)
Watkins, Huw (b1976)
Watson, Sydney (1903-1991)
Watts, Tim (b1979)
Waxman, Franz (1906-1967)
Weaver, John (b1937)
Webb, Alex (b?)
Webbe, Samuel (1740-1816)
Webbe, Samuel (c1770-1843)
Webber, Geoffrey (b?)
Weber, Ben (1916-1979)
Weber, Carl Maria von (1786-1826)
Webern, Anton (1883-1945)
Webster, Maurice (fl1621-1636)
Weckmann, Matthias (?1616-1674)
Weeks, James (b1978)
Weelkes, Thomas (1576-1623)
Weigand, George (1946-1999)
Weigl, Joseph (1766-1846)
Weill, Kurt (1900-1950)
Weinberger, Jaromír (1896-1967)
Weiner, Leó (1885-1960)
Weir, Dame Judith (b1954)
Weiss, George David (1921-2010)
Weiss, Silvius Leopold (1686-1750)
Weissenberg, Alexis (1929-2012)
Weitz, Guy (1883-1970)
Weldon, John (1676-1736)
Weller, Philip (1958-2018)
Wells, Robert (1922-1998)
Wells, Robin (b?)
Went, Johann (1745-1801)
Wentink, Gwyneth (b1981)
Wert, Giaches de (1535-1596)
Wesley, Charles (1707-1788)
Wesley, Samuel (1766-1837)
Wesley, Samuel Sebastian (1810-1876)
West, Hezekiah (d1826)
West, John Ebenezer (1863-1929)
Westbrook, William Joseph (1831-1894)
Westbrooke, Sophie (b?)
Westhoff, Johann Paul von (1656-1705)
Weston, Rachel (b?)
Weyrauch, August Heinrich von (1788-1865)
Wheeler, Francis (?-?)
Wheeler, Janet (b?)
Whelan, Bill (b1950)
Whitacre, Eric (b1970)
Whitbourn, James (b?)
White, Edward (1910-1994)
White, John (b?)
White, Maude Valérie (1855-1937)
White, Maurice (1941-2016)
White, Philip J (b?)
White, Robert (c1538-November 1574)
Whitehead, William (b1970)
Whiteley, Simon (b?)
Whithorne, Emerson (1884-1958)
Whitlock, Percy (1903-1946)
Whittaker, William Gillies (1876-1944)
Whitwell, Sally (b?)
Whyms, Kevin (b?)
Wickham, Edward (b?)
Wicks, Joseph (b1993)
Widmann, Jörg (b1973)
Widor, Charles-Marie (1844-1937)
Wiedermann, Bedrich Antonín (1883-1951)
Wielhorsky, Count Michael Jurjew (1788-1856)
Wieniawski, Henryk (1835-1880)
Wieniawski, Józef (1837-1912)
Wiersinga, Erwin (b1962)
Wiklund, Adolf (1879-1950)
Wilberforce, Richard (b1984)
Wilberg, Mack (b1955)
Wilby, Philip (b1949)
Wilbye, John (1574-1638)
Wilcox, Felicity (b?)
Wild, Earl (1915-2010)
Wilder, Philip van (c1500-1554)
Wilhelmj, August (1845-1908)
Wilkinson, Stephen (b1919)
Willaert, Adrian (c1490-1562)
Willan, Healey (1880-1968)
Willcocks, Jonathan (b1953)
Willcocks, Sir David Valentine (1919-2015)
Williams, Adrian (b1956)
Williams, Charles (1893-1978)
Williams, Chris (b1986)
Williams, Derek (b1945)
Williams, John (b1932)
Williams, John Raymond (1928-2018)
Williams, Llŷr (b1976)
Williams, Robert (1782-1818)
Williams, Roderick (b1965)
Williams, Thomas (1807-1894)
Williamson, James (b1984)
Williamson, Magnus (b1967)
Williamson, Malcolm (1931-2003)
Willis, Alison (b1971)
Willis, Allee (b1947)
Willis, Richard Storrs (1819-1900)
Wills, Arthur (b1926)
Willson, Robert Meredith (1902-1984)
Wilson, Brian (b1942)
Wilson, Christian (b1980)
Wilson, John (1595-1674)
Wilson, Sandy (1924-2014)
Wilton, Charles Henry (1761-?)
Wiltzie, Adam (b1969)
Wingfield, Paul (b?)
Winter, Aubrey (1870-1955)
Winters, Elizabeth (b1979)
Wise, Michael (c1647-1687)
Wishart, Peter (1921-1984)
Wishart, Stevie (b1959)
Withers, Bill (1938-2020)
Withy, Francis (d1727)
Witter-Johnson, Ayanna (b?)
Wolf, Hugo (1860-1903)
Wolff, Max (1885-1954)
Wollston, Silas (b?)
Wolstenholme, William (1865-1931)
Wonder, Stevie (b1950)
Wood, Arthur (1875-1953)
Wood, Charles (1866-1926)
Wood, Haydn (1882-1959)
Wood, Hugh (b1932)
Wood, Roy (b1946)
Woodcock, Clement (c1540-1589)
Woodcock, Robert (1690-1728)
Woodforde-Finden, Amy (1860-1919)
Woodhouse, Charles (1879-1939)
Woodward, George Ratcliffe (1848-1934)
Woodward, Richard (1744-1777)
Woolf, Alex (b1995)
Wright, Geoffrey (1912-2010)
Wright, Lewis (b?)
Wright, Neil (b1956)
Wrubel, Allie (1905-1973)
Wulstan, David (1937-2017)
Wurmser, Lucien (1877-1967)
Wylkynson, Robert (c1475/80-1515)
Xenakis, Iannis (1922-2001)
Ximénez, José (1601-1672)
Yacoub, Rami (b1975)
Yamada, Kōsaku (1886-1965)
Yampolsky, Leyb (1889-1972)
Yanesh, William
Yarbrough, Glenn (1930-2016)
Yarde, Jason (b1970)
Yeats, William Butler (1865-1939)
Yepes, Narciso (1927-1997)
Yépez, Enrique Espín (1926-1997)
Yiu, Raymond (b1973)
Yoko, Yukihiro (b1925)
Yon, Pietro (1886-1943)
Youmans, Vincent (1898-1946)
Young, Toby (b1990)
Young, Victor (1900-1956)
Ysaÿe, Eugène (1858-1931)
Yu-Hsien, Deng (1906-1944)
Yun, Isang (1917-1995)
Zabel, Albert Heinrich (1834-1910)
Zadora, Michael (1882-1946)
Zahrádka, Jirí (b?)
Zamecnik, John Stepan (1872-1953)
Zappa, Frank (1940-1993)
Zarębski, Juliusz (1854-1885)
Zarifyan, Narine (b1958)
Zarzycki, Aleksander (1834-1895)
Zavateri, Lorenzo Gaetano (1690-1764)
Zelenka, Jan Dismas (1679-1745)
Żeleński, Władysław (1837-1921)
Zelter, Carl Friedrich (1758-1832)
Zemlinsky, Alexander (1871-1942)
Zerto, Gasparo (c1550-c1605)
Zéspedes, Juan García de (1619-1678)
Ziani, Pietro Andrea (1616-1684)
Zichy, Count Géza (1849-1924)
Zipoli, Domenico (1688-1726)
Zumsteeg, Johann Rudolf (1760-1802)
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