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Track(s) taken from CDA66960

De profundis

1980; dedicated to Gottfried von Einem
author of text
Psalm 130

Polyphony, Stephen Layton (conductor), Andrew Lucas (organ), Christopher Guy (percussion)
Recording details: January 1997
Romsey Abbey, Hampshire, United Kingdom
Produced by Mark Brown
Engineered by Antony Howell & Julian Millard
Release date: May 1998
Total duration: 7 minutes 19 seconds

Cover artwork: Illustration by Jennie Cockram.


‘Pärt's music remains an object of unstinting wonder’ (BBC Music Magazine)

‘A landmark recording. Go and buy it’ (Choir & Organ)

‘Polyphony's singing is immensely cultivated; bright, clear, immaculately phrased, and gorgeously balanced’ (American Record Guide)

‘Outstandingly good on each front: clarity, balance, intonation, timbre, dynamic and textural control and, perhaps most important of all, feeling’ (Classic CD)

‘Committed and definitive performances of this intense music’ (Organists' Review)
A setting of Psalm 130 for male voices, organ, bass drum, tam-tam and a single tubular bell, De profundis was written in 1980, shortly after Pärt’s move from Estonia to Vienna. It is dedicated to the composer Gottfried von Einem.

from notes by Meurig Bowen © 1998

Cette mise en musique du psaume 130, pour voix d’homme, orgue, grosse caisse, tam-tam et une seule cloche tubulaire fut écrite en 1980, peu après que Pärt eut quitté l’Estonie pour Vienne. Elle est dédiée au compositeur Gottfried von Einem.

extrait des notes rédigées par Meurig Bowen © 1998
Français: Hypérion

Eine Vertonung von Psalm 130 für Männerstimmen, Orgeln, Baßtrommel, Tamtam und einer einzelnen Röhrenglocke, die 1980, kurz nachdem Pärt von Estland nach Wien gegangen war, entstand und die dem Komponisten Gottfried von Einem gewidmet ist.

aus dem Begleittext von Meurig Bowen © 1998
Deutsch: Anke Vogelhuber

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