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Track(s) taken from SIGCD217

School Songs Medley

First line:
The Wickets are set, the field is met
‘Tis Merry England Still by Edward Thring & Christian Reimers; Willow the King by E E Bowen & John Farmer; On Surrey Hills by J M Bastard & Orton Bradley; Hail to the Name of the Brave old Game by R St J Ainslie & P A Thomas; Cricket is King by Ainger
author of text

The London Quartet, Chris Hatt (piano)
Recording details: February 2011
Air Studios, United Kingdom
Produced by Nigel Short
Engineered by Jake Jackson & Chris Barrett
Release date: July 2011
Total duration: 5 minutes 48 seconds


'An absolute riot for cricket fans, this is quite extraordinary collection of cricket music, including a Village Rondo for piano by Matthew Holst, great-grandfather of Gustav, believe it or not' (Choral Guide)» More

For some there will be memories of mucky white flannels and sweaty jock-straps on the playing fields of some of England’s prestigious academic institutions. Much moral fibre, unashamed allegiance and exaltation in evidence as provided by a plethora of music masters and associates: Uppingham, Harrow, Banstead, Sedburgh and Eton to the fore, don’t you know!

from notes by David Allen © 2011

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