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Track(s) taken from CDH55350

Lyric Movement, H191

1933; written for Lionel Tertis who gave the first performance with the BBC Symphony Orchestra under Sir Adrian Boult on 18 March 1934

The Hallé Orchestra, Timothy Pooley (viola), Sir Mark Elder (conductor)
Recording details: March 2001
Bridgewater Hall, Manchester, United Kingdom
Produced by Andrew Keener
Engineered by Tony Faulkner
Release date: June 2001
Total duration: 11 minutes 49 seconds

Cover artwork: Artist's impression of the planet Pluto and its moon Charon. David A Hardy
Science Photo Library


Pluto is an exhilaratingly fleet essay, laced with Holstian allusions. Elder also presides over a perceptive account of the haunting 1933 Lyric Movement … here’s to more high-quality productions from this new partnership’ (Gramophone)

‘Holstians will be grateful for a beautiful account of the melancholy Lyric Movement, but for those mainly interested in The Planets this has few rivals as a performance’ (International Record Review)

‘Wonderfully imaginative [Pluto]—a lightning-fast scherzo that grows out of the dying moments of a preceding Neptune and finally evaporates as mysteriously as it started’ (The Guardian)

‘Colin Matthews has finally completed the picture with Pluto, and hearing it on this fine recording alongside Holst’s original, the scale of his achievement becomes clear. Fast, pacy and light like the solar winds of the planet itself, Colin Matthews has enhanced our enjoyment and appreciation of Holst’s original work, beautifully and movingly played here by the Hallé Orchestra under Mark Elder’ (Classic FM Magazine)

The Planets is beautifully performed, the Hallé on fine form and radiantly strong in Mars, Jupiter and Holst’s swansong, the Lyric Suite’ (Yorkshire Post)
The Lyric Movement for viola and small orchestra (very small, just one each of flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon and strings) was one of Holst’s last works, written in 1933 for the pioneering viola player Lionel Tertis, who gave the first performance with the BBC Symphony Orchestra conducted by Sir Adrian Boult on 18 March 1934. With its shifting harmonies and haunted half-lights, this is an epitome of his late orchestral style; the work might almost have been called ‘Nocturne’. Here Holst achieves a remarkable eloquence, the clarity of his textures and the soaring solo viola reflecting an authority he had been searching for all his life.

from notes by Lewis Foreman © 2001

De 1933, le Mouvement lyrique pour alto et petit orchestre (très petit puisqu’il ne comprend qu’une flûte, hautbois, clarinette, basson et les cordes) est une des dernières compositions de Holst. Elle était destinée à l’altiste Lionel Tertis, véritable pionnier de l’instrument, qui en donna la première audition avec l’Orchestre symphonique de la BBC dirigé par Sir Adrian Boult le 18 mars 1934. Avec ses changements harmoniques et ses clairs-obscurs hantés, cette page que l’on pourrait presque appeler «Nocturne» incarne le style orchestral tardif de Holst. Celui-ci parvient à une éloquence, une clarté de texture et une ligne élancée d’alto seul remarquables, reflétant une autorité qu’il avait recherchée sa vie durant.

extrait des notes rédigées par Lewis Foreman © 2001
Français: Isabelle Battioni

Der Lyrische Satz für Bratsche und kleines Orchester (sehr klein: nur je eine Flöte, Oboe, Klarinette, ein Fagott und Streicher) war eines der letzten Werke Holsts und wurde 1933 für den bahnbrechenden Bratschisten Lionel Tertis komponiert, der mit dem BBC Symphony Orchestra unter Sir Adrian Boult am 18. März 1934 die Uraufführung besorgte. Mit seinen unsteten Harmonien und der spukhaft düsteren Atmosphäre ist dies der Inbegriff von Holsts spätem Orchesterstil, ein Werk, das man fast als „Nocturne“ bezeichnen könnte. Hier gelingt Holst eine erstaunliche Eloquenz, und die Klarheit seiner Strukturen zeugt wie die sich hoch aufschwingende Solobratsche von einer Autorität, die zu erlangen er sein Leben lang bemüht gewesen war.

aus dem Begleittext von Lewis Foreman © 2001
Deutsch: Anne Steeb/Bernd Müller

Other albums featuring this work

Holst: The Planets; Matthews: Pluto
This album is not yet available for downloadSACDA67270Super-Audio CD — SOLD OUT!
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