Welcome to Hyperion Records, an independent British classical label devoted to presenting high-quality recordings of music of all styles and from all periods from the twelfth century to the twenty-first.

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Afanasieff, Walter (b1958)
Agee, James (1909-1955)
Anderson, Maxwell (1888-1959)
Angelou, Maya (1928-2014)
Austin, Billy (1896-1964)
Barks, Coleman (b?)
Barnwell, Ysaÿe Maria (b1946)
Basek, Benj (b1985)
Bates, Katherine Lee (1859-1929)
Bellamann, Henry (1882-1945)
Bellows, Nathaniel (b?)
Benham, Kenneth G (?-?)
Bergman, Alan (b1925)
Bergman, Marilyn (b1929)
Berlin, Irving (1888-1989)
Bernier, Buddy (1910-1983)
Bernstein, Leonard (1918-1990)
Bishop, Elizabeth (1911-1979)
Blake, James Vila (fl1900-1900)
Blane, Ralph (1914-1995)
Blaser, Robin (1925-2009)
Bogan, Louise (1897-1970)
Bolcom, William (b1938)
Borling, John (b1940)
Bowling, Glendora J (b1956)
Bradstreet, Anne (1612-1672)
Brooks, Bishop Phillips (1835-1893)
Browne, Michael Dennis (b1940)
Bruce, David (b1970)
Burke, Johnny (1908-1964)
Butler, Will
Calloway, Cab (1907-1994)
Carey, Mariah (b1969)
Chisholm, Thomas Obediah (1866-1960)
Clementi, James (b?)
Comden, Betty (1917-2006)
Connick, Harry (b1967)
Cooley, Eddie (bc1930)
Cortez, Alberto (1940-2019)
Crawford, Vesta Pierce (1844-1955)
Cummings, Edward Estlin (1894-1962)
Davenport, John (1931-2002)
Davis, Katherine Kennicott (1892-1980)
Densmore, Frances (1867-1957)
Dickinson, Emily Elizabeth (1830-1886)
Dietz, Howard (1896-1983)
DiMarco, Greg
Dixon, Mort (1892-1956)
Dolven, Jeff (b?)
Doolittle, Hilda (1886-1961)
Dorfman, Ariel (b1942)
Dougherty, Celius (1902-1986)
Dresser, Paul (1857-1906)
Dwight, John Sullivan (1813-1893)
Dylan, Bob (b1941)
Earley, Tim (b1972)
Ellington, Edward Kennedy 'Duke' (1899-1974)
Emerson, Ralph Waldo (1803-1882)
Esch, Edward (b1970)
Evans, Ray (1915-2007)
Fattal, Simone (b?)
Feeney, Leonard (1897-1978)
Fields, Dorothy (1905-1974)
Ford, Lena Guilbert (1870-1918)
Foster, Stephen (1826-1864)
Frost, Robert (1874-1963)
Frye, Mary Elizabeth (1905-2004)
Gad, Tobias (b1968)
Gershwin, Ira (1896-1983)
Gibian, George (1924-1999)
Gibson, Bob (1931-1996)
Gilbert, Louis Wolfe (1886-1970)
Gilder, Richard Watson (1844-1909)
Gillespie, Haven (1888-1975)
Goldfinger, Jacqueline (b?)
Goldstein, Linda (b?)
Green, Adolph (1914-2002)
Green, CeeLo (b1974)
Griswold, Alexander Viets (1766-1843)
Guillaume, Sydney (b?)
Guiterman, Arthur (1871-1943)
Hairston, Jester (1901-2000)
Hall, Charles Francis (1821-1871)
Hamill, Sam (b1943)
Hamilton, Arthur (b1926)
Hammerstein, Oscar (1895-1960)
Hapgood, Isabel (1851-1928)
Harbach, Otto (1873-1963)
Harburg, Edgar Yipsel (1896-1981)
Hart, Lorenz (1895-1943)
Hedge, Frederic Henry (1805-1890)
Heyman, Edward (1907-1981)
Heyward, DuBose (1885-1940)
Higginson, Ella (1861-1940)
Hillyer, Robert Silliman (1895-1961)
Hoffman, William M (b1939)
Holmes, Oliver Wendell (1809-1894)
Hopkins, John Henry (1820-1891)
Hughes, Langston (1902-1967)
Iniguez, Ariana (b?)
Ismail, Ahmed E (b1977)
Ives, Charles (1874-1954)
Ives, Harmony Twichell (1876-1979)
Jackson, Michael (1958-2009)
Jacobs-Bond, Carrie (1862-1946)
James, Henry (1843-1916)
Joel, Billy (b1949)
Jones, Thomas S (1882-1932)
Jordan, Louis (1908-1975)
Kachelmeier, Linda (b1965)
Kahane, Gabriel (b1981)
Kahn, Gus (1886-1941)
Kallman, Chester (1921-1975)
Keller, Helen (1880-1968)
Khalifa, Wiz (b1987)
Kilmer, Joyce (1886-1918)
King, Stoddart (1889-1933)
Koch, Howard (1901-1995)
Koehler, Ted (1894-1973)
Kramer, Samuel Noah (1897-1990)
Ladinsky, Daniel (b?)
Larsen, Libby (b1950)
Lawrence, Jack (1912-2009)
Lazarus, Emma (1849-1887)
Leeds, Milton (b?)
Legend, John (b1978)
Lehrer, Tom (b1928)
Leiber, Jerry (1933-2011)
Leigh, Carolyn (1926-1983)
L'Engle, Madeleine (1918-2007)
Lloyd, Erika
Lowell, Robert (1917-1977)
Lowry, Robert (1826-1899)
Luboff, Norman (1917-1987)
Macdonald, Don (b1966)
MacDonough, Glen (1870-1924)
Macleish, Archibald (1892-1982)
Magee, John Gillespie (1922-1941)
Marks, Johnny (1909-1985)
Marshall, Madeleine (1899-1993)
Martin, Hugh (1914-2011)
Marx, Richard (b1963)
Mason, Lowell (1792-1872)
McHugh, Jimmy (1894-1969)
McLachlan, Sarah (b1968)
Mendoza, Ana Maria (b?)
Mercer, Johnny (1909-1976)
Merton, Thomas (1915-1968)
Millay, Edna St Vincent (1892-1950)
Mills, Irving (1894-1985)
Mitchell, Langdon Elwyn (1862-1935)
Moore, Clement Clarke (1779-1863)
Mraz, Jason (b1977)
Mumford Jones, Howard (1892-1980)
Nash, Ogden (1902-1971)
Nat King Cole (1919-1965)
Nelson, Steve (1907-1981)
Newman, Randy (b1943)
Niles, John Jacob (1892-1980)
O'Keefe, Lester (1896-1977)
O'Neill, Eugene (1888-1953)
Oppenheim, James (1882-1932)
Parish, Mitchell (1900-1993)
Parrish, Mitchell (1900-1993)
Pennington, James W C (c1807-1870)
Petersen, Paulann (b1942)
Peterson, Frederick (1859-1938)
Pierpont, James Lord (1822-1893)
Poe, Edgar Allan (1809-1849)
Porter, Cole (1891-1964)
Powell, Rosephayne (b?)
Powers, Jessica (1905-1988)
Prokosch, Frederick (1908-1989)
Raphael, Alice (1887-1975)
Reynolds, Herbert (?-?)
Roethke, Theodore Huebner (1908-1963)
Rogers, Pattiann (b1940)
Rorem, Ned (b1923)
Rosler, Don (b?)
Rothenberg, Jerome (b1931)
Rukeyser, Muriel (1913-1980)
Russell Bowie, Walter (1882-1969)
Schaag, Katie
Schutte, Daniel L (b1947)
Schwartz, Arthur (1900-1984)
Sears, Edmund (1810-1876)
Sherman, Frank Dempster (1860-1916)
Sherman, Richard (1928-2024)
Sherman, Robert (1925-2012)
Silvestri, Charles Anthony (b1965)
Silvestri, Julia Lawrence (1969-2005)
Simon, Paul (b1941)
Skylar, Sunny (1913-2009)
Smith, Richard Bernhard (1901-1935)
Stanton, Frank (1857-1927)
Stevens, Sufjan (b1975)
Stevens, Wallace (1879-1955)
Stills, Stephen (b1945)
Strobel, Marion (1895-1967)
Sunshine, Marion (1894-1963)
Tan, Dr Christina Teenz (b?)
Taylor, James (b1948)
Teasdale, Sara (1884-1933)
Toolan, Suzanne (b1927)
Tormé, Melvin Howard (1925-1999)
Towne, Charles Hanson (1877-1949)
Treece, Roger (b?)
Trumbore, Dale (b1987)
Twain, Mark (1835-1910)
van Dyke, Henry (1852-1933)
Van Ness, Patricia (b1951)
Vodoklys, Edward J (b?)
Warren, Harry (1893-1981)
Washington, Ned (1901-1976)
Webster, Paul Francis (1907-1984)
Weiss, George David (1921-2010)
Wells, Robert (1922-1998)
Whalen, Jack (fl1918-1918)
Wheatley, Phillis (1753-1784)
Wheeler Wilcox, Ella (1850-1919)
Whitacre, Eric (b1970)
Whitman, Walt (1819-1892)
Wilbur, Richard (1921-2017)
Wilhousky, Peter J (1902-1978)
Willis, Love Maria (1842-1908)
Willson, Robert Meredith (1902-1984)
Wonder, Stevie (b1950)
Wylie, Elinor (1885-1928)
Young, Rida Johnson (1875-1926)
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