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May 2009 Releases

Hyperion's record of the month for May 2009 is perfection: innumerable performances and deep musical insight combine to make Steven Osborne's traversal of the complete Rachmaninov Preludes truly a recording to covet. String mastery is also on offer, with Alina Ibragimova turning her elfin virtuosity to the Szymanowski Violin Music, and the Goldner String Quartet presenting a revelatory recital of Bridge Chamber Music—both programmes, featuring pianists Cédric Tibergien and Piers Lane respectively, are as diverse as they are important. To Sweden, where the grand organ of Västerås Cathedral plays host to Christopher Herrick's thirteenth volume of Organ Fireworks and a profligacy of display to make the first Duke of Chandos proud: the Handel Anthems bearing his name fully deserve performances of the calibre offered by Trinity College Choir and the Academy of Ancient Music under Stephen Layton. Contrasting choral fare comes from Wells Cathedral in a comprehensive survey of William Mathias Choral Music and a welcome Hyperion debut from the exciting Consortium, whose expert advocacy of Brahms Secular Choral Works will be as welcome as it is overdue. Turning to the archives, we are reissuing a wonderful recording of Pizzetti Orchestral Music, the original release of which achieved a level of public—though not critical—indifference only matched by its significance.

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