
Benjamin Grosvenor's imaginative exploration of works by great composers paying tribute to their predecessors: Mendelssohn and Franck look back to the Prelude & Fugue form; Busoni presents Bach’s great solo violin Chaconne in a bold and imaginative piano transcription; Chopin and Liszt revisit the world of the Venetian gondoliers; and Ravel looks to the traditional baroque suite for his inspiration.

4830255  100 minutes 15 seconds
‘This third recital album from Benjamin Grosvenor is every bit as pianistically brilliant as its precedents, showing off his fluid virtuosity, musical sensitivity and fearless approach’ (BBC Music Mag ...
‘This young British pianist confirms his place at the top table with an outstanding recital’ (Daily Mail)
‘It is an indescribable and almost surreal leap into a cosmology of sounds, each apparent resonance spawning a new sound world’ (Le Devoir)