from Allegri: Miserere; Palestrina: Missa Papae Marcelli (GIMBD641) 1 Kyrie [3'53] 31 minutes 50 seconds 5 tracks2 Gloria [5'37] 3 Credo [8'57] 4 Sanctus and Benedictus [6'27] 5 Agnus Dei I & II [6'56] 'New release designed to make playing high-resolution surround more accessible to everyone. The Allegri is the standout on this disc in sonic terms, with its main choir set before us, and the soloists ... 'It is 40 years since Peter Phillips founded The Tallis Scholars, and perhaps appropriate that they have chosen to move into the 'new' technology of Blu-ray audio by re-releasing the most celebrated p ... |