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Composer Index – by country – United Kingdom

Composers and arrangers represented on this website from United Kingdom.

Adams, Joe (b?)
Adams, Stephen (1844-1913)
Adams, Thomas (1785-1858)
Addison, John (1766-1844)
Adès, Thomas (b1971)
Adkins, Adele (b1988)
Adkins, Donna (b1940)
Ahmed, Yazz (b1983)
Ainger, Geoffrey (b1925)
Alanus, Johannes (fl late 14th century-early 15th century)
Alcock, Sir Walter Galpin (1861-1947)
Alcorn, Michael (b1962)
Aldrich, Henry (1647-1710)
Alexander, Geoffrey (b?)
Allain, Richard (b1965)
Allen, Andrew (?-?)
Allitsen, Frances (1848-1912)
Amewudah-Rivers, Francesca (b1998)
Amner, John (1579-1641)
Ancliffe, Charles (1880-1952)
Anderson, Julian (b1967)
Andrew, Kerry (b1978)
Appleford, Patrick (b1925)
Arakelyan, Kristina (b1994)
Archer, Malcolm (b1952)
Armes, Philip (1836-1908)
Armstrong, Mark (b?)
Armstrong, Thomas (1898-1994)
Arne, Thomas (1710-1778)
Arnold, John (c1720-1792)
Arnold, John Henry (1887-1956)
Arnold, Malcolm (1921-2006)
Arnold, Samuel (1740-1802)
Ashby, Benjamin (b?)
Ashby, Nick (b1987)
Ashfield, Robert (1911-2006)
Ashlyn, J Quenton (1858-1933)
Ashmore, Lawrence (b?)
Ashton, Graham (b?)
Ashton, Kim B (b?)
Ashworth, Caleb (1722-1775)
Asti, Eugene (b1962)
Aston, Peter (1938-2013)
Atkins, John (d1671)
Atkins, Sir Ivor Algernon (1869-1953)
Attwood, Thomas (1765-1838)
Austin, Frederic (1872-1952)
Avison, Charles (1709-1770)
Babell, William (1689-1723)
Bache, Francis Edward (1833-1858)
Bacheler, Daniel (1572-1619)
Baigent, Bertie (b1995)
Bain, James Leith Macbeth (1860-1925)
Bainton, Edgar (1880-1956)
Bairstow, Sir Edward Cuthbert (1874-1946)
Baker, Martin (b1967)
Baldwin, John (1560-1615)
Ball, Ernest R (1878-1927)
Banister, John (c1625-1679)
Banks, Paul (b?)
Bannan, Richard (b?)
Bantock, Sir Granville (1868-1946)
Barab, Seymour (b1921)
Barber, Graham (b?)
Baring-Gould, Sabine (1834-1924)
Barley, Matthew (b1965)
Barlow, Jeremy (b?)
Barlow, Stephen (b1954)
Barnard, John (b1948)
Barnby, Sir Joseph (1838-1896)
Barnes, Tim (b1990)
Barrett, John (c1676-1719)
Barrett, Roger Keith 'Syd' (1946-2006)
Barri, Odoardo (1844-1920)
Barrow, Geoff (b1971)
Bartlett, Clifford (1939-2019)
Bartlett, Ethel (1896-1978)
Bates, Django (b1960)
Bates, William (fl1750-1780)
Bath, Hubert (1883-1945)
Battishill, Jonathan (1738-1801)
Battiwalla, Darius (b1966)
Baughen, Michael (b1930)
Bax, Sir Arnold (1883-1953)
Bayco, Fredric (1913-1970)
Bayley, William (1810-1858)
Baynes, Sydney (1879-1938)
Beamish, Sally (b1956)
Beaver, Jack (1900-1963)
Bedford, David (1937-2011)
Bednall, David (b1979)
Bedyngham, John (dc1459/60)
Beecham, Sir Thomas (1879-1961)
Beesly, Michael (1700-?)
Bell, Iain (b1980)
Benedict, Sir Julius (1804-1885)
Benjamin, George (b1960)
Bennet, John (1570-1615)
Bennett, George John (1863-1930)
Bennett, Mark (b?)
Bennett, Ned (b?)
Bennett, Sir Richard Rodney (1936-2012)
Bennett, Sir William Sterndale (1816-1875)
Bennett, Thomas Case Sterndale (1882-1944)
Berkeley, Michael (b1948)
Berkeley, Sir Lennox (1903-1989)
Berners, Sir Gerald Hugh Tyrwhitt-Wilson, Lord (1883-1950)
Bertalot, John (b1931)
Best, William Thomas (1826-1897)
Bevan, David (1951-2021)
Bevan, Francis
Bevan, Maurice (1921-2006)
Bevan, Sydney (1838-1901)
Beznosiuk, Lisa (b?)
Bielby, Jonathan Leonard (b1944)
Bignold, Barrie (b?)
Binge, Ronald (1910-1979)
Bingham, Judith (b1952)
Birchall, Richard (b?)
Bird, William Hamilton (c1750-c1804)
Birtwistle, Sir Harrison (1934-2022)
Bishop, Henry (1786-1855)
Bishop, Sir Henry (1786-1855)
Bissill, Richard (b?)
Blackford, Richard (b1954)
Blackwell, David (b1961)
Blair, Hugh (1864-1932)
Blake, Howard (b1938)
Blake, James (b1988)
Blancks, Edward (c1550-1633)
Blatchly, Mark (b1960)
Bliss, Julian (b1989)
Bliss, Sir Arthur (1891-1975)
Blitheman, John (c1525-1591)
Blow, John (1649-1708)
Bocchi, Lorenzo (fl1725-1725)
Boden, Mark David (b1986)
Bond, Capel (1730-1790)
Bonnet, Joseph (1884-1944)
Boothby, Richard (b?)
Borenstein, Nimrod (b1969)
Borwick, Leonard (1868-1925)
Boughton, Rutland (1878-1960)
Bourgeois, Derek (1941-2017)
Bowen, Ruairi (b?)
Bowen, York (1884-1961)
Bowers-Broadbent, Christopher (b?)
Bowie, David (1947-2016)
Boyce, William (1711-1779)
Boyle, Malcolm (1902-1976)
Brabbins, Martyn (b1959)
Brade, William (1560-1630)
Bradford, Harry (b?)
Brady, Owen (b?)
Brahe, May Hannah (1885-1956)
Bratton, John W (1867-1947)
Bray, Charlotte (b1982)
Bremner, Rory (b1961)
Brewer, Sir Herbert (1865-1928)
Brian, Havergal (1876-1972)
Bridge, Frank (1879-1941)
Bridge, Frederick (1844-1924)
Briggs, David (b1962)
Briggs, Kerensa (b1991)
Brittain, Daniel (b?)
Britten, Benjamin (1913-1976)
Brockway, Oliver Michael (b?)
Brooks, James (1760-1809)
Brown, Alan (b?)
Brown, Arthur Henry (1830-1926)
Brown, Henry Albert (c1864-1925)
Brown, Mark (b1941)
Brown, Timothy (b1946)
Browne, John (fl c1490-1490)
Browne, William Denis (1888-1915)
Brunning, John (b1954)
Brunt, Kieran (b?)
Bryars, Gavin (b1943)
Bryne, Albertus (c1621-1668)
Bucalossi, Ernest (1863-1933)
Buck, Sir Percy Carter (1871-1947)
Buckley, David (b1976)
Bull, John (?1562/3-1628)
Bullard, Alan (b1947)
Bullard, Tom (b?)
Bullock, Sir Ernest (1890-1979)
Burgess, Joby (b?)
Burgon, Geoffrey (1941-2010)
Burney, Charles (1726-1814)
Burns, Robert (1759-1796)
Burton, James (b1974)
Bush, Geoffrey (1920-1998)
Butterworth, George (1885-1916)
Butts, Thomas (?-?)
Byram-Wigfield, Timothy (b1963)
Byrchmore, Ruth (b1966)
Byrd, William (1539/40-1623)
Byrt, Dr John (1940-2021)
Byttering, Thomas[?] (fl c1410-1420)
Caesar, Anthony (b1924)
Cambell, Colin (b?)
Cameron, David (b1937)
Cameron, John (fl1856-1856)
Camidge, Matthew (1764-1844)
Camm, Cheryl (b1964)
Campbell, Ewan (b?)
Campbell, Paul (b?)
Campbell, Richard (b?)
Campbell, Sidney (1909-1974)
Campbell, Thomas (1777-1844)
Campion, Thomas (1567-1620)
Campkin, Alexander (b1984)
Candlyn, T Frederick H (1892-1964)
Capel, John Mais (1862-1931)
Carey, Henry (c1690-1743)
Carleston, Stephen (b?)
Carleston, Tim (b?)
Carlton, Richard (c1558-?1638)
Carpenter, Gary (b1951)
Carr, Michael (1905-1968)
Carrington, Simon (b1942)
Carrington, Simon (b1966)
Carter, Andrew (b1939)
Carter, Sydney (1915-2004)
Carvor, Robert (c1484/7-after 1567)
Caustun, Thomas (c1522-1569)
Cavendish, Michael (c1565-1628)
Chadburn, Leo (b?)
Challinor, Frederick Arthur (1866-1952)
Chambers, Herbert Arthur (1880-1967)
Chandler, Adrian (b1974)
Chapman Campbell, Alexander (b?)
Chapman, Edward (1902-1981)
Chapple, Brian (b1945)
Charke, Richard (c1709-c1738)
Charles, Ernest (1895-1984)
Charlton, Alan (1970-2018)
Chilcot, Thomas (c1700-1766)
Chilcott, Bob (b1955)
Child, William (1606-1697)
Chirbury, [? Robert] (? c1380-1454)
Chisholm, Erik (1904-1965)
Chivers, Chris (b1967)
Chowhan, Pam
City Waites, The (?-?)
Clapton, Eric (b1945)
Clare, Alan (1921-1993)
Clark, Brian (b?)
Clark, Richard (1780-1856)
Clark, Thomas (1775-1859)
Clarke, Jeremiah (1670-1707)
Clarke, Rebecca (1886-1979)
Clay, Frederic (1838-1889)
Clementi, Muzio (1752-1832)
Clements, Jim (b1983)
Cleobury, Stephen (1948-2019)
Clerk, John (1676-1755)
Cliffe, Frederic (1857-1931)
Clifton, John (1781-1841)
Clowes, Trish (b1984)
Clucas, Humphrey (b1941)
Coates, Eric (1886-1957)
Cobbold, William (1560-1639)
Cochrane, Peggy (1902-1988)
Cocker, Norman (1889-1953)
Cockram, Edward Purcell (1853-1932)
Cohen, Harriet (1895-1967)
Coke, Roger Sacheverell (1912-1972)
Colahan, Dr Arthur (1885-1952)
Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel (1875-1912)
Coles, Cecil (1888-1918)
Collier, Jacob (b1994)
Collin, June (b?)
Collins, Anthony (1893-1963)
Comeau, Ben (b?)
Comeau, Paul (b1958)
Connolly, Sarah (b1963)
Connor, Tommie (1904-1993)
Cook, Daniel (b1979)
Cook, John (1918-1984)
Cooke, Arnold (1906-2005)
Cooke, Benjamin (1734-1793)
Cooke, John? (c1385-?1442)
Cooke, Phillip (b1980)
Cooke, Robert (1768-1814)
Cooper, Julie (b1964)
Corbett, William (c1675-1748)
Corder, Frederick (1852-1932)
Corfe, Joseph (1740-1820)
Cornysh, William (d1523)
Cornysh, William (dc1502)
Corp, Ronald (b1951)
Cosyn, Benjamin (c1570-after 1652)
Coward, James (1824-1880)
Coward, Sir Noël (1899-1973)
Cowen, Sir Frederic Hymen (1852-1935)
Cox, Neil (b1955)
Cranford, William (fl1613-fl1621)
Craxton, Harold (1885-1971)
Croft, William (1678-1727)
Crotch, William (1775-1847)
Cruft, Adrian (1921-1987)
Cruttwell-Reade, Ninfea (b1989)
Cullen, Joseph (b?)
Cummings, William Hayman (1831-1915)
Cunningham, Bridget (b?)
Curtis, Ian (1956-1980)
Curzon, Frederic (1899-1973)
Cutler, Joe (b1968)
Cutting, Francis (c1550-1595/6)
Dacre, Harry (1860-1922)
Dahmen, Johann Arnold (1766-1812)
Dale, Benjamin (1885-1943)
Dale, Rebecca (b1985)
Damett, [Thomas?] (? 1389/90-between 15 July 1436 and 14 April 1437)
Dankworth, Sir John (1927-2010)
Danyel, John (1564-c1626)
Darke, Harold (1888-1976)
Darlington, Stephen (b?)
Darwall, John (1731-1789)
Datta, Soumik (b?)
David, John (b1946)
Davie, Cedric Thorpe (1913-1983)
Davies, David Ivor (1893-1951)
Davies, Jeremy (b1963)
Davies, Sir Henry Walford (1869-1941)
Davies, Tansy (b1973)
Davis, Oliver (b1972)
Davison, Nigel (b1929)
Davy, John (1763-1824)
Day, Edgar Frederick (1891-1983)
Deane, William (?1575-c1638)
Dearmer, Percy (1867-1936)
Dearnley, Christopher (1930-2000)
Debretzeni, Kati (b?)
De-Lisser, Mark (b?)
Delius, Frederick (1862-1934)
Dennis, Catherine (b1969)
Dering, Richard (c1580-1630)
Devor, James (b1982)
Dexter, Harry (1910-1973)
Dibble, Jeremy (b?)
Dibdin, Charles (1745-1814)
Dickson, Stanley (1885-1956)
Dietrich, Albert (1829-1908)
Dix, J Airlie (d1911)
Dixon, Graham (b?)
Dixon, Jon (b?)
Docker, Robert (1918-1992)
Dolmetsch, Rudolph (1906-1942)
Douglas, Roy (b?)
Dove, Jonathan (b1959)
Dowland, John (1563-1626)
Drake, Sir Francis (1588-1637)
Drake, Susan (b?)
Drayton, Paul (b1944)
Driffelde, Robert[?] (fl1424-1468)
Dring, Madeleine (1923-1977)
Drofnatski, Karel (1852-1924)
Druce, Duncan (1939-2015)
Duddell, Joe (b1972)
Dudley, Anne (b1956)
Duhig, Ian (b?)
Dunachie, Patrick (b?)
Duncan, Trevor (1924-2005)
Dunhill, Thomas (1877-1946)
Dunkley, Sally (b?)
Dunstall, Clive (b?)
Dunstaple, John (c1390-1453)
Durant, Sharon
D'Urfey, Thomas (1653-1723)
Dykes, John Bacchus (1823-1876)
Dyson, Sir George (1883-1964)
Earle, William Benson (1740-1796)
East, Michael (1580-1648)
Eastop, Zachary (b1997)
Eccles II, Solomon (1649-1710)
Eccles, John (1668-1735)
Edgley Smith, Mark (1955-2008)
Edmundson, Garth (1900-1971)
Edwards, Edwin (1830-1907)
Edwards, Paul (b1955)
Elgar, Sir Edward (1857-1934)
Elias, Brian (b1948)
Elliott, James William (1833-1915)
Ellis, Simon (b?)
Ellis, Vivian (1903-1996)
Elms, Roderick (b1951)
El-Turk, Bushra (b?)
Elvey, Sir George Job (1816-1893)
Elvey, Stephen (1805-1860)
Emanuel, Louis (1819-c1889)
Eno, Brian (b1948)
Epworth, Paul (b1974)
Erlanger, Frédéric d' (1868-1943)
Eteson, Richard (b?)
Evans, David (1874-1948)
Evans, David (b1957)
Ewing, Alexander (1830-1895)
Excetre, J (fl c1410-1410)
Fairclough, Matthew (b1970)
Farjeon, Harry (1878-1948)
Farmer, John (fl1591-1601)
Farnaby, Giles (c1563-1640)
Farnaby, Richard (c1594-?)
Farnon, Robert (1917-2005)
Farrant, Richard (?1525-1580)
Farrar, Ernest (1885-1918)
Farrell, Bernadette (b1957)
Farrington, Iain (b1977)
Fawcett, John (1789-1867)
Fayrfax, Robert (1464-1521)
Fenby, Eric (1906-1997)
Ferguson, Barry (b1942)
Ferguson, William Harold (1874-1950)
Ferrabosco, Alfonso (c1575-1628)
Filsell, Jeremy (b?)
Finck, Herman (1872-1939)
Finlay, Kenneth G (1882-1974)
Finnis, Edmund (b1984)
Finnissy, Michael (b1946)
Finzi, Gerald (1901-1956)
Fitch, Fabrice (b1967)
Fitkin, Graham (b1963)
Flanders, Michael (1922-1975)
Fletcher, Percy (1879-1932)
Flintoft, Luke (c1680-1727)
Foggitt, Peter (b?)
Fonteyns (fl c1400-1400)
Forbes L'Estrange, Joanna (b1971)
Ford, Thomas (d1648)
Forest (fl 1400-1450)
Forsdyke, Leo (b?)
Forsey, Keith (b1948)
Forshaw, Christian (b1972)
Forsyth, Cecil (1870-1941)
Foss, Hubert (1899-1953)
Foster, John (1762-1822)
Foster, John (1827-1915)
Foulds, John Herbert (1880-1939)
Fowler, [John?] (fl c1460-1460)
Fox, Christopher (b1955)
Frances (b1993)
Frances-Hoad, Cheryl (b1980)
Frankel, Benjamin (1906-1973)
Fraser-Simson, Harold (1872-1944)
French, M Helen (?-?)
Freyhan, Michael (b?)
Fricker, Herbert A (1868-1943)
Friend, Lisa (b?)
Frost, Stephen (b1959)
Frye, Walter (d1475)
Fryer, Herbert (1877-1957)
Furniss, Rosemary (b?)
Gabbitas, Christopher (b1979)
Gallagher, Noel (b1967)
Galvani, Marco (b1994)
Gant, Andrew (b?)
Gardiner, Henry Balfour (1877-1950)
Gardiner, Sir John Eliot (b1943)
Gardiner, William (1770-1853)
Gardner, John (1917-2011)
Garland, Tim (b1966)
Garrard, Timothy (b?)
Garrett, George Mursell (1834-1897)
Garth, John (1722-1810)
Garthwaite, Joel (b?)
Gauntlett, Henry John (1805-1876)
Gay, John (1685-1732)
Geehl, Henry (1882-1961)
German, Edward (1862-1936)
Gervays (fl c1400-1400)
Gibbons, Beth (b1965)
Gibbons, Christopher (1615-1676)
Gibbons, Ellis (1573-1603)
Gibbons, Orlando (1583-1625)
Gibbs, Alan (b1932)
Gibbs, Cecil Armstrong (1889-1960)
Gibbs, Joseph (1698-1788)
Gibson, Tim (b?)
Giles, Thomas (?-?)
Gipps, Ruth (1921-1999)
Gladwin, Thomas (c1710-?1799)
Glynn, Christopher (b1974)
Godfrey, Fred (1837-1882)
Godin, Felix (c1864-1925)
Goehr, Alexander (b1932)
Goodall, Howard (b1958)
Goodenough, Robert Philip (c1776-1826)
Goodhart, Arthur Murray (1866-1941)
Goodwin, Ron (1925-2003)
Goodwin, Starling (d1774)
Goossens, Sir Eugene (1893-1962)
Gordon, David (b1965)
Gordon, Michael (b1956)
Gorton, William (d1711)
Goss, Sir John (1800-1880)
Goss, Stephen (b1964)
Gough, Orlando (b1953)
Goves, Larry (b1980)
Gowers, Patrick (1936-2014)
Grace, Harvey (1874-1944)
Grant, David (1833-1893)
Greatorex, Thomas (1758-1831)
Greatorex, Walter (1877-1949)
Green, Alwyn (b?)
Green, Philip (1911-1982)
Greene, Maurice (1696-1755)
Grier, Francis (b1955)
Grime, Helen (b1981)
Gritton, Peter (b1963)
Grosvenor, Benjamin (b1992)
Guest, Douglas (1916-1996)
Guest, George (1924-2002)
Gunning, Christopher (1944-2023)
Gurney, Ivor (1890-1937)
Gynn, Eloise Nancie (b1985)
Hadley, Patrick (1899-1973)
Hagley, Joshua (b?)
Hall, Henry (c1656-1707)
Hall, Mike (b1957)
Halsey, Louis (b1929)
Halstead, Anthony (b1945)
Hammond, Albert (b1944)
Handel, George Frideric (1685-1759)
Handford, George (1582/5-1647)
Hanforth, Thomas William (1867-1948)
Hanmer, Ronald (1917-1994)
Hann, Sidney (1867-1921)
Hannon, Neil (b1970)
Harington, Henry (1727-1816)
Harper, Celia (b1945)
Harper, Roy (b1941)
Harris, Sir William (1883-1973)
Harrison, George (1943-2001)
Harrison, John (1808-1871)
Harrison, John (fl1867-1880)
Harrison, Julius (1885-1963)
Harrison, Timothy Craig (b1962)
Hart, Paul (b1954)
Hartley, Fred (1905-1991)
Hartley, Philip (b?)
Harvey, Jonathan (1939-2012)
Harvey, Roger (b?)
Harwood, Basil (1859-1949)
Hatt, Chris (b?)
Hatton, John Liptrot (1808-1886)
Havergal, William Henry (1793-1870)
Hawes, Patrick (b1958)
Hawkesworth, Henry (b?)
Hayes, Nick (b1963)
Hayes, Philip (1738-1797)
Haywood, John (b?)
Hazlewood, Charles (b?)
Head, Michael (1900-1976)
Heap, Imogen (b1977)
Hebden, John (c1712-1765)
Helmore, Thomas (1811-1890)
Hely, Benjamin (dbefore 1699)
Hely, Cuthbert (fl1620-1648)
Hemmings, Alan Stephen (1934-2018)
Henderson, Archibald Martin (1879-1957)
Henry V (1386-1422)
Henry VIII (1491-1547)
Herrick, Christopher (b1942)
Herschel, Sir William (1738-1822)
Hervey, Frederick Alfred (1846-1910)
Hess, Dame Myra (1890-1965)
Hess, Nigel (b1953)
Hession, Toby (b1997)
Hewitt Jones, Thomas (b?)
Hickox, Richard (1948-2008)
Higgs, Henry Marcellus (1855-1929)
Hill, David (b1957)
Hill, John (1714-?)
Hilton, John (1565-?1609)
Hilton, John (1599-1657)
Hine, Stuart (1899-1989)
Hine, William (1687-1730)
Hobbs, John William (1799-1877)
Hoddinott, Alun (1929-2008)
Hodges, Edward (1796-1867)
Holborne, Antony (c?1545-1602)
Holbrooke, Joseph (1878-1958)
Holloway, Robin (b1943)
Holman, Peter (b1946)
Holmes, John (?-1629)
Holst, Gustav (1874-1934)
Holst, Imogen (1907-1984)
Holst, Matthew (b?)
Hook, James (1746-1827)
Hook, Peter (b1956)
Hooper, Edmund (c1553-1621)
Hope, Peter (b1930)
Hopkins, Alexander (b?)
Hopkins, Antony (1921-2014)
Hopkins, Edward John (1818-1901)
Hopkins, John Larkin (1820-1873)
Horder, Mervyn (1910-1998)
Horne, Elsie (1870-1947)
Horovitz, Joseph (1926-2022)
Horrocks-Hopayian, Cevanna (b1986)
Horsley, William (1774-1858)
Hough, Stephen (b1961)
Howard, Michael (1922-2002)
Howat, Roy (b1951)
Howell, Dorothy (1898-1982)
Howells, Herbert (1892-1983)
Hughes, Bernard (b1974)
Hughes, Herbert (1882-1937)
Hughes, John (1677-1720)
Hughes, John (1873-1932)
Hullah, John Pyke (1812-1884)
Hume, James Ord (1864-1932)
Hume, Tobias (?c1579-1645)
Humfrey, Pelham (1647-1674)
Humphris, Ian (b?)
Hunnis, William (d1597)
Hunt, Thomas (fl c1600-fl c1600)
Hurford, Peter (1930-2019)
Hurlstone, William (1876-1906)
Hyde, Daniel (b1980)
Hyde, Thomas (b1978)
Iliff, David (b?)
Inglot, William (1554-1621)
Innes, Don (b?)
Ireland, John (1879-1962)
Irvine, Jessie Seymour (1836-1887)
Isserlis, Steven (b1959)
Ives, Grayston (b1948)
Ives, Simon (1600-1662)
Jack, Adrian (b1943)
Jackman, Andrew (1946-2003)
Jackman, Jeremy (b1952)
Jackson, Francis (1917-2022)
Jackson, Gabriel (b1962)
Jackson, Timothy (b1972)
Jackson, William (1730-1803)
Jacob, Gordon (1895-1984)
Jacobs, William (c1800-1873)
Jacobson, Julian (b1947)
Jacobson, Maurice (1896-1976)
Jacques, Reginald (1894-1969)
Jarman, Thomas (1776-1861)
Jarvis, Samuel (d1785)
Jarvis, Stephen (?-?)
Jeffreys, George (c1610-1685)
Jeffries, John (b1927)
Jegede, Tunde (b1972)
Jenkins, John (1592-1678)
Jenkins, Karl (b1944)
John, Keith (b1953)
John, Sir Elton (b1947)
Johns, Sebastian (b?)
Johnson, David (1922-1987)
Johnson, Edward (fl1572-1601)
Johnson, Emma (b1966)
Johnson, Robert (c1583-1633)
Johnson, Simon (b1975)
Johnston, Ken (b?)
Jones, John (1728-1796)
Jones, Richard (d1744)
Jones, Richard Elfyn (b?)
Jones, Robert (fl1597-1615)
Jones, Sidney (1861-1946)
Jones, Stuart (b?)
Jordan, Thomas (c1614-1685)
Joseph James (b?)
Joseph, Julian (b1966)
Joubert, John (1927-2019)
Joyce, Archibald (1873-1963)
Joyce, Dr Patrick Weston (1827-1914)
Kaner, Matthew (b?)
Kay, Brian (b1944)
Kearns, Benedict (b?)
Keating, Geoffrey (b?)
Keel, James Frederick (1871-1954)
Keen, Marta (b?)
Keenan, Andrew (b?)
Kellam, Ian (b1933)
Kelly, Bryan (b1934)
Kemp, Will (?-?)
Kennedy, Piers Connor (b1991)
Kennedy-Fraser, Marjorie (1857-1930)
Ketèlbey, Albert W (1875-1959)
Key, Joseph (d1784)
Keyte, Hugh (b?)
King, Oliver (1855-1923)
King, Robert (b1960)
Kirbye, George (c1565-1634)
Kit and the Widow
Kitson, Charles Herbert (1874-1944)
Knight, Gerald Hocken (1908-1979)
Knight, Peter (1917-1985)
Knight, Richard (b?)
Knotts, David (b1972)
Knyvett, William (1779-1856)
Lack, Graham (b1954)
Lamb, Ben (b?)
Lambe, Walter (c1450-c1500)
Lambert, Constant (1905-1951)
Lambert, Edward Frank (1868-1925)
Lamond, Frederic (1868-1948)
Lampe, John Frederick (1702/3-1751)
Lancaster, David (b1960)
Lane, Jonathan (b1958)
Lane, Philip (b1950)
Lang, Craig Sellar (1891-1971)
Langdon, John (b?)
Langdon, Richard (1729-1803)
Langey, Otto (1851-1922)
Langford, Gordon (1930-2017)
Langley, John
Langley, Robin (b?)
Lanier, Nicholas (1588-1666)
Lapwood, Anna (b1995)
Lawes, Henry (1596-1662)
Lawes, William (1602-1645)
Lawrence-King, Andrew (b?)
Lawson, Geoff (b?)
Lawson, Ian (b1955)
Lawson, Philip (b1957)
Layton, Stephen (b1966)
Le Page, David (b1971)
Leach, Rachel (b1973)
Ledger, Sir Philip (1937-2012)
Lee, Joanna (b1982)
Leech, Owen (b1971)
Lehmann, Liza (1862-1918)
Leighton, Kenneth (1929-1988)
Lemare, Edwin (1865-1934)
Lennon, John (1940-1980)
Leonard, Lawrence (1923-2001)
Leslie, Henry (1822-1896)
L'Estrange, Alexander (b1974)
L'Estrange, Harry (b2008)
Leveridge, Richard (1670/1-1758)
Lewis, Al (?-?)
Lewis, Geraint (b1958)
Ley, Henry George (1887-1962)
Liddell, Claire (b?)
Lilburn, Tom (b?)
Limbrick, Simon (b?)
Lindley, Simon (b?)
Lindsay, Peter (b?)
Linley, Thomas (1733-1795)
Linley, Thomas (1756-1778)
Linley, William (1771-1835)
Lisley, John (fl c1600-fl c1600)
Llewellyn, William (b1925)
Lloyd Webber, Andrew (b1948)
Lloyd Webber, William (1914-1982)
Lloyd, Charles Harford (1849-1919)
Lloyd, Graham J (b?)
Lloyd, Richard (b1933)
Locke, Matthew (c1621/3-1677)
Lockhart, Charles (1745-1815)
Loeillet, Jean Baptiste (1680-1730)
Löhr, Hermann (1871-1943)
Long, Ashley John (b1986)
Long, James (b1987)
Lord, Jon (1941-2012)
Lovatt, Samuel Ernest (1877-1954)
Luard-Selby, Bertram (1853-1918)
Lubbock, Jeremy (b?)
Ludford, Nicholas (c1490-1557)
Lumsden, Andrew (b1962)
Lupo, Joseph (c1537-1616)
Lupo, Thomas (1571-1627)
Lutyens, Elisabeth (1906-1983)
Lutz, Wilhelm Meyer (c1829-1903)
Lynch, Graham (b1957)
Lyon, Meyer (1751-1797)
MacColl, Ewan (1915-1989)
MacCunn, Hamish (1868-1916)
Macfarlane, Malcolm (?-?)
Macfarren, Sir George (1813-1887)
Macfarren, Walter (1826-1905)
Mackenzie, Sir Alexander Campbell (1847-1935)
Maclagan, Archbishop William Dalrymple (1826-1910)
MacMillan, Sir James (b1959)
Maconchy, Elizabeth (1907-1994)
Macpherson, Charles (1870-1927)
Madan, Martin (1725-1790)
Mahon, John (c1748-1834)
Major, John (?-?)
Malcolm, George (1917-1997)
Malotte, Albert Hay (1895-1964)
Mann, Arthur Henry (1850-1929)
Manners, David (b1975)
Mansfield, Purcell James (1889-1968)
Manze, Andrew (b1965)
Marchant, Sir Stanley Robert (1883-1949)
Marchbank, Peter (b1943)
Marlow, Richard (1939-2013)
Marlowe, Louis (b?)
Marr, Johnny (b1963)
Marsh, Joanna (b1970)
Marsh, John (1752-1828)
Marsh, William (fl1816-1816)
Marshall, Philip (1921-2005)
Marshall, Wayne (b1961)
Marson, George (c1573-1632)
Marston, Nicholas (b?)
Martin, Matthew (b1976)
Martin, Ray (1918-1988)
Martin, Sir George Clement (1844-1916)
Mason, Christian (b1984)
Mathias, William (1934-1992)
Matthay, Tobias (1858-1945)
Matthews, Colin (b1946)
Matthews, David (b1943)
Matthews, William (1759-1830)
Maunder, John Henry (1858-1920)
Maunder, Richard (b?)
Maw, Nicholas (1935-2009)
Mawby, Colin (1936-2019)
Mawson, James (b?)
Maxwell Davies, Sir Peter (1934-2016)
Maybrick, Michael (1844-1913)
Mayerl, Billy (1902-1959)
McBurney, Gerard (b1954)
McCabe, John (1939-2015)
McCarthy, James (b1979)
McCartney, Paul (b1942)
McCormack, Andrew (b1978)
McDowall, Cecilia (b1951)
McEwen, Sir John (1868-1948)
McGarr, Peter (b1953)
McGill, Josephine (1877-1919)
McGonigal, Dominic (b?)
McKevitt, Donna (b1970)
McKie, Sir William (1901-1984)
McLaughlin, John (b1942)
McMillan, Ian (b?)
McPhee, George (?-?)
McVicar, George (?-?)
McVie, Christine (b1943)
Meakins, Vaughan (b?)
Mealor, Paul (b1975)
Melachrino, George (1909-1965)
Merbecke, John (c1510-c1585)
Mercury, Freddie (1946-1991)
Meredith, Anna (b1978)
Merrick, Frank (1886-1981)
Metcalf, John (b1946)
Michael, George (b1963)
Middleton, Hubert Stanley (1890-1959)
Mika (b1983)
Milford, Robin (1903-1959)
Miller, Edward (1735-1807)
Milligan, Spike (1918-2002)
Milner, Anthony (1925-2002)
Milton, John (c1563-1647)
Miss L H of Liverpool (?-?)
Moeran, Ernest John (1894-1950)
Moffat, Alfred (1866-1950)
Mold, Simon (b1957)
Monckton, Lionel (1861-1924)
Monk, Edwin George (1819-1900)
Monk, William Henry (1823-1889)
Monks, Christopher (b?)
Monro, George (1680-1731)
Montague, Stephen (b1943)
Moody, Ivan (1964-2024)
Moore, Dudley (1935-2002)
Moore, Gerald (1899-1987)
Moore, Philip (b1943)
Moray, Jim (b1981)
Morgan, Blake (b?)
Morgan-Williams, Bethan (b1992)
Moriarty, James (b?)
Morley, Thomas (1557/8-1602)
Morley, William (d1721)
Morris, Reginald Owen (1886-1948)
Morris, Stephen (b1957)
Morrison, Sir George Ivan (b1945)
Morton, Robert (c1430-after 13 March 1479)
Mossman, Donald Wyndham Cremer (b1913)
Mothersole, Wilfred John (1898-1992)
Moult, Daniel (b?)
Muldowney, Dominic (b1952)
Mundy, John (c1555-1630)
Mundy, William (c1529-1591)
Murcott, Dominic (b1965)
Murray, Alan Robert (1890-1952)
Murray, James Ramsey (1841-1905)
Murray, T K (b1965)
Murrill, Herbert (1909-1952)
Musgrave, Thea (b1928)
Mvula, Laura (b1987)
Myddleton, W H (c1858-1917)
Nares, James (1715-1783)
Nash, Grace Helen (1882-1969)
Nathan, Isaac (1790-1864)
Naylor, Edward Woodall (1867-1934)
Naylor, Ken (1931-1991)
Neary, Martin (b1940)
Neaum, Michael (b?)
Nesbit, Edward (b1986)
Newbould, Brian (b?)
Newman, Anthony (?-?)
Newton-Rex, Edmund (b?)
Nicholas, Jeremy (b1947)
Nichols, Cliff (b?)
Nicholson, Richard (1563-1639)
Nicholson, Sir Sydney Hugo (1875-1947)
Nicolson, Richard (c1570-1639)
Nield, David (b1941)
Nieper, Wendy (b?)
Noble, Thomas Tertius (1867-1953)
Norcombe, Daniel (1576-before 1626)
Norris, Thomas (1741-1790)
Northcott, Bayan (b1940)
Norton, Caroline (1808-1877)
Novello, Ivor (1893-1951)
Novello, Vincent (1781-1861)
Nunn, David (b?)
Nwanoku, Chi-Chi (b?)
Nyman, Michael (b1944)
Oakeley, Sir Herbert Stanley (1830-1903)
Oates, Jackie (b1983)
O'Brien, Vincent (1870-1948)
O'Connor, Sir Frederick (1870-1943)
O'Donnell, James (b1961)
Oldham, Arthur (1926-2003)
Olivers, Thomas (1725-1799)
O'Neill, Nicholas (b1970)
Ord, Boris (1897-1961)
O'Regan, Tarik (b1978)
Orr, C W (1893-1976)
Orr, Robin (1909-2006)
Orton, Beth (b1970)
Orzabal, Roland (b1961)
Osborne, Steven (b1971)
Ouseley, Sir Frederick Arthur Gore (1825-1889)
Overton, David (b?)
Owen Norris, David (b1953)
Owen, David (1709-1739)
Oxley, Harrison (1933-2009)
Oxley, James (b?)
Painter, Christopher (b1962)
Paisible, James (d1721)
Palmer, Christopher (1946-1995)
Palmer, Clement Charlton (1871-1944)
Pankhurst, Lucy (b1981)
Panufnik, Roxanna (b1968)
Pappano, Sir Antonio
Parish-Alvars, Elias (1808-1849)
Park, Owain (b1993)
Parker, Aaron (b1991)
Parker, Martin (fl1650?-1650)
Parratt, Sir Walter (1841-1924)
Parrott, Andrew (b1947)
Parry, Ben (b1965)
Parry, Sir Hubert (1848-1918)
Parsons, Robert (c1535-1572)
Parsons, William (fl1545-1563)
Patterson, Paul (b1947)
Pavia, Isidore Leo (1875-1945)
Payne, Anthony (1936-2021)
Peacock, Adrian (b1962)
Pearce, Charles (1858-1928)
Pearsall, Robert Lucas (1795-1856)
Peel, Graham (1877-1937)
Peerson, Martin (c1572-1651)
Pembroke College Girls' Choir
Penn, Arthur (1875-1941)
Perkins, Laurence (b1954)
Petri, Egon (1881-1962)
Petrie, Chris (b1987)
Pettman, Edgar (c1866-1943)
Phibbs, Joseph (b1974)
Philips, Peter (1560/1-1628)
Phillips, Peter (b?)
Phillips, Thomas (1735-1807)
Philp, James East (?-?)
Picforth (fl c1580-1580)
Pilkington, Francis (c1570-1638)
Pinel, Richard (b1984)
Pinto, George Frederick (1785-1806)
Piper, Charlie (b1982)
Pitts, Antony (b1969)
Pitts, John (b1976)
Pixell, John (1725-1784)
Plant, Andrew (b?)
Plummer, John (?c1410-c1484)
Ponniah, Ben (b1984)
Poole, Geoffrey (b1949)
Popplewell, Richard (1935-2016)
Poppy, Andrew (b1954)
Poston, Elizabeth (1905-1987)
Pott, Francis (b1957)
Potter, Cipriani (1792-1871)
Power, Leonel (d1445)
Prathivadi, Kethaki (b1998)
Prendergast, William (1868-1933)
Preston, Simon (1938-2022)
Prichard, Rowland Huw (1811-1887)
Primrose, William (1904-1982)
Pritchard, Deborah (b1977)
Pritchard, Thomas Cuthbertson Leithead (1885-1960)
Prokofiev, Gabriel (b1975)
Pryor, Arthur (1870-1942)
Purcell, Daniel (c1664-1717)
Purcell, Edward C (1853-1932)
Purcell, Henry (1659-1695)
Purday, Charles Henry (1799-1885)
Puth, Charlie (b1991)
Putt, Alastair (b1983)
Pyamour, John (fl c1418-before March 1426)
Pycard (fl c1410-1410)
Pye, Kellow John (1812-1901)
Pysing, William (c1599-1684)
Quilter, Roger (1877-1953)
Quinney, Robert (b1976)
Radcliffe, Philip (1905-1986)
Raine, Nic (b?)
Ramsey, Robert (fl c1612-1644)
Randall, John (1717-1799)
Rathbone, Jonathan (b1957)
Ravenscroft, Thomas (c1582-c1635)
Rawsthorne, Alan (1905-1971)
Rawsthorne, Noel (b1929)
Reade, Paul (1943-1997)
Recknell, Thomas (b1989)
Redford, John (d1547)
Redhead, Richard (1820-1901)
Redshaw, Alec (b?)
Reece-Trapp, Ghislaine (b1992)
Reid, Charles (b1962)
Reid, Craig (b1962)
Reizenstein, Franz (1911-1968)
Reynolds, Lee
Reynolds, Peter (b1958)
Reynolds, Stephen (b1947)
Rhodes, James (b1976)
Rice, Robert (b1971)
Richards, Goff (1944-2011)
Richardson, Clive (1909-1998)
Richardson, Neil (b?)
Richter, Max (b1966)
Rider, Charles (fl1820-1820)
Ridout, Alan (1934-1996)
Riley, Adam (b1971)
Rissmann, Paul (b?)
Roberton, Sir Hugh (1874-1952)
Roberts, Deborah (b?)
Roberts, John (1822-1877)
Roberts, Jonathan (b1983)
Roberts, Keith (b?)
Roberts, Stephen (b1952)
Roberts, Timothy (b?)
Robertson, Rae (1893-1978)
Robertson, Roland (b?)
Robinson, Christopher (b1936)
Robinson, John (1682-1762)
Robson, John Gair 'Jack' (c1885-1957)
Rodgers, Sir John Leman (1780-1847)
Roe, Betty (b1930)
Rogers, John (1780-1847)
Ronald, Sir Landon (1873-1938)
Rootham, Cyril (1875-1938)
Rose, Barry (b1934)
Rose, Bernard (1916-1996)
Rose, David (1910-1990)
Roseingrave, Ralph (1695-1747)
Roseingrave, Thomas (1688-1766)
Ross, Dr William Baird (1871-1950)
Ross, Marshall (1918-1988)
Rosse, Frederick (1867-1940)
Rosseter, Philip (1567/8-1623)
Roth, Alec (b1948)
Roth, Alex (b?)
Routley, Erik Reginald (1917-1982)
Rowarth, Benjamin (b1992)
Rowlands, Thomas (b1971)
Rowlands, William Penfro (1860-1937)
Rubbra, Edmund (1901-1986)
Runswick, Daryl (b1946)
Rusby, Kate (b1973)
Rush, George (fl1760-1780)
Russell, William (1777-1813)
Rutter, John (b1945)
Sakyi, Ofei (b?)
Sammons, Albert (1886-1957)
Sanders, John (1933-2003)
Sanderson, Wilfred (1878-1935)
Sargent, Malcolm (1895-1967)
Saunders, Adam (b?)
Sawyer, Ben (b?)
Saxton, Robert (b1953)
Scaife, George Arthur (1874-1960)
Scholefield, Clement Cotterill (1839-1904)
Scott, Cyril (1879-1970)
Scott, Francis George (1880-1958)
Scott, John (1956-2015)
Scott, Mike (b1958)
Searle, Oliver Iredale (b1977)
Seers, Jonathan (b1954)
See-Schierenberg, Sebastian (b?)
Seiber, Mátyás (1905-1960)
Semmens, Anjula (b?)
Semple, Anna (b1997)
Sergeant, Matthew (b1984)
Shakespeare, William (1564-1616)
Shaw, Geoffrey (1879-1943)
Shaw, Ian (b1960)
Shaw, Martin (1875-1958)
Shaw, Thomas (c1755-1830)
Shaw, Watkins (1911-1996)
Shearing, George (1919-2011)
Sheeran, Ed (b1991)
Sheldon, Gladys Mary (1889-?)
Shephard, Richard (1949-2021)
Sheppard, John (c1515-1558)
Sheppard, Mike (b?)
Sheppard, Philip (b1969)
Sherly, Joseph (fl c1600-1600)
Shield, William (1748-1829)
Shipley, Ellen (b1949)
Shlomo (b1983)
Short, Nigel (b?)
Siem, Charlie (b1986)
Siem, Sasha (b1984)
Simcock, Gwilym (b1981)
Simcock, Iain (b?)
Simons, Edmund (b1970)
Simpson, Christopher (c1602/6-1669)
Simpson, Mark (b1988)
Simpson, Robert (1921-1997)
Simpson, Thomas (1582-?1628)
Sinclair, George Robertson (1863-1917)
Skeaping, Lucie (b?)
Skeats, Highmore (1757-1831)
Skeats, Highmore (1787-1835)
Skempton, Howard (b1947)
Skinner, Colin (b?)
Slater, Edward (1844-1920)
Slater, Gordon (1896-1979)
Smart, Henry Thomas (1813-1879)
Smert, Richard (c1400-?1478/9)
Smith, Barnaby (b?)
Smith, Clive (b1950)
Smith, John Christopher (1712-1795)
Smith, John Stafford (1750-1836)
Smith, Robert (c1648-1675)
Smith, Robert A (1780-1829)
Smith, William (1603-1645)
Smyth, Dame Ethel (1858-1944)
Soaper, John (1743-1794)
Somerset, Lord Henry Richard Charles (1849-1932)
Somervell, Sir Arthur (1863-1937)
Sorabji, Kaikhosru Shapurji (1892-1988)
Soursby (fl c1430-1460)
Souster, Tim (1943-1994)
South, Charles Frederick (1850-1916)
Spain-Dunk, Susan (1880-1962)
Spark, William (1823-1897)
Spicer, Paul (b1952)
Spofforth, Reginald (1769-1827)
Squire, William Henry (1871-1963)
Stainer, Sir John (1840-1901)
Stanford, Sir Charles Villiers (1852-1924)
Stanley, John (1712-1786)
Stanley, Wynn (?-?)
Stannard, Kevin (b?)
Stapleton, Dave (b1979)
Steggall, Charles (1826-1905)
Stephen, David (b?)
Stephens, Geoff (b1934)
Stephens, Ian (b1974)
Stephenson, Joseph (?1723-1810)
Steptoe, Roger (b1953)
Stevenson, Ronald (1928-2015)
Stevenson, Sir John Andrew (1761-1833)
Stewart, Charles Hylton (1884-1932)
Stilgoe, Richard (b1943)
Sting (b1951)
Stone, Robert (1516-1613)
Stonex, Henry (1823-1897)
Stonnard, William (c1575-?1631)
Storace, Stephen (1762-1796)
Strachey, Jack (1894-1972)
Strengthfield, Thomas (?-?)
Strickland, William (b?)
Strogers, Nicholas (d1575?)
Stubbs, Simon (fl c1620-1620)
Sturgeon, [? Nicholas] (d1454)
Sturt, John (d1625)
Suckling, Martin (b1981)
Sullivan, Sir Arthur (1842-1900)
Sumner, Bernard (b1956)
Sumsion, Herbert Whitton (1899-1995)
Surplice, Alwyn (1906-1977)
Sutherland, Gavin (b1972)
Swann, Donald (1923-1994)
Swayne, Giles (b1946)
Swinstead, Felix (1880-1959)
Talbot, George Surtees (1875-1918)
Talbot, Joby (b1971)
Tall, David (b1941)
Tallis, Thomas (c1505-1585)
Tann, Hilary (b1947)
Taplin, Michael (b1991)
Tarney, Oliver (b1984)
Tate, Arthur F (1870-1950)
Tate, James William (1872-1922)
Tate, Phyllis (1911-1987)
Tavener, Sir John (1944-2013)
Taverner, John (c1490-1545)
Tayler, ? J (?-?)
Taylor, Colin (1881-1973)
Taylor, Cyril (1907-1991)
Taylor, Richard (1758-1827)
Taylor, Robert (d?1637)
Taylor, Thomas (?-?)
Templeton, Alec (1910-1963)
Terry, Richard Runciman (1865-1938)
Thalben-Ball, Sir George (1896-1987)
The London Quartet
The Yetties
Thiman, Eric (1900-1975)
Thomas, Bernard (b?)
Thomas, John (1826-1913)
Thomas, Meinir (b?)
Thornton, Neal (b?)
Thrupp, Joseph Francis (1827-1867)
Thurlow, Jeremy (b?)
Ticciati, Hugo (b?)
Tippett, Keith (b1947)
Tippett, Sir Michael (1905-1998)
Todd, Will (b1970)
Tollett, Thomas (d?1696)
Tomkins, Thomas (1572-1656)
Tomlinson, Ernest (1924-2015)
Torch, Sidney (1908-1990)
Tovey, Sir Donald Francis (1875-1940)
Toye, Geoffrey (1889-1942)
Trainer, Fraser (b1967)
Tranchell, Peter Andrew (1922-1993)
Travers, Alison (1895-1969)
Trebilcock, Leonard Charles (1924-2005)
Tredinnick, Noël (b1949)
Tregian, Francis (1574-1619)
Tremain, Thomas (fl1782-1782)
Trouluffe, John (fl 1448-c1473)
Tunstall, KT (b1975)
Tupper, Fred (b?)
Turle, James (1802-1882)
Turnage, Mark-Anthony (b1960)
Turner, Bruno (b?)
Turner, Guy (b1955)
Turner, William (1651-1740)
Tye, Christopher (c1505-before 15 March 1573)
Utley, Adrian (b1957)
Vallier, John (1920-1991)
Vance, Foy (b1974)
Vann, W Stanley (1910-2010)
Vaughan Williams, Ralph (1872-1958)
Vautor, Thomas (fl600-1620)
Venables, Ian (b1955)
Vernon, Joseph (1738-1782)
Vignoles, Roger (b1943)
Vinter, Gilbert (1909-1969)
Vivian, James (b1974)
Wade, John Francis (c1711-1786)
Wainwright, John (1723-1768)
Wainwright, Robert (1748-1782)
Wakefield, Anthony (b1942)
Waley-Cohen, Freya (b1989)
Walker, Ernest (1870-1949)
Walker, Lucy (b1998)
Walker, Robert (b1946)
Walker, Timothy (b?)
Wallace, William (1860-1940)
Wallen, Errollyn (b1958)
Walmisley, Thomas Attwood (1814-1856)
Walsh, John (c1665-1736)
Walsh, Thomas (b?)
Walthew, Richard Henry (1872-1951)
Walton, Sir William (1902-1983)
Ward, Duncan (b?)
Ward, Joanna (b1998)
Ward, John (c1589-1638)
Wardener, Max de (b1972)
Ware, Hugh (b?)
Warlock, Peter (1894-1930)
Warner, Ken (1902-1988)
Warrell, Arthur (1882-1939)
Warren, Huw (b1962)
Watkins, Huw (b1976)
Watson, Sydney (1903-1991)
Watts, Tim (b1979)
Weaver, John (b1937)
Webb, Alex (b?)
Webbe, Samuel (1740-1816)
Webbe, Samuel (c1770-1843)
Webber, Geoffrey (b?)
Webster, Maurice (fl1621-1636)
Weeks, James (b1978)
Weelkes, Thomas (1576-1623)
Weir, Judith (b1954)
Weldon, John (1676-1736)
Weller, Philip (1958-2018)
Wesley, Charles (1707-1788)
Wesley, Samuel (1766-1837)
Wesley, Samuel Sebastian (1810-1876)
West, Hezekiah (d1826)
West, John Ebenezer (1863-1929)
Westbrook, William Joseph (1831-1894)
Westbrooke, Sophie (b?)
Wheeler, Janet (b?)
Whitbourn, James (b?)
White, John (b?)
White, Maude Valérie (1855-1937)
White, Philip J (b?)
White, Robert (c1538-November 1574)
Whitehead, William (b1970)
Whiteley, Simon (b?)
Whitlock, Percy (1903-1946)
Whittaker, William Gillies (1876-1944)
Wickham, Edward (b?)
Wicks, Joseph (b1993)
Wilberforce, Richard (b1984)
Wilby, Philip (b1949)
Wilbye, John (1574-1638)
Wilkinson, Stephen (b1919)
Willan, Healey (1880-1968)
Willcocks, Jonathan (b1953)
Willcocks, Sir David Valentine (1919-2015)
Williams, Adrian (b1956)
Williams, Charles (1893-1978)
Williams, Derek (b1945)
Williams, John Raymond (1928-2018)
Williams, Llŷr (b1976)
Williams, Robert (1782-1818)
Williams, Roderick (b1965)
Williams, Thomas (1807-1894)
Williamson, James (b1984)
Williamson, Magnus (b1967)
Willis, Alison (b1971)
Wills, Arthur (b1926)
Wilson, Christian (b1980)
Wilson, John (1595-1674)
Wilson, Sandy (1924-2014)
Wilton, Charles Henry (1761-?)
Wingfield, Paul (b?)
Winter, Aubrey (1870-1955)
Winters, Elizabeth (b1979)
Wise, Michael (c1647-1687)
Wishart, Peter (1921-1984)
Wishart, Stevie (b1959)
Withy, Francis (d1727)
Witter-Johnson, Ayanna (b?)
Wollston, Silas (b?)
Wolstenholme, William (1865-1931)
Wood, Arthur (1875-1953)
Wood, Haydn (1882-1959)
Wood, Hugh (b1932)
Wood, Roy (b1946)
Woodcock, Clement (c1540-1589)
Woodcock, Robert (1690-1728)
Woodforde-Finden, Amy (1860-1919)
Woodhouse, Charles (1879-1939)
Woodward, George Ratcliffe (1848-1934)
Woolf, Alex (b1995)
Wright, Geoffrey (1912-2010)
Wright, Lewis (b?)
Wright, Neil (b1956)
Wulstan, David (1937-2017)
Wylkynson, Robert (c1475/80-1515)
Yarde, Jason (b1970)
Yeats, William Butler (1865-1939)
Young, Toby (b1990)
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