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Abdallah, Khaled (b1970)
Abelard, Peter (1079-1142)
Abeniacar, Carlo (?-?)
Accelli, Cesare (?-?)
Achillini, Claudio (1574-1640)
Ackermann, Louise (1813-1890)
Acworth, Harry Arbuthnot (1849-1933)
Adam de la Halle (1245/50-1285/8)
Adami, Giuseppe (1878-1946)
Adams, Sarah Flower (1805-1848)
Addison, Joseph (1672-1719)
Adenis, Eugène (1838-1901)
Adénis-Colombeau, Eugène (1854-1923)
Adkins, Adele (b1988)
Adkins, Donna (b1940)
Aeschylus (c525/4 BC-c456/5 BC)
Afanasieff, Walter (b1958)
Agee, James (1909-1955)
Agnelli, Scipione (1586-1653)
Agrell, Margery (d1968)
Agricola, Johannes (1494-1566)
Aicard, Jean (1848-1921)
Aidan of Lindisfarne, Saint (d651)
Ainger, Geoffrey (b1925)
Akhmatova, Anna (1889-1966)
Al Jabiri, Abboud (b1963)
Alberti, Rafael (1902-1999)
Alberus, Erasmus (c1500-1553)
Albinus, Johann Georg (1624-1679)
Alcuin (735-804)
Alessandri, Giovanni Domenico (?-?)
Alexander, Cecil Frances (1818-1895)
Alexander, Graf von Auersperg, Anton (1806-1876)
Alexis, Willibald (1798-1871)
Alexopoulu, Christina (b?)
Alford, Henry (1810-1871)
Alington, Cyril (1872-1955)
Al-Junaid (830-910)
Allan, Robert (?-?)
Allen, Andrew (?-?)
Allingham, William (1824-1889)
Allison, Drummond (1921-1943)
Allmers, Hermann (1821-1902)
Almuc de Castelnau (?-?)
Ambrose of Milan (c340-397)
Amewudah-Rivers, Francesca (b1998)
Andersen, Hans Christian (1805-1875)
Anderson, Emily (1891-1962)
Anderson, Maxwell (1888-1959)
Andoh, Adjoa (b1963)
Andreini, Giovanni Battista (1576-1654)
Andrewes, Lancelot (1555-1626)
Andrews, Jennifer (b?)
Anelli, Angelo (1761-1820)
Angelou, Maya (1928-2014)
Anouilh, Jean (1910-1987)
Ansaldi, Ansaldo (1651-1719)
Anschütz, Ernst (1780-1861)
Anthonello de Caserta (fl1390-1410)
Apollinaire, Guillaume (1880-1918)
Appleford, Patrick (b1925)
Apukhtin, Alexei (1841-1893)
Aquinas, Saint Thomas (1225-1274)
Aragon, Louis (1897-1982)
Arberry, Arthur John (1905-1969)
Arbuthnot, John (1667-1735)
Aristophanes (c450BC-c388BC)
Arman de Caillavet, Gaston (1869-1915)
Armitage Robinson, Joseph (1858-1933)
Armstrong, Robert (b1927)
Arne, Thomas (1710-1778)
Arnim, Ludwig Achim von (1781-1831)
Arnold, Matthew (1822-1888)
Arnold, Robert Franz (1872-1938)
Arteaga, Cristina de la Cruz de (?-?)
Arvers, Felix (1806-1850)
Ascoli, Roberto (?-?)
Ashe, Thomas (1836-1889)
Ashworth, Caleb (1722-1775)
Assaaleek Band
Audefroi le Bastart (fl1190-1230)
Audelay, John (fl1426-1426)
Auden, W H (1907-1973)
Augier, Émile (1820-1889)
Augustine of Hippo, Saint (354-430)
Aureli, Aurelio (fl1652-1708)
Ausonius, Decimus Magnus (c310-c395)
Austen, Jane (1775-1817)
Austin, Billy (1896-1964)
Austin, John (1613-1669)
Austin, William (1587-1634)
Autreau, Jacques (1657-1745)
Avenarius, Matthäus (1625-1692)
Averdonk, Severin Anton (1768-1817)
Avidius, Gerard (?-?)
Axelsson, Sun (1935-2011)
Badoaro, Gioacomo (1602-1654)
Baïf, Jean-Antoine de (1532-1589)
Baker, Henry Williams (1821-1877)
Balázs, Béla (1884-1949)
Baldwin, William (1515-1563)
Bal'mont, Konstantin (1867-1942)
Balzac, Honoré de (1799-1850)
Bandeira, Manuel (1886-1968)
Banham, Reyner (1922-1988)
Bantock, Helen F (1868-1961)
Banville, Théodore Faullin de (1823-1891)
Barbier, François (?-?)
Barbier, Henri Auguste (1805-1882)
Barbier, Jules (1825-1901)
Barbosa, Domingos Caldas (1740-1800)
Bārda, Fricis (1880-1919)
Bārda, Paulīna (1890-1983)
Bardsley, Garth (b?)
Barham, Richard Harris (1788-1845)
Baring-Gould, Sabine (1834-1924)
Barker, George (1913-1991)
Barks, Coleman (b?)
Barmby, James (1823-1897)
Barnes, William (1801-1886)
Barnfield, Richard (1574-1620)
Barnwell, Ysaÿe Maria (b1946)
Barrie, Royden (1890-1948)
Barron, John Francis (c1868-1940)
Barry, Gerald (b1952)
Bartholomew, William (1793-1867)
Basek, Benj (b1985)
Bataille, Henry (1872-1922)
Bate, Herbert Newell (1871-1941)
Bates, Katherine Lee (1859-1929)
Baudelaire, Charles (1821-1867)
Bauernfeld, Eduard von (1802-1890)
Baumberg, Gabriele von (1768-1839)
Bax, Clifford (1886-1962)
Baxter, Richard (1615-1691)
Bayard, Jean-François (1796-1853)
Beatritz de Romans (?-?)
Beaumont, Francis (1584-1616)
Beaumont, Joseph (1615-1699)
Beauvoir, Roger de (1806-1866)
Becker, Cornelius (1561-1604)
Becker, Nikolaus (1809-1845)
Bécquer, Gustavo Adolfo (1836-1870)
Beddoes, Thomas Lovell (1803-1849)
Bede, The Venerable (673-735)
Bedyngham, John (dc1459/60)
Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770-1827)
Behm, Martin (1557-1622)
Behn, Aphra (c1640-1689)
Beketova, Ekaterina (1855-1892)
Belcari, Feo (1410-1484)
Bell, Robin (b1947)
Bellamann, Henry (1882-1945)
Bellamy, W H (1800-1866)
Bellarmine, St Robert (1542-1621)
Belloc, Hilaire (1870-1953)
Belloni, Giacomo (?-?)
Bellows, Nathaniel (b?)
Belsky, Vladimir (1866-1946)
Bely, Andrei (1880-1934)
Benalio, Giulio (?-?)
Benham, Kenneth G (?-?)
Bennet, John (1570-1615)
Bennett, Charles (b1954)
Bennett, Joseph (1831-1917)
Bennett, Rodney Richard (1890-1948)
Bennett, Sir Richard Rodney (1936-2012)
Benson, Arthur Christopher (1862-1925)
Béranger, Pierre (1780-1857)
Berger, Leon (b1956)
Bergman, Alan (b1925)
Bergman, Bo (1869-1967)
Bergman, Marilyn (b1929)
Berkenhead, Sir John (1617-1679)
Berlin, Irving (1888-1989)
Berlioz, Hector (1803-1869)
Bernard of Clairvaux, Saint (1090-1153)
Bernard of Cluny, Saint
Bernard, Josef Karl (1780-1850)
Bernard, Pierre-Joseph (1708-1775)
Bernardino of Siena, Saint (1380-1444)
Bernardone, Giovanni Francesco (c1181-1226)
Bernart de Ventadorn (1125-1195)
Berners, Juliana (fl c1460-c1500)
Berners, Sir Gerald Hugh Tyrwhitt-Wilson, Lord (1883-1950)
Bernhard, Lily (fl1840-1840)
Bernier, Buddy (1910-1983)
Bernstein, Leonard (1918-1990)
Bertrand, Friedrich Anton Franz (1787-1830)
Bethge, Hans (1876-1946)
Betjeman, Sir John (1906-1984)
Betterton, Thomas (1635-1710)
Bettoni, Niccolò (?-?)
Bevan, Emma Frances (1827-1909)
Beylié, Laurence de (1893-1968)
Bezruc, Petr (1867-1958)
Bickerstaffe, Isaac (?1733-?1808)
Biegeleben, Rüdiger, Freiherr von (d1912)
Bierbaum, Otto Julius (1865-1910)
Binchois, Gilles (c1400-1460)
Bingham, G Clifton (1859-1913)
Bingham, Judith (b1952)
Binyon, Laurence (1869-1943)
Birch, Kathleen (?-?)
Birkbeck, W J (1869-1916)
Birkenhead, Sir John (1616-1679)
Birkmann, Christoph (1703-1771)
Bishop, Elizabeth (1911-1979)
Bjørnson, Bjørnstjerne (1832-1910)
Black, Kitty (1914-2006)
Blackie, John Stuart (1809-1895)
Blake, Ernest (?-?)
Blake, Howard (b1938)
Blake, James (b1988)
Blake, James Vila (fl1900-1900)
Blake, William (1757-1827)
Blanchecotte, Augustine-Malvina Souville (1830-1878)
Blane, Ralph (1914-1995)
Blaser, Robin (1925-2009)
Blau, Édouard (1836-1906)
Blaze de Bury, Henri (1813-1888)
Bliss, Sir Arthur (1891-1975)
Blok, Alexander (1880-1921)
Blondel de Nesle (fl1180-1200)
Blumauer, Aloys (1755-1798)
Blunden, Edmund (1896-1974)
Blunt, Bruce (1899-1957)
Bobrik, Friedrich (1781-1848)
Boccella, Césare (1810-1877)
Bode, John Ernest (1816-1874)
Bodenstedt, Friedrich (1819-1892)
Bodman, Emanuel, Freiherr von (1874-1946)
Boelitz, Martin (1874-1918)
Boerhaave, Hermann (1668-1738)
Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus (c480-524)
Bogan, Louise (1897-1970)
Boguslawska, Maria (?-?)
Boileau, Nicolas (1636-1711)
Bolcom, William (b1938)
Bonar, Horatius (1808-1889)
Bonaventure, Saint (1221-1274)
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich (1906-1945)
Bonnefoy, Yves (b1923)
Bonnières, Robert de (1850-1905)
Bordèse, Stéphan (1847-?)
Borja, Francisco de (1580-1658)
Borling, John (b1940)
Borodin, Alexander (1833-1887)
Borromini, Francesco (1599-1667)
Borthwick, Jane Laurie (1813-1897)
Boscà i Almogàver, Joan (c1490-1542)
Böttger, Adolf (1815-1870)
Bouchet, Jean (1476-c1550)
Bouchor, Maurice (1855-1929)
Bouhéret, Roland (1930-1995)
Bouilhet, Louis (1821-1869)
Boulton, Sir Harold (1859-1935)
Bourdillon, Francis William (1852-1921)
Bourget, Paul (1852-1935)
Bourne, George Hugh (1840-1925)
Bowen, Gilbert (1914-1996)
Bowles, Fred G (?-?)
Bowling, Glendora J (b1956)
Bowring, Sir John (1792-1872)
Boyd, Mark Alexander (1562-1601)
Boyer, Abbé Claude Georges (1618-1698)
Bozza Cavallier, Francesco (?-?)
Bradstreet, Anne (1612-1672)
Brady, Nicholas (1659-1726)
Brailsford, Edward J (1841-1921)
Bramley, Henry Ramsden (1833-1917)
Brandenburg, Albrecht von (1490-1568)
Brandon, Herbert J (1878-1945)
Brathwaite, Edward Kamau (b1930)
Braun, Ferdinand (fl1841-1841)
Braunfels, Ludwig (1810-1885)
Brébeuf, Saint Jean de (1596-1649)
Brecht, Bertolt (1898-1956)
Brendel, Alfred (b1931)
Brentano, Clemens (1778-1842)
Breton, Nicholas (c1545-1626)
Bretzner, Christoph Friedrich (1748-1807)
Breuning, Stephan von (1774-1827)
Bridges, Matthew (1800-1894)
Bridges, Robert (1844-1930)
Briggs, George Wallace (1875-1959)
Bright, John (1811-1889)
Brimont, Renée Bonnière, Baron Antoine de (?-?)
Briquet (fl c1420-1420)
Britting, Georg (1891-1964)
Brizeux, Charles (?-?)
Brock, Angier (b?)
Brockes, Barthold Heinrich (1680-1747)
Brollo, Bartolomeus (fl1430-1450)
Brome, Richard (c1590-1653)
Brontë, Emily (1818-1848)
Brooke, Rupert (1887-1915)
Brooks, Bishop Phillips (1835-1893)
Brorson, Hans Adolf (1694-1764)
Broughton, Thomas (1704-1774)
Brown, Herbert S (?-?)
Brown, Thomas Edward (1830-1897)
Browne, Michael Dennis (b1940)
Browne, Sir Thomas (1605-1682)
Browne, William (?1590-1645)
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett (1806-1861)
Browning, Robert (1812-1889)
Bruce, David (b1970)
Bruchmann, Franz von (1798-1867)
Brunhoff, Jean de (1899-1937)
Bruni, Romolo (b?)
Brūveris, Pēters (1957-2011)
Bryan, Joseph (d?1620)
Bryusov, Valery (1873-1924)
Bublé, Michael (b1975)
Buchanan, Robert Williams (1841-1901)
Buck, Sir George (c1560-1622)
Buckley, Richard (b?)
Buddeus, Julius (1812-?1860)
Budry, Edmond (1854-1932)
Bull, Henry (?-1577)
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward George Earle (1803-1873)
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward Robert (1831-1891)
Bunce, H S (?-?)
Bunyan, John (1628-1688)
Buratti, Pietro (1772-1832)
Bürger, Gottfried August (1747-1794)
Burke, Johnny (1908-1964)
Burmeister, Franz Joachim (1633-1672)
Burmeister, Ludwig Peter August (1803-1870)
Burnand, Sir Francis Cowley (1836-1917)
Burney, Charles (1726-1814)
Burns, Edward Joseph (b1938)
Burns, Robert (1759-1796)
Burra, Peter (1909-1937)
Busenello, Giovanni Francesco (1598-1659)
Bush, Nancy (1907-1991)
Buson (?-?)
Busse, Karl (1872-1918)
Bussine, Romaine (1830-1899)
Buti, Francesco (?-?)
Butler, Isabel (fl1898-1898)
Butler, Will
Buxtehude, Dieterich (c1637-1707)
Buxton, John (1912-1989)
Byrne, Mary Elizabeth (1880-1931)
Byrom, John (1692-1763)
Byron, George Gordon, Lord (1788-1824)
Cadenet (d?1325)
Cahusac, Louis de (1706-1759)
Cain, Henri (1857-1937)
Cairns, Thomas (b1952)
Calandrelli, Matías (1844-1919)
Calloway, Cab (1907-1994)
Calvocoressi, Michel-Dimitri (1877-1944)
Calzabigi, Ranieri de' (1714-1795)
Camaj, Martin (1925-1992)
Camilli, Camillo (?-?)
Camm, Cheryl (b1964)
Cammaerts, Émile (1878-1953)
Cammarano, Salvatore (1801-1852)
Camõens, Luiz Vaz de (?1524-1580)
Campbell, Jane Montgomery (1817-1878)
Campbell, John (1845-1914)
Campbell, Joseph (1879-1944)
Campbell, Robert (1814-1868)
Campbell, Roy (1901-1957)
Campbell, Thomas (1777-1844)
Campe, Joachim Heinrich (1746-1818)
Campiglia, Madalene (?-?)
Campion, Thomas (1567-1620)
Candidus, Karl August (1817-1872)
Capece, Carlo Sigismondo (1652-1728)
Cappeau, Placide (1808-1877)
Carême, Maurice (1899-1978)
Carenza, Alais, Iselda
Carew, Thomas (1595-1640)
Carey, Henry (c1690-1743)
Carey, Mariah (b1969)
Carey, Patrick (c1624-1657)
Carnie, Ethel (?-?)
Carpani, Giuseppe (1752-1825)
Carr, Michael (1905-1968)
Carroll, Lewis (1832-1898)
Carter, Andrew (b1939)
Carter, Sydney (1915-2004)
Casper, Johann Ludwig (1796-1864)
Cassetti, Giacomo (1682-1757)
Cassidy, Bob (b?)
Castelli, Ignaz Franz (1781-1862)
Casti, Giovanni Battista (1724-1803)
Castillejo, Cristóbal de (c1490-1550)
Casulana, Maddalena (c1544-c1590)
Caswall, Edward (1814-1878)
Catanzaro, Fra Martiale di (?-?)
Catasús, Trinitat (1887-1940)
Catherwood, Shaen (b1968)
Catullus, Gaius Valerius (c84-c54BC)
Causley, Charles (1917-2003)
Cavalcanti, Guido (1230-1300)
Cawood, J (?-?)
Cazalis, Henri (1840-1909)
Cendrars, Blaise (1887-1961)
Cennick, John (1718-1755)
Červinka, Vincenc (1877-1942)
Cesaris, Johannes (fl1406-1417)
Chambers, John David (1803-1893)
Chamisso, Adelbert von (1781-1838)
Champion, Greg (b?)
Chandler, John (1806-1876)
Chapman Campbell, Alexander (b?)
Charles d'Orléans (1394-1465)
Charles, Ernest (1895-1984)
Chatfield, Allen William (1808-1896)
Châtillon, Auguste de (1808-1881)
Chatterton, Thomas (1752-1770)
Chaucer, Geoffrey (c1343-1400)
Chesterton, Frances (1875-1938)
Chesterton, Gilbert Keith (1874-1936)
Chézy, Wilhelmina Christiane von (1783-1856)
Chiabrera, Gabriello (1552-1638)
Chilcott, Bob (b1955)
Child, Harold (?-1945)
Chisholm, Thomas Obediah (1866-1960)
Chorley, Henry Fothergill (1808-1872)
Chorny, Sasha (?-?)
Choudens, Paul de (1850-1925)
Christern, Carl (fl1840-1840)
Christine de Pisan (1363-1430)
Chuang Tse (d4th C BC)
Churchill, George (?-?)
Cibber, Colley (1671-1757)
Cicogna, Alvise (?-?)
Cicognini, Giacinto Andrea (1606-1651)
Ciconia, Johannes (c1335-1411)
Cifra, Antonio (1584-1629)
Cigna-Santi, Vittorio Amedeo (1730-1795)
Clapton, Eric (b1945)
Clare, Alan (1921-1993)
Clare, John (1793-1864)
Clark, Leonard (1905-1981)
Claudius, Matthias (1740-1815)
Clementi, James (b?)
Clements, Jim (b1983)
Clickberg, Alexander (?-?)
Climsell, Richard (dc1640)
Closset, Marie (1875-1952)
Coates, Kathleen (1891-1958)
Cockburn, Alison (1712-1794)
Cocteau, Jean (1889-1963)
Codax, Martin (fl1230-1230)
Coffin, Charles (1676-1749)
Colahan, Dr Arthur (1885-1952)
Coleman-Cooke, Danny (b?)
Coleridge, Hartley (1796-1849)
Coleridge, Mary (1861-1907)
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (1772-1834)
Colette, Sidonie-Gabrielle (1873-1954)
Collard, William Frederick (1776-1866)
Collier, Jacob (b1994)
Collin, Heinrich von (1771-1811)
Collin, Matthäus von (1779-1824)
Collins, Anne Timoney (fl1920-1930)
Collins, Hal (1885-1929)
Coltellini, Marco (1719-1777)
Colum, Padraic (1881-1972)
Columba, Saint (521-597)
Comden, Betty (1917-2006)
Comes, Stephanus (1494-1544)
Congreve, William (1670-1729)
Connick, Harry (b1967)
Conrat, Hugo (1845-1906)
Constable, Henry (1562-1613)
Cook, Elizabeth (b?)
Cooley, Eddie (bc1930)
Copeland, Fanny S (?-?)
Coppée, François (1842-1908)
Corazzini, Francesco (?-?)
Cordier, Baude (fl1410-1410)
Corneille, Pierre (1606-1684)
Cornelius, Peter (1824-1874)
Cornford, Frances (1886-1960)
Cornwall, Barry (1787-1874)
Cornysh, William (d1523)
Coronini-Cronberg, Franz, Graf (1818-1910)
Corp, Ronald (b1951)
Corrêa, Ruth Valadares (fl 1938-1938)
Cortesi, Cortese (?-?)
Cortez, Alberto (1940-2019)
Cory, William (1845-1872)
Cosin, John (1594-1672)
Cotterill, Thomas (1779-1823)
Cotton, Charles (1630-1687)
Councillor, Charmaine (b?)
Cousins, James Henry (1873-1956)
Coverdale, Bishop Myles (1488-1569)
Coward, Sir Noël (1899-1973)
Cowley, Abraham (1618-1667)
Cowper, William (1731-1800)
Crabbe, George (1754-1832)
Craigher de Jachelutta, Jakob Nicolaus von (1797-1855)
Crashaw, Richard (1612/3-1649)
Crasselius, Bartholomäus (1667-1724)
Crawford, Vesta Pierce (1844-1955)
Cresci, Pietro (?-?)
Cripps, Arthur Shearley (1869-1952)
Croisset, Francis de (1877-1937)
Croo, Robert (fl1534-1534)
Cropper, Margaret (?-?)
Cros, Charles (1842-1888)
Crossley-Holland, Kevin (b1941)
Crossman, Samuel (1624-1684)
Croze, Jean Louis (?-1955)
Crozier, Eric (1914-1994)
Crum, John Macleod Campbell (1872-1958)
Cummings, Edward Estlin (1894-1962)
Cure, Edward Capel (1828-1890)
Currie, Sir Walter Mordaunt Cyril (1894-1978)
Da Ponte, Lorenzo (1749-1838)
Dąbrowski, Tadeusz (b1979)
Dacre, Harry (1860-1922)
Dahn, Felix Ludwig Julius (1834-1912)
dall'Angelo, Giacomo (1630-?)
Damascene, St John (c780-?)
Danyel, Samuel (1562-1619)
Darley, George (1795-1846)
Daudet, Alphonse (1840-1897)
Daumer, Georg Friedrich (1800-1875)
Dauphin, Léopold (1847-?)
Davenant, Sir William (1606-1668)
Davenport, John (1931-2002)
David, Eugène (1813-1889)
Davidson, John (1857-1909)
Davies of Hereford, John (c1565-1618)
Davies, Grahame (b1964)
Davies, Sir John (1569-1626)
Davies, Thomas Cilwern (c1858-1925)
Davies, William Henry (1871-1940)
Davis, James (1853-1907)
Davis, Katherine Kennicott (1892-1980)
Davis, Roby Furley (1866-1937)
Davison, Francis (?1575-?1619)
Davydov, Denis (1784-1839)
Dawson, Harry (?-?)
Day Lewis, Cecil (1904-1972)
de Anchieta, Padre José (1533-1597)
de Andrade, Mário Raul (1893-1945)
de Gamerra, Giovanni (1742-1803)
De La Fontaine, Jean (1621-1695)
de la Mare, Walter (1873-1956)
De Noailles, Comtesse Anna (1876-1933)
de Vere, Edward (1550-1604)
Deane, John F (b1943)
Dearmer, Percy (1867-1936)
Debladis, Georgette (?-?)
Debussy, Claude (1862-1918)
Dehmel, Richard (1863-1920)
Deinhardstein, Johann Ludwig Ferdinand von (1794-1859)
Dekker, Thomas (c1570-1632)
Delaney, John (b?)
Delâtre, Louis (1815-1893)
Delavigne, Casimir (1793-1843)
Delestre-Poirson, Charles-Gaspard (1790-1859)
Delius, Frederick (1862-1934)
Delvig, Anton (1798-1831)
Demetrius I (c1093-1156)
Denham, Sir John (1615-1669)
Denicke, David (1603-1680)
Denis Le Grant (d1352)
d'Ennery, Adolphe (1811-1899)
Dennis, Clarence James (1876-1938)
Densmore, Frances (1867-1957)
Desbordes-Valmore, Marceline (1786-1859)
Deschamps, Émile (1791-1871)
Desnos, Robert (1900-1945)
Devereux, Robert, Earl of Essex (1566-1601)
Devrient, Eduard (1801-1877)
Dharker, Imtiaz (b1954)
Dibdin, Charles (1745-1814)
Dickens, Eric (b1953)
Dickinson, Emily Elizabeth (1830-1886)
Dickinson, Robert (b1962)
Diepenbrock, Melchior von (1798-1853)
Dietz, Howard (1896-1983)
Dillard, Marius (?-?)
DiMarco, Greg
Dingelstedt, Franz Ferdinand, Freiherr von (1814-1881)
Dix, William Chatterton (1837-1898)
Dixon, H P (1898-1973)
Dixon, Mort (1892-1956)
Dobson, Henry Austin (1840-1921)
Doceo, María (?-?)
Doddridge, Philip (1702-1751)
Dolven, Jeff (b?)
Domett, Alfred (1811-1887)
Domínguez, Alberto (1913-1975)
Dominique, Jean (1875-1952)
Doni, Anton Francesco (1513-1574)
Donnay, Maurice (1859-1945)
Donne, John (1572-1631)
Doolittle, Hilda (1886-1961)
Dorfman, Ariel (b1942)
Dougherty, Celius (1902-1986)
Dowland, John (1563-1626)
Downton, Henry (1818-1885)
Dowson, Ernest (1867-1900)
Doyle, John (1895-1985)
Drachmann, Holger (1846-1908)
Drake, Sir Francis (1588-1637)
Draper, William Henry (1855-1933)
Draycott, Jane (b1954)
Drayton, Michael (1563-1631)
Drayton, Paul (b1944)
Dresser, Paul (1857-1906)
Dreßler, Wolfgang Christoph (1660-1722)
Dreves, Leberecht (1816-1870)
Drinkwater, John (1882-1937)
Droysen, Johann Gustav (1808-1884)
Drummond, William (1585-1649)
Dryden, John (1631-1700)
Du Bellay, Joachim (c1522-1560)
du Locle, Camille (1832-1903)
Duchen, Jessica (b?)
Dudley-Smith, Timothy (b1926)
Dufay, Guillaume (1397-1474)
Duffy, Carol Ann (b1955)
Duke, Richard (fl1684-1684)
Dumas, Alexandre (1802-1870)
Dumas, Alexandre (1824-1895)
Dunbar, William (c1459-c1520)
Duncan, Mary L (1814-1840)
Duncan, Ronald (1914-1982)
Dunlop, E Geoffrey (?-?)
Dunlop, John (1755-1820)
Dunwell, Ben (b?)
Durand, Leah (?-?)
Durandi, Jacopo (1737-1817)
Durey, Louis (1888-1979)
D'Urfey, Thomas (1653-1723)
Duvernois, Henri (1875-1937)
Dwight, John Sullivan (1813-1893)
Dyer, Sir Edward (1543-1607)
Dylan, Bob (b1941)
Eardley-Wilmot, D (1883-?)
Earley, Desmond (b1974)
Earley, Tim (b1972)
Eber, Paul (1511-1569)
Eberhard, August Gottlob (1769-1845)
Eberhart, Nelle Richmond (1871-1944)
Ebert, Jakob (1549-1614)
Ebert, Karl Egon (1801-1882)
Eccard, Johannes (1533-1611)
Edmonds, John Maxwell (1875-1958)
Edwardes, Richard (1523-1566)
Ehrlich, Bernhard Ambros (?1765-1827)
Eichendorff, Hermann (?-?)
Eichendorff, Joseph von (1788-1857)
Eisen, Cliff (b1952)
Elgar, Caroline Alice (1848-1920)
Elgar, Sir Edward (1857-1934)
Eliot, George (1819-1880)
Eliot, T S (1888-1965)
Eliscu, Edward (1902-1998)
Ellerton, John (1826-1893)
Ellington, Edward Kennedy 'Duke' (1899-1974)
Elliot, Jean (1727-1805)
Elliott, Charlotte (1789-1871)
Elliott, Richard George (b1962)
Ellis (1878-after 1938)
Ellis, Osian (1928-2021)
Elsässiche Volkslieder
Elsie, Robert (b1950)
Éluard, Paul (1895-1952)
Emerson, Ralph Waldo (1803-1882)
Engel, Carl Friedrich (d1785)
Engelhardt, Karl August (1768-1834)
Engelhart, Eduard von Rustenfeld, Baron (?-?)
Enno, Ernst (1875-1934)
Epworth, Paul (b1974)
Ermin (1781-1862)
Ernoul le vielle de Gastinois (fl c1280-1280)
Esch, Edward (b1970)
Escrivá, Comendador Juan (fl1450-1450)
Espinasse-Mongenet, Louise (?-?)
Estévez, Clairel (b?)
Estieu, Prosper (1860-1939)
Etherege, Sir George (?1634-1691)
Etienne de Meaux (fl1250-1250)
Evans, David (b1957)
Evans, Ray (1915-2007)
Faber, Frederick William (1814-1863)
Fabricius, Jakob (1593-1654)
Fagan, James Bernard (1873-1933)
Faidit, Gaucelm (c1150-c1220)
Falke, Gustav (1853-1916)
Falkenberg, Amanda Lee (b?)
Fanshawe, Catherine Maria (1765-1834)
Fargue, Léon-Paul (1876-1947)
Farjeon, Eleanor (1881-1965)
Farrell, Bernadette (b1957)
Farrés, Osvaldo (1902-1985)
Fattal, Simone (b?)
Faust, Séverin (1872-1945)
Faustini, Giovanni (1619-1651)
Feeney, Leonard (1897-1978)
Fellinger, Johann Georg (1781-1816)
Féraudy, Maurice de (?-?)
Ferguson, Arthur Foxton (1866-1920)
Ferguson, Sir Samuel (1810-1886)
Ferrand, Antoine (1678-1719)
Ferrand, Eduard (1813-1842)
Ferretti, Jacopo (1784-1852)
Fet, Afanasy (1820-1892)
Feuchtersleben, Ernst Freiherr von (1806-1849)
Feustking, Friedrich Christian (1678-1739)
Fields, Dorothy (1905-1974)
Filochowski, Julian (b?)
Finnissy, Michael (b1946)
Fishburn, Christopher (fl1683-1683)
Fitger, Arthur Heinrich Wilhelm (1840-1909)
Fitzball, Edward (1792-1873)
Fitzgerald, Edward (1809-1883)
Flaccus, Quintus Horatius (65BC-8BC)
Flanders, Michael (1922-1975)
Flatman, Thomas (1637-1688)
Flechsig, Emil (1808-1878)
Flecker, James Elroy (1884-1915)
Fleming, Paul (1609-1640)
Flemming, Albert Ernest (b?)
Flers, Robert de (1872-1927)
Fletcher, John (1579-1625)
Fletcher, Phineas (1582-1650)
Flight, Claude (1881-1955)
Florian, Jean-Pierre Claris, Chevalier de (1755-1794)
Fombeure, Maurice (1906-1981)
Fontaine, Pierre (c1380-c1450)
Fontane, Theodor (1819-1898)
Foppa, Giuseppe (1760-1845)
Forbes L'Estrange, Joanna (b1971)
Ford, Ford Madox (1873-1939)
Ford, Lena Guilbert (1870-1918)
Forrest, William (fl1581-1581)
Forsman-Koskimies, Aukusti Valdemar (1856-1929)
Fort, Paul (1872-1960)
Fortuin, H B (1911-1976)
Fortunatus, Venantius (c530-c610)
Forzano, Giovacchino (1884-1970)
Forzate, Claudio (?-?)
Foster, Stephen (1826-1864)
Fouqué, Friedrich Heinrich Karl, Freiherr de la Motte (1777-1843)
Fournival, Richart de (1201-1260)
Fox, Christopher (b1955)
Frances (b1993)
Francis of Assisi, Saint (c1181-1226)
Franck, Johann (1618-1677)
Franck, Michael (1609-1667)
Franck, Salomo (1659-1725)
Francus de Insula (fl1420-1425)
Freeman, John (1880-1929)
Freiligrath, Ferdinand (1810-1876)
French, Percy (1854-1920)
Frey, Adolf (1855-1920)
Freystein, Johann Burchard (1671-1718)
Frída, Emil Bohuslav (1853-1912)
Friderici, Daniel (1584-1638)
Friedmann, Pavel (1921-1944)
Fritsch, Ahasverus (1629-1701)
Fröding, Gustaf (1860-1911)
Fröhlich, Abraham Emanuel (1796-1865)
Froissart, Jean (c1337-c1405)
Froom, Jacqueline (b?)
Frost, Robert (1874-1963)
Fry, Christopher (1907-2005)
Frye, Mary Elizabeth (1905-2004)
Fuchs, Paul (?-?)
Fucini, Renato (1843-1921)
Füger, Kaspar (c1521-c1592)
Fulbert of Chartres, Bishop (c960-1028)
Fuller, Bishop William (1608-1675)
Fuzelier, Louis (1674-1752)
Fyleman, Rose (1877-1957)
Gace Brulé (c1160-after 1213)
Gad, Tobias (b1968)
Gale, Norman Rowland (1862-1942)
Galeazzi, Lodovico (?-?)
Galilei, Galileo (1564-1642)
Galina, Glafira (1870-1942)
Gallagher, Noel (b1967)
Gallet, Louis (1835-1898)
Gant, Andrew (b?)
Garborg, Arne (1851-1924)
García Lorca, Federico (1898-1936)
Garcia, Francis (b?)
Garnett, Richard (1835-1906)
Garrick, David (1717-1779)
Gascoigne, George (c1534-1617)
Gascoyne, David (1916-2001)
Gattegno, Félix (?-?)
Gaunt, John (?-?)
Gauthier-Villars, Henry (?-?)
Gautier de Dargies (c1165-after 1236)
Gautier, Théophile (1811-1872)
Gay, John (1685-1732)
Geibel, Emanuel (1815-1884)
Gellerstedt, Albert Theodor (1836-1914)
Gellert, Christian Fürchtegott (1715-1769)
George, Stefan (1868-1933)
Gerald of Wales (c1146-c1223)
Gérard, Rosemond (1871-1953)
Gerhard, Wilhelm (1780-1858)
Gerhardt, Paul (1607-1676)
Gershwin, Ira (1896-1983)
Gerstenbergk, Georg Friedrich Müller von (1780-1838)
Geßner, Salomon (1730-1788)
Ghéon, Henri (1875-1944)
Ghislanzoni, Antonio (1824-1893)
Giacosa, Giuseppe (1847-1906)
Gibbs, Alan (b1932)
Gibian, George (1924-1999)
Gibran, Khalil (1883-1931)
Gibson, Bob (1931-1996)
Gibson, Wilfrid (1878-1962)
Gigas, Johannes (1514-1581)
Gilbert, Louis Wolfe (1886-1970)
Gilbert, Sir William Schwenck (1836-1911)
Gilder, Richard Watson (1844-1909)
Gilfillan, Robert (1798-1850)
Gille, Philippe (1831-1901)
Gillespie, Haven (1888-1975)
Gilm, Hermann von (1812-1864)
Giovannini, Pietro (?-?)
Girard de Saint-Amant, Antoine (1594-1661)
Girardin, Delphine de (1804-1855)
Giraut de Bornelh (c1140-1200)
Girod, André (?-?)
Giscaferio, Vitaliano (?-?)
Giustinian, Leonardo (c1383-1446)
Giuvo, Nicola (c1680-in or after 1758)
Glanville, Lillian (?-?)
Glaser, Juliane (1806-1890)
Gleim, Johann Wilhelm Ludwig (1719-1803)
Glúingel, Amergin (?-?)
Glyn, Guto'r (?-?)
Goddard-Fenwick, Digby (?-?)
Goeble, Heinrich (?-?)
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749-1832)
Goldfinger, Jacqueline (b?)
Goldoni, Carlo (1707-1793)
Goldschmidt, Otto (1829-1907)
Goldstein, Linda (b?)
Golenishchev-Kutusov, Arsenyi (1848-1913)
Góngora, Luis de (1561-1627)
Gontier de Soignies (dfl before 1220)
Gonzaga, Tomás António (1744-c1810)
Goodman, Bishop Godfrey (1582/3-1656)
Gordon, Adam Lindsay (1833-1870)
Gore-Booth, Eva (1870-1926)
Gorenko, Anna (1889-1966)
Goslawski, Maurycy (1802-1834)
Gosse, Sir Edmund William (1849-1928)
Gostling, Frances M (d1935)
Gotter, Friedrich Wilhelm (1746-1797)
Gottlieb, Maggie (b?)
Gould, Gerald (1885-1936)
Gould, Robert (c1660-1709)
Gounod, Charles (1818-1893)
Graham, Brendan (b1945)
Graham, Colin (1931-2007)
Graham, Harry (1874-1936)
Grainger, Percy (1882-1961)
Gramann, Johann (1487-1541)
Grandmougin, Charles (1850-1930)
Grant, Anne (1755-1838)
Grant, David (1833-1893)
Grant, Sir Robert (1779-1838)
Graves, Alfred Perceval (1846-1931)
Graves, Robert (1895-1985)
Gravollet, Paul (1863-1936)
Gray, Alexander (?-?)
Gray, Francis Ralph (?-?)
Gray, Thomas (1716-1771)
Grebnev, Naum (1921-1988)
Green, Adolph (1914-2002)
Green, CeeLo (b1974)
Green, Fred Pratt (1903-2000)
Greenbank, Harry (1865-1899)
Greenbank, Percy (1878-1968)
Greenwell, Dora (1821-1882)
Greif, Martin (1839-1911)
Grenfell, Joyce (1910-1979)
Grève, Philippe de (dc1236)
Greville, Sir Fulke (1554-1628)
Gries, Johann Diederich (1775-1842)
Griffith, Ralph T H (1826-1906)
Griffiths, Ann (1776-1805)
Grigson, Geoffrey (1905-1985)
Grillparzer, Franz (1791-1872)
Grimani, Vincenzo (1652/55-1710)
Grimm, Jacob Ludwig (1785-1863)
Grimm, Wilhelm Carl (1786-1859)
Gringore, Pierre (c1475-1538)
Grist, W (?-?)
Griswold, Alexander Viets (1766-1843)
Grohe, Melchior (1829-1906)
Grossmith, George (1874-1935)
Groth, Klaus (1819-1899)
Grudius, Nicolaus (?-?)
Grün, Anastasius (1806-1876)
Grundtvig, Nikolaj Frederik Severin (1783-1872)
Grünwald, Georg (1490-1530)
Grünwald, J K von (?-?)
Gruppe, Otto Friedrich (1804-1876)
Guarganite, Oratio (?-?)
Guarini, Giovanni Battista (1538-1612)
Gubitz, Friedrich Wilhelm (1786-1870)
Guéroult, Guillaume (c1507-1569)
Gui d'Ussel (c1170-before 1225)
Guibert Kaukesel (fl c1230-1255)
Guicciardi, Lorenzo (?-?)
Guido of Arezzo (991/2-after 1033)
Guillard, Nicolas-François (1752-1814)
Guillaume, Sydney (b?)
Guillén, Nicolás (1902-1989)
Guinness, Bryan Walter (1905-1992)
Guiot de Dijon (fl1215-1225)
Guiterman, Arthur (1871-1943)
Guitry, Sacha (1885-1957)
Gurney, Dorothy Frances (1858-1932)
Gurney, Ivor (1890-1937)
Gurney, John Hampden (1802-1862)
Guyau, Jean-Marie (1854-1888)
Habington, William (1605-1654)
Hafiz (1315-1390)
Hagedorn, Friedrich von (1708-1754)
Hagen, Peter von (1569-1620)
Hagn, Charlotte von (1809-1891)
Hairston, Jester (1901-2000)
Halem, Gerhard Anton von (1752-1819)
Halévy, Ludovic (1833-1908)
Hall, Charles Francis (1821-1871)
Hall, Dr Joseph (1574-1656)
Hall, Henry (c1656-1707)
Hall, John (1627-1656)
Hall, Martin (?-?)
Hall, Owen (1853-1907)
Hall, William John (1793-1861)
Halm, Friedrich (1806-1871)
Hamann, Ludwig (1867-1929)
Hamburger, Michael (1924-2007)
Hamill, Sam (b1943)
Hamilton, Arthur (b1926)
Hamilton, Newburgh (fl1712-1759)
Hammerstein, Oscar (1895-1960)
Hammond, A (fl1694-1694)
Hampel, Michael (b?)
Handel, George Frideric (1685-1759)
Hanka, Václav (1791-1861)
Hannon, Neil (b1970)
Hapgood, Isabel (1851-1928)
Haraucourt, Edmond (1856-1941)
Harbach, Otto (1873-1963)
Harburg, Edgar Yipsel (1896-1981)
Hardenberg, Friedrich von (1772-1801)
Hardy, Henry Ernest (1869-1946)
Hardy, Thomas (1840-1928)
Harington, Henry (1727-1816)
Harnick, Sheldon (b1924)
Harold, Baron Edmund von (1737-1808)
Harper, Celia (b1945)
Harper, Roy (b1941)
Harris, Frank Clifford (1875-1949)
Harris, James (1709-1780)
Harsent, David (b1942)
Hart, Fritz (1874-1949)
Hart, Heinrich (1855-1906)
Hart, Lorenz (1895-1943)
Harte, Bret (1836-1902)
Hartwig, Julia (b?)
Harvey, Andrew (b1952)
Harvey, Frederick William (1888-1957)
Harvey, Jonathan (1939-2012)
Hasenclever, Sophie (1824-1892)
Hashimoto, Miyako (?-?)
Hatch, Edwin (1835-1889)
Haugwitz, Paul von (1791-1856)
Havergal, William Henry (1793-1870)
Hawes, Andrew (b?)
Hay, George Campbell (1915-1984)
Haym, Nicola Francesco (1678-1729)
Heap, Imogen (b1977)
Hebbel, Christian Friedrich (1813-1863)
Heber, Bishop Reginald (1783-1826)
Hedberg, Tor (1862-1931)
Hedge, Frederic Henry (1805-1890)
Heermann, Johann (1585-1647)
Hegenwalt, Erhard (fl1525-1525)
Héguin de Guerle, Charles (?-?)
Heidenreich, David Elias (1638-1688)
Heine, Heinrich (1797-1856)
Heineccius, Johann Michael (1674-1722)
Heinrich der tugendhafte Schreiber (fl1208-1228)
Helbig, Johann Friedrich (1680-1722)
Helds, Juris (b1942)
Helene of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Princess (1814-1858)
Hell, Theodor (1775-1856)
Helmbold, Ludwig (1532-1598)
Helminski, Kabir (b?)
Hemans, Felicia (1793-1835)
Henckell, Karl Friedrich (1864-1929)
Henley, A (?-?)
Henley, William Ernest (1849-1903)
Henry VI (1421-1471)
Henry VIII (1491-1547)
Hensel, Wilhelm (1794-1861)
Herberger, Valerius (1562-1627)
Herbert, George (1593-1633)
Herbert, Petrus (c1533-1571)
Herbert, R (fl1696-1696)
Herbert-Jones, Dora (?-?)
Herborn, E (?-?)
Herder, Johann Gottfried (1744-1803)
Heredia, José-María de (1842-1905)
Herloss, Karl (1804-1849)
Herman, Nikolaus (c1500-1561)
Hermann, Johannes (1515-1593)
Hermes, Johann Timotheus (1738-1821)
Herrick, Robert (1591-1674)
Herwegh, Georg (1817-1875)
Hesse, Hermann (1877-1962)
Heveningham, Henry (1651-1700)
Hewitt, Angela (b1958)
Hewson, Paul David (b1960)
Heyduk, Adolf (1835-1923)
Heyman, Edward (1907-1981)
Heyse, Paul (1830-1914)
Heyward, DuBose (1885-1940)
Heywood, Thomas (?1574-1641)
Higginson, Ella (1861-1940)
Hilarius, Ferdinand (1808-1889)
Hildegard of Bingen, Saint (1098-1179)
Hill, Geoffrey (b1932)
Hillyer, Robert Silliman (1895-1961)
Hilton, John (1565-?1609)
Hine, Stuart (1899-1989)
Hippocrates (c460BC-380BC)
Hisaishi, Joe (b1950)
Hitomaro, Kakinomoto no (c662-710)
Hoadly, John (1711-1776)
Hodenberg, Bodo von (1604-1650)
Hodgson, Ralph (1871-1962)
Hoffman, François-Benoît (1760-1828)
Hoffman, William M (b1939)
Hoffmann von Fallersleben, August Heinrich (1798-1874)
Hoffmann, Heinrich (fl1845-1845)
Hofmann, Georg von (1771-1845)
Hofmannsthal, Hugo von (1874-1929)
Hogg, James (1770-1835)
Hohenlohe-Waldenburg, Thérèse von (1817-1895)
Holden, Molly (1927-1981)
Hölderlin, Friedrich (1770-1843)
Holford-Strevens, Leofranc (b?)
Holland, Henry Scott (1847-1918)
Hollingdale, Reginald John (1930-2001)
Holmès, Augusta (1847-1903)
Holmes, Oliver Wendell (1809-1894)
Holowell, Sonya (b?)
Holst, Gustav (1874-1934)
Hölty, Ludwig (1748-1776)
Homburg, Ernst Christoph (1607-1681)
Hood, Thomas (1799-1845)
Hope, Laurence (1865-1904)
Hopkins, Gerard Manley (1844-1889)
Hopkins, John (fl1561-1561)
Hopkins, John Henry (1820-1891)
Hopper, Nora (1871-1906)
Hopwood, Aubrey (1863-1917)
Hort, Fenton John Anthony (1828-1892)
Horváth, P (?-?)
Houghton, Frank (1894-1972)
Houghton, Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord (1809-1885)
Housman, Alfred Edward (1859-1936)
How, Bishop William Walsham (1823-1897)
Howard, B (fl1693-1693)
Howard, Sir Robert (1626-1698)
Howe, John (fl1684-1684)
Howell, Thomas (fl1568-1581)
Hoyle, Richard (1875-1939)
Huber, Franz Xaver (1755-1809)
Hubert, Konrad (1507-1577)
Hudson, William Henry (1841-1922)
Hughes, Bernard (b1974)
Hughes, Henry (c1602-c1652)
Hughes, John (1677-1720)
Hughes, John Ceiriog (1832-1887)
Hughes, Langston (1902-1967)
Hugo, Victor (1802-1885)
Hull, Eleanor (1860-1935)
Hull, Thomas (1728-1808)
Hultman Löfvendahl, Annika (b1956)
Hume, Tobias (?c1579-1645)
Hummelauer, Franz von (?-?)
Humphreys, Samuel (c1697-1738)
Hunnis, Christopher (?-?)
Hunnis, William (d1597)
Hunt, James Henry Leigh (1784-1859)
Hunter, Anne (1742-1821)
Huon de St Quentin (fl1210-fl1230)
Hüttenbrenner, Heinrich (1799-1830)
Huxley, Aldous (1894-1963)
Hyde, Douglas (1862-1946)
Hyspa, Vincent (1865-1938)
Ibsen, Henrik (1828-1906)
Idle, Christopher (b1938)
Iglesias de la Casa, José (1748-1791)
Ikkyū (1394-1481)
Illica, Luigi (1857-1919)
Immermann, Karl Leberecht (1796-1840)
Ingelo, Nathaniel (c1621-1683)
Iniguez, Ariana (b?)
Iradier, Sebastián de (1809-1865)
Irwin, Michael (b?)
Isaacs, Tony Vincent (b?)
Isahakyan, Avetik (1875-1957)
Iseut de Capio (?-?)
Isidore of Seville, Saint (c560-636)
Ismail, Ahmed E (b1977)
Issa (?-?)
Itzerott, Marie (1857-?)
Ives, Charles (1874-1954)
Ives, Harmony Twichell (1876-1979)
Jackson, Michael (1958-2009)
Jacob, Max (1876-1944)
Jacobi, Johann Georg (1740-1814)
Jacobowski, Ludwig (1868-1900)
Jacobs-Bond, Carrie (1862-1946)
Jacobsen, Jens Peter (1847-1885)
Jahn, Martin (c1620-1682)
James, Henry (1843-1916)
James, John & Robert Wedderburn (c1500-c1550)
Jammes, Francis (1860-1938)
Janáček, Leoš (1854-1928)
Janequin, Clément (c1485-1558)
Janés, Josep (1913-1959)
Jankowski, Józef (1865-1935)
Jean-Aubry, Georges (1882-1950)
Jeans, Joshua (fl1784-1784)
Jeitteles, Alois [Isidor] (1794-1858)
Jennens, Charles (1700-1773)
Jenner, Henry (?-?)
Jepsen, Carly Rae (b1985)
Joel, Billy (b1949)
John of Damascus, Saint (c675-c749)
John Paul II, Pope (1920-2005)
Johns, Sebastian (b?)
Johnson, Franklin (?-?)
Johnson, Graham (b1950)
Johnson, Robert Underwood (1853-1937)
Jókai, Mór (1825-1904)
Jonas, Justus (1493-1555)
Jones, David (1895-1974)
Jones, Edmund O (?-?)
Jones, Emma (b1977)
Jones, Robert (fl1597-1615)
Jones, Sir William (1746-1794)
Jones, Thomas S (1882-1932)
Jonson, Ben (1572-1637)
Jordan, Louis (1908-1975)
Joseph, Jane (?-?)
Josephson, Ernst (1851-1906)
Josquin des Prez (c1450/55-1521)
Jounet, Albert (1860-c1911)
Joyce, Dr Patrick Weston (1827-1914)
Joyce, James (1882-1941)
Julian of Norwich, Mother (1342-1416)
Jurdík, Josef (?-?)
Kabir (1398/1440-1448/1518)
Kachelmeier, Linda (b1965)
Kahane, Gabriel (b1981)
Kahn, Gus (1886-1941)
Kalbeck, Max (1850-1921)
Kalchberg, Johann Nepomuk, Ritter von (1765-1827)
Kalda, Ozef (1871-1921)
Kalidasa (d?250)
Kallman, Chester (1921-1975)
Kaltneker, Hans (1895-1919)
Kamhi, Victoria (1905-1997)
Kannegiesser, Karl (1781-1861)
Kapper, Siegfried (1821-1879)
Kareva, Doris (b1958)
Kassir, Amal (b?)
Kastelic, Matej (b1994)
Kaufmann, Johann Philipp (1802-1846)
Kavanagh, Patrick (1904-1967)
Kaye, Ben (b?)
Keats, John (1795-1821)
Keble, John (1792-1866)
Keeble, Brian (b?)
Keen, Marta (b?)
Keller, Gottfried (1819-1890)
Keller, Helen (1880-1968)
Kelly, Thomas (1769-1855)
Kemp, Will (?-?)
Ken, Thomas (1637-1711)
Kennedy, Benjamin Hall (1804-1889)
Kennedy-Fraser, Marjorie (1857-1930)
Kenner, Josef (1794-1868)
Kerner, Justinus (1786-1862)
Kerr, Alfred (1867-1948)
Kethe, William (?-1594)
Keyes, Sidney (?-?)
Keymann, Christian (1607-1662)
Khalifa, Wiz (b1987)
Kharms, Daniil (1905-1942)
Khomyakov, Alexey (1804-1860)
Kickham, Charles Joseph (1828-1882)
Kiesekamp, Hedwig (1844-1919)
Kilmer, Joyce (1886-1918)
Kind, Johann Friedrich (1768-1843)
King, Stoddart (1889-1933)
Kingsley, Charles (1819-1875)
Kinkel, Gottfried (1815-1882)
Kinwelmersch, Francis (fl1570-1580)
Kipling, Rudyard (1865-1936)
Kirkup, James (1918-2009)
Kit and the Widow
Kitahara, Hakusha (1885-1942)
Kitchin, George William (1827-1912)
Kivi, Aleksis (1834-1872)
Kjerulf, Theodor (1825-1888)
Kleinschmid, Friedrich August (1749-1838)
Kleist, Christian Ewald von (1715-1779)
Klenke, Karoline Luise von (1754-1812)
Kletke, Hermann (1813-1886)
Klingemann, Karl (1798-1862)
Klingsor, Tristan (1874-1966)
Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb (1724-1803)
Knevet, Ralph (1600-1671)
Knoll, Christoph (1563-1630)
Knös, Thekla (1815-1880)
Kobald, Karl (1876-1957)
Kobylinsky, Lev (1878-after 1938)
Koch, Howard (1901-1995)
Koechlin, Charles (1867-1950)
Koehler, Ted (1894-1973)
Kokku (?-?)
Kolrose, Johann (1487-1560)
Kol'tsov, Alexei (1809-1842)
Konstantinovich, Konstantin (1858-1915)
Kopisch, August (1799-1853)
Köpken, Friedrich von (1737-1811)
Körner, Friedrich (1815-1888)
Körner, Karl Julius (February 1793-1873)
Körner, Theodor (1791-1813)
Koschat, Thomas (1845-1914)
Kosegarten, Ludwig Gotthard Theobul (1758-1818)
Köstlin, Christian Reinhold (1813-1856)
Kotzebue, August von (1761-1819)
Kowalski, Franciszek (1799-1862)
Kozlov, Ivan (1779-1840)
Kozlov, Pavel (1841-1891)
Kramer, Samuel Noah (1897-1990)
Krasinski, Zygmunt (1812-1859)
Krauss, Clemens (1893-1954)
Krenek, Ernst (1900-1991)
Kreutzwald, Friedrich Reinhold (1803-1882)
Kreuziger, Elisabeth (c1500-1535)
Kroeker, Kate Freiligrath (1845-1904)
Krummacher, Friedrich Wilhelm (1796-1868)
Kuffner, Christoph (1780-1846)
Kugler, Franz Theodor (1808-1858)
Kuh, Emil (1828-1876)
Kukol'nik, Nestor (1809-1868)
Kulmann, Elisabeth (1808-1825)
Kumpf, Johann Gottfried (1781-1862)
La Comtesse de Die (fl1190?-1190)
La Motte, Antoine Houdart de (1672-1731)
La Ville de Mirmont, Jean de (1886-1914)
Labarre, Léon (1835-1913)
Lacey, Thomas Alexander (1853-1931)
Ladinsky, Daniel (b?)
Lahor, Jean (1840-1909)
Lake, Tanya (b1987)
Lalli, Domenico (1679-1741)
Lamartine, Alphonse de (1790-1869)
Lamb, Charles (1775-1834)
Lamberti, Antonio (1845-1926)
Landini, Francesco (c1325-1397)
Landor, Walter Savage (1775-1864)
Lane, Temple (1899-1978)
Lang, Andrew (1844-1912)
Langley, Philippa (b?)
Lanier, Emilia (1569-1645)
Lansdowne, George Granville, Lord (1666-1735)
Lappe, Karl (1773-1843)
Laprade, Victor de (1812-1883)
Larsen, Libby (b1950)
Lassen, Eduard (1830-1904)
Lassus, Orlande de (1530/32-1594)
Latham, Hanni-Mari & Christopher
Latil, Léo (1890-1915)
Laufenberg, Heinrich (1391/9-1460)
Laurencin, Marie (1885-1956)
Laurentii, Laurentius (1573-1655)
Lawes, Henry (1596-1662)
Lawless, Emily (1845-1913)
Lawrence, French (1757-1809)
Lawrence, Jack (1912-2009)
Lawson, Philip (b1957)
Lazaroni, Francesco (?-?)
Lazarus, Emma (1849-1887)
Le Clerc de la Bruyère, Charles-Antoine (?-?)
Le Roy, G (?-?)
Le Valois d'Orville, Adrien-Joseph (1715-1780)
Lea, Sir Henry (d1610)
Leander, Richard (1830-1889)
Lear, Edward (1812-1888)
Lebland du Roullet, François Louis Gaud Marquis de (1716-1786)
Leconte de Lisle, Charles-Marie-René (1818-1894)
Ledwidge, Francis (1887-1917)
Lee, Laurie (1914-1997)
Lee, Nathaniel (c1653-1692)
Leeds, Milton (b?)
Leeson, Jane Elizabeth (1809-1881)
Legend, John (b1978)
Léger, Alexis Saint-Léger (1887-1975)
Legouvé, Ernest (1807-1903)
L'Egru, Christian (fl1850-1850)
Lehms, Georg Christian (1684-1717)
Lehrer, Tom (b1928)
Leiber, Jerry (1933-2011)
Leigh, Carolyn (1926-1983)
Leigh, R G (?-?)
Leitner, Karl Gottfried von (1800-1890)
Lemcke, Karl (1831-1913)
Lenau, Nikolaus (1802-1850)
L'Engle, Madeleine (1918-2007)
Lennon, John (1940-1980)
Lenz, Ludwig Friedrich (1717-1780)
Leo XIII, Pope (1810-1903)
Leon, Gottlieb von (1757-1832)
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)
Leonhardt, Carolina (?-?)
Leopardi, Giacomo (1798-1837)
Lermontov, Mikhail (1814-1841)
Lešinska, Ieva (b1958)
Leslie, Mary Isabel (1899-1978)
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim (1729-1781)
L'Estrange, Alexander (b1974)
Letts, Winifred M (1882-1972)
Lewis, Alun (1915-1944)
Ley, Madeleine (1901-1981)
L'Hermite, François Tristan (1601-1655)
Lichnowsky, Felix von (1814-1848)
Lichtenstein, Ulrich von (?1200-?1275)
Liliencron, Detlev von (1844-1909)
Lim, Dr Susan (b?)
Lindemann, Ludwig M (1580-1630)
Lindner, Anton (1874-1915)
Lindqvist, Ebba (1908-1995)
Lindsay, Maurice (1918-2009)
Lindsay, Vachel (1879-1931)
Lingard, John (1771-1851)
Lingg, Hermann (1820-1905)
Linley, Elizabeth (1754-1792)
Liscow, Salomo (1640-1689)
Li-Tai-Po (701-762)
Litegato, Andrea (?-?)
Littledale, Richard Frederick (1833-1890)
Littlefield, Simon (b?)
Lloyd, Elaine Singley (b1957)
Lloyd, Erika
Lloyd, Robert (fl1760-1760)
Lobedanz, Edmund (?-?)
Lockhart, John Gibson (1794-1854)
Lockman, John (fl1734-1734)
Lockton, Edward Frederick (c1875-1940)
Lodge, Thomas (1558-1625)
Lomas, Catherine (b?)
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth (1807-1882)
Lönnrot, Elias (1802-1884)
López de Úbeda, Francisco (fl1605-1605)
Lorenz, August Wilhelmine (1784-1861)
Lothar, Ernst (1890-1974)
Louÿs, Pierre (1870-1925)
Lovelace, Richard (1618-1657/8)
Lowe, John (1750-1798)
Lowell, Robert (1917-1977)
Lowry, Henry Dawson (1869-1906)
Lowry, Robert (1826-1899)
Lowth, Robert (1710-1787)
Lubi, Michael (1757-1808)
Luboff, Norman (1917-1987)
Lucas, Clarence (1866-1947)
Lucas, Edward Verrall (1868-1938)
Lucas, Frank Laurence (1894-1967)
Lucchini, Antonio Maria (c1690-c1730)
Luik, Viivi (b1946)
Luján y Fernández, Néstor (1922-1995)
Luna, Félix (1925-2009)
Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
Lynch, Thomas Toke (1818-1871)
Lyon, Henry (?-?)
Lyser, Johann Peter (1803-1870)
Lyte, Henry Francis (1793-1847)
Mabbe, James (1572-1642)
Mac Domhnaill, Seán Clárach (1691-1754)
Mac Domhnaill, Uinseann (b?)
MacCathmhaoil, Seosamh (1879-1944)
MacColl, Ewan (1915-1989)
Macdermott, Edward J (?-?)
MacDiarmid, Hugh (1892-1978)
MacDonald, Andrew (1757-1790)
Macdonald, Don (b1966)
MacDonald, George (1824-1905)
MacDonough, Glen (1870-1924)
Macfarlane, Malcolm (?-?)
Macfarren, Natalie (1826-1916)
Machado, Antonio (1875-1939)
Machaut, Guillaume de (c1300-1377)
MacIntyre, Alasdair (b1929)
Mackail, Jack W (?-?)
Mackay Brown, George (1921-1996)
Mackay, Charles (1814-1889)
Mackay, John Henry (1864-1933)
Mackenzie, John (1806-1848)
Macklow-Smith, Stephen (b?)
Maclean, Murdoch
Macleish, Archibald (1892-1982)
Macleod, Fiona (1855-1905)
Macleod, Kenneth (1871-1955)
MacNeice, Louis (1907-1963)
Macneill, Hector (1746-1818)
MacNiel, Hector (1746-1818)
Macpherson, James (1736-1796)
Madan, Martin (1725-1790)
Maeterlinck, Maurice (1862-1949)
Magee, John Gillespie (1922-1941)
Magre, Maurice (1877-1941)
Mahler, Gustav (1860-1911)
Mahlmann, Siegfried August (1771-1826)
Maikov, Apollon (1821-1897)
Maitland, Edward (1824-1897)
Majláth, Johann, Graf von (1786-1855)
Makaroff, Mia (b1970)
Malherbe, François de (1555-1628)
Mallarmé, Stéphane (1842-1898)
Mallet, David (c1705-1765)
Malm, Einar (1900-1988)
Malombra, Pietro (?-?)
Manchez, Marcel (?-?)
Manfredi, Mutio (?-?)
Manz, Ruth (1919-2008)
Manzanero, Armando (b1935)
Maquarie, Arthur (1874-?)
Marc, Gabriel (?-?)
Mardon, Richard (1857-1934)
Marés, Roland de (1874-1955)
Marino, Giovanni Battista (1569-1625)
Marks, Johnny (1909-1985)
Marlowe, Christopher (1564-1593)
Marot, Clément (1496-1544)
Marsan, Maurice de (?-?)
Marsh, David (1923-1982)
Marshak, Samuil (1887-1964)
Marshall, Madeleine (1899-1993)
Marsili, Carlo (?-?)
Martin, Bernard (?-?)
Martin, F X (b?)
Martin, Hugh (1914-2011)
Martin, Mary Louise (b?)
Martuzeva, Bronislava (1924-2012)
Marvell, Andrew (1621-1678)
Marx, Richard (b1963)
Maschwitz, Eric (1901-1969)
Mase, Georgina (d1968)
Masefield, John (1878-1967)
Mason, John (1646-1694)
Mason, Lowell (1792-1872)
Massinger, Philip (1583-1640)
Mathams, Walter J (1853-1931)
Matheus de Sancto Johanne (fl1365-?1389)
Matteo da Perugia (d?1418)
Matthisson, Friedrich von (1761-1831)
Mauclair, Camille (1872-1945)
Maurus, Rabanus (776-856)
Mayerhofer von Grünbühel, Ferdinand (1798-1869)
Maykov, Apollon Nikolayevich (1821-1897)
Mayrhofer, Johann (1787-1836)
Mazzolà, Caterino (1745-1806)
McCartney, Paul (b1942)
McCrae, John (1872-1918)
McDermot, Robert (b?)
McDuff, David (b1945)
McEwan, Ian (b1948)
McGarvey, Cathal (1866-1927)
McGuinness, Frank (b1953)
McHugh, Jimmy (1894-1969)
McLachlan, Sarah (b1968)
McManus, Anne-Marie (b?)
McNally, Leonard (1752-1820)
McVie, Christine (b1943)
Mealor, Paul (b1975)
Medici, Lorenzo de' (1449-1492)
Meilhac, Henri (1830-1897)
Meissner, Alfred von (1822-1885)
Melling, David (1943-2004)
Men, Alexander (1935-1990)
Mencius (c372BC-c289BC)
Mendelssohn, Felix (1809-1847)
Mendelssohn, Moses (1729-1786)
Mendès, Catulle (1841-1909)
Méndez, Ricardo López (1903-1989)
Mendoza, Ana Maria (b?)
Mendoza, Quirino (1865-1957)
Mercer, Johnny (1909-1976)
Mercury, Freddie (1946-1991)
Mereau, Sophie (1770-1806)
Meredith, George (1828-1909)
Merrick, James (1720-1769)
Merton, Thomas (1915-1968)
Méry, Joseph (1797-1866)
Meshchersky, Elim (1808-1844)
Meshchersky, Nina (?-?)
Messiaen, Olivier (1908-1992)
Metastasio, Pietro (1698-1782)
Meuslin, Wolfgang (1497-1563)
Mew, Charlotte (1869-1928)
Mey, Lev (1822-1862)
Meyer, Conrad Ferdinand (1825-1898)
Meyerstein, Edward H W (1889-1952)
Meyfart, Johann Matthäus (1590-1642)
Meynell, Alice (1847-1922)
Michelangelo (1475-1564)
Michell, Gustav (1842-?)
Miciński, Tadeusz (1873-1918)
Mickiewicz, Adam Bernard (1798-1855)
Mickle, William (1734-1788)
Middleton, Alasdair (b?)
Middleton, Edgar (?-?)
Middleton, Thomas (1580-1627)
Midlane, Albert (1825-1909)
Migliacci, Franco (b1930)
Mika (b1983)
Mikan, Johann Christian (1769-1844)
Mikhaël, Ephraïm (1866-1890)
Miki, Rofū (1889-1964)
Millay, Edna St Vincent (1892-1950)
Miller, James (1708-1744)
Millevoye, Charles-Hubert (1782-1816)
Milligan, Spike (1918-2002)
Mills, A J (c1871-1919)
Mills, Irving (1894-1985)
Milman, Henry (1791-1868)
Milne, Alan Alexander (1882-1956)
Milner-White, Eric (1884-1963)
Miłosz, Czesław (1911-2004)
Milton, John (1608-1674)
Milton, John (c1563-1647)
Minato, Count Nicolò (c1627-1698)
Minsky, Nikolai (1855-1937)
Miškinis, Vytautas (b1954)
Mitchell, Joni (b1943)
Mitchell, Langdon Elwyn (1862-1935)
Miyamoto, Masumitsu (b?)
Modugno, Domenico (1928-1994)
Mohr, Josef (1792-1849)
Mole, John (b1945)
Molière (1622-1673)
Molina, Tirso de (1579-1648)
Molinet, Jean (1435-1507)
Moller, Martin (1547-1606)
Monckton, Lionel (1861-1924)
Mondonville, Jean-Joseph Cassanéa de (1711-1772)
Moniglia, Giovanni Andrea (1624-1700)
Monnier, Marc (1827-1885)
Monro, Harold (1879-1932)
Monsell, John Samuel Bewley (1811-1875)
Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley (1689-1762)
Montgomery, James (1771-1854)
Monticourt, Duplat de (?-?)
Moore, Clement Clarke (1779-1863)
Moore, Edward (1712-1757)
Moore, Thomas (1779-1852)
Morand, Paul (1888-1976)
Moréas, Jean (1856-1910)
Morell, Thomas (1703-1784)
Moretti, Ferdinando (d1807)
Morgan, Diana (b?)
Morgan, Edwin (1920-2010)
Morgan, James (b?)
Morgenstern, Christian (1871-1914)
Mörike, Eduard (1804-1875)
Morley, Thomas (1557/8-1602)
Moro, Maurizio (?-?)
Morris, Francis St Vincent (1896-1917)
Morris, Maurice (?-?)
Morris, William (1834-1896)
Morrison, Sir George Ivan (b1945)
Morselli, Adriano (?-1691?)
Mosen, Julius (1803-1867)
Mother Thekla (1918-2011)
Motion, Sir Andrew (b1952)
Motteux, Peter Anthony (1660-1718)
Moultrie, Gerard (1829-1885)
Mouton, Jean (before 1459-1522)
Moyne, Jehan le Povre (?-?)
Mraz, Jason (b1977)
Muir, Edwin (1887-1959)
Muir, Willa (1890-1970)
Müller, Anton (1792-1843)
Müller, Heinrich (1631-1675)
Müller, Joseph (1802-1872)
Müller, Karl Ludwig Methusalem (1771-1837)
Müller, Wilhelm (1794-1827)
Müller, Wolfgang (1816-1873)
Mumford Jones, Howard (1892-1980)
Munch, Andreas (1811-1884)
Mundy, John (c1555-1630)
Murphy, Arthur (1727-1805)
Musawi, Worod (b1981)
Muscorno, Giorgio (?-?)
Muset, Colin (fl c1200-1250)
Musorgsky, Modest (1839-1881)
Musset, Alfred de (1810-1857)
Mvula, Laura (b1987)
Myers, Frederic William Henry (1843-1901)
Mylius, Johann Anton (1657-1724)
Mynyddog (1833-1877)
Nadson, Semyon (1862-1887)
Nairne, Baroness Carolina (1766-1845)
Nannup, Noel (b?)
Nansen, Fridtjof (1861-1930)
Narekatsi, Grigor 'St Gregory of Narek' (951-1003)
Nash, Ogden (1902-1971)
Nashe, Thomas (1567-1601)
Nat King Cole (1919-1965)
Navarre, Marguerite (?-?)
Neal, Mary (1860-1924)
Neale, John Mason (1818-1866)
Neale, Rhubee (b?)
Neander, Joachim (1650-1680)
Needham, Anna (b1961)
Needham, Clare (b1963)
Nelson, Steve (1907-1981)
Neruda, Pablo (1904-1973)
Nesbit, Edith (1858-1924)
Neumann, Caspar (1648-1715)
Neumark, Georg (1621-1681)
Neumeister, Erdmann (1671-1756)
Newbolt, Michael Robert (1874-1956)
Newbolt, Sir Henry (1862-1938)
Newell, Norman (1919-2004)
Newman, Cardinal John Henry (1801-1890)
Newman, Randy (b1943)
Newmarch, Rosa
Newton, Eileen (?-?)
Newton, John (1725-1807)
Nicetas of Remesiana (fl400-fl400)
Nicholas, Jeremy (b1947)
Nichols, Robert (1893-1944)
Nicolai, Philipp (1556-1608)
Nicolson, Adela Florence (1865-1904)
Niebuhr, Reinhold (1892-1971)
Nietzsche, Friedrich (1844-1900)
Nightingale, David
Niles, John Jacob (1892-1980)
Nkosi, Lewis (1936-2010)
Noel, Caroline Maria (1817-1877)
Noel, Roden (1834-1894)
Nohain, Jean (1900-1981)
Nordmann, Johannes (1820-1887)
Nordstern, Arthur vom (1765-1836)
Noris, Matteo (?-1714)
Norris, John (1657-1711)
Norton, Caroline (1808-1877)
Norton, Richard (1666-1732)
Norwich, John Julius (b1929)
Nostlitz, Adolf Ernst von (1765-1836)
Notari, Angelo (1566-1663)
Novalis (1772-1801)
Noyes, Alfred (1880-1958)
Nucius, Johannes (c1556-1620)
Ó Faoláin, Seán (1900-1991)
Ó hUigínn, Brian (b?)
Ó Tuama, Seán (1926-2006)
Oakeley, Frederick (1802-1880)
Oakley, Charles Edward (1832-1865)
Oats, Mr (?-?)
Obata, Shigeyoshi (1888-1971)
O'Connor, Sir Frederick (1870-1943)
O'Keefe, Lester (1896-1977)
O'Keeffe, John (1747-1833)
Oldham, John (1653-1683)
Oldys, William (1696-1761)
Olearius, Johann (1611-1684)
Oliphant, Thomas (1799-1873)
Oliveira, Aloísio de (1914-1995)
Olivers, Thomas (1725-1799)
O'Malley, Dominick John 'Kid' (1867-1943)
Omar Khayyám, Hakim (c1048-c1122)
O'Neill, Eugene (1888-1953)
O'Neill, Moira (1864-1955)
Ongaro, Francesco dall' (1808-1873)
Opie, Amelia (1769-1853)
Oppenheim, James (1882-1932)
O'Regan, Tarik (b1978)
O'Reilly, P J (?-?)
Orred, Meta (c1846-1925)
Orzabal, Roland (b1961)
O'Shaughnessy, Arthur (1844-1881)
Osinski, Ludwik (1775-1838)
Osler, Edward (1798-1863)
Ossian (1736-1796)
Österling, Anders (1884-1981)
Osterwald, Karl Wilhelm (1820-1887)
O'Sullivan, Seumas (1879-1958)
Oswald, Alice (b1966)
Ott, Hans (1533-1550)
Ottenwalt, Anton (1789-1845)
Overbeck von Lübeck, Christian Adolf (1755-1821)
Ovid (43BC-17)
Owen Norris, David (b1953)
Owen, Wilfred (1893-1918)
Pacini, Émilien (1810-1898)
Pacory, Henry (1873-?)
Page, Christopher (b?)
Pagello, Pietro (?-?)
Pagliara, Rocco Emanuele (1856-1914)
Pailleron, Édouard (1834-1899)
Palma, Martino (?-?)
Palmer, G H (b?)
Palmer, Robert (1888-1916)
Pamphili, Cardinal Benedetto (1653-1730)
Pancieri, Giulio (fl1691-1691)
Panizza, Oskar (1853-1921)
Pannasch, Anton (1789-1855)
Panzacchi, Enrico (1840-1904)
Papadiamontopolos, Iannis (1856-1910)
Pariati, Pietro (1665-1733)
Parish, Mitchell (1900-1993)
Park, Owain (b1993)
Park, Phil (1907-1978)
Parker, Archbishop Matthew (1504-1575)
Parker, Dorothy (1893-1967)
Parker, Henry (1604-1652)
Parker, William Henry (1845-1929)
Parny, Évariste de Forges de (1753-1814)
Parrish, Mitchell (1900-1993)
Parry, Ben (b1965)
Passereau, Pierre (fl1509-1547)
Pasternak, Boris (1890-1960)
Patmore, Coventry (1823-1896)
Patrick, John (fl1678-1678)
Patrick, Saint (372-466)
Pattberg, Auguste von (1769-1850)
Paulsen, John Olaf (1851-1924)
Paz, Octavio (1914-1998)
Peacocke, Margaret Ruth (Meg) (b1930)
Pearce, William (?-?)
Pears, Sir Peter (1910-1986)
Pearsall, Robert Lucas (1795-1856)
Pechey, Archibald Thomas (1876-1961)
Peele, George (1558-1596)
Peirol (c1160-c1225)
Pellegrin, Simon-Joseph, Abbé (1663-1745)
Penn, Arthur (1875-1941)
Pennington, James W C (c1807-1870)
Pepoli, Conte Carlo (1796-1881)
Pereda Valdés, Ildefonso (1899-1996)
Pericles (495-429BC)
Periquet y Zuaznabar, Fernando (1873-1940)
Perozzi, Perozzo di (?-?)
Perry, Michael (1942-1996)
Perse, Saint-John (1887-1975)
Petersen, Paulann (b1942)
Peterson, Frederick (1859-1938)
Petrarch (1304-1374)
Petronius (c27-66)
Petrosellini, Giuseppe (b?)
Peyre, Louis de (?-?)
Pfarrius, Gustav (1800-1884)
Pfeffel, Gottlied Conrad (1736-1809)
Pfefferkorn, Georg Michael (1645-1732)
Philippe the Chancellor (c1160/80-1236)
Philips, Ambrose (1674-1749)
Philips, Katherine (1631-1664)
Phillip, John (fl1566-1566)
Piave, Francesco Maria (1810-1876)
Picander (1700-1764)
Pichler, Caroline (1769-1843)
Pickthall, Marjorie (1883-1922)
Pierpoint, Folliot Sandford (1835-1917)
Pierpont, James Lord (1822-1893)
Pietrkiewicz, Jerzy (1916-2007)
Pike, G (?-?)
Piovene, Agostino (1671-1733)
Piper, Myfanwy (1911-1997)
Pitter, Ruth (1897-1992)
Pittman, Al (1940-2001)
Pizzacomino, Sebastino (?-?)
Placzek, Joyce (1901-1953)
Platen, August von (1796-1835)
Platner, Anton (1787-1855)
Pleshcheyev, Alexey (1825-1893)
Pleydell-Bouverie, Dorothy (?-?)
Plinke, August H (1855-1910)
Plitmann, Hila (b1973)
Plomer, William (1903-1973)
Plumptre, Edward Hayes (1821-1891)
Poe, Edgar Allan (1809-1849)
Pohl, Richard (1826-1896)
Pol, Wincenty (1807-1872)
Poliziano, Angelo (1454-1494)
Pollak, Aaron (?-?)
Pollock, Thomas Benson (1836-1896)
Pollock, Walter Herries (1850-1926)
Polonsky, Yakov (1819-1898)
Polydouri, Maria (1902-1930)
Pomey, Louis (1835-1901)
Pool, Morris W (?-?)
Pope, Alexander (1688-1744)
Poquelin, Jean-Baptiste (1622-1673)
Porta, Nunziato (fl1770-after 1790)
Porter, Cole (1891-1964)
Pott, Francis (1832-1909)
Pountney, David (b1947)
Powell, Rosephayne (b?)
Powers, Jessica (1905-1988)
Prandstetter, Martin Josef (1760-1798)
Pratobevera, Adolf von (1806-1875)
Prévert, Jacques (1900-1977)
Price, Laurence (fl?1650-1650)
Prior, Matthew (1664-1721)
Procházka, František (1861-1939)
Procopé, Hjalmar (1868-1927)
Proctor, Adelaide Anne (1825-1864)
Proctor, Bryan Waller (1787-1874)
Prokofiev, Oleg (b1928)
Prokofiev, Serge (1891-1953)
Prokosch, Frederick (1908-1989)
Prudentius Clemens, Aurelius (348-after 405)
Prudhomme, René-François-Armand (1839-1907)
Prutz, Robert Eduard (1816-1872)
Pryce, Mark (b?)
Pulvers, Roger (b1944)
Purcell, Henry (1659-1695)
Pushkin, Aleksandr (1799-1837)
Puth, Charlie (b1991)
Pyrker, Johann Ladislaus (1772-1847)
Qabbani, Nizar (1923-1998)
Quarles, Francis (1592-1644)
Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur (1863-1944)
Quilter, Roger (1877-1953)
Quinault, Philippe (1635-1688)
Racine, Jean (1639-1699)
Radice, William (b1951)
Radiguet, Raymond (1903-1923)
Raimbaut de Vaqueiras (c1150-1207)
Raine, Kathleen (1908-2003)
Rainis, Jānis (1865-1929)
Raleigh, Sir Walter (?1552-1618)
Ramler, Karl Wilhelm (1725-1798)
Ramsay, Allan (1686-1758)
Ramuz, Charles Ferdinand (1878-1947)
Rands, William Brighty (1823-1882)
Rannie, John (?-?)
Raphael, Alice (1887-1975)
Rast, Ferdinand von (1808-1889)
Ratschky, Josef von (1757-1810)
Ratushinskaya, Irina (b1954)
Rautavaara, Einojuhani (1928-2016)
Ravel, Maurice (1875-1937)
Ravenscroft, Thomas (c1582-c1635)
Redford, John (d1547)
Redwitz-Schmölz, Oscar von (1823-1891)
Reed, Trelawny Dayrell (?-?)
Rees, Simon (b1958)
Rees, Timothy (1874-1939)
Regnard, Jean-François (1655-1709)
Régnier, Henri de (1864-1936)
Reid, Christopher (b1949)
Reil, Friedrich (1773-1843)
Reinick, Robert (1805-1852)
Reisfeld, Bert (1906-1991)
Reissig, Christian Ludwig (1783-1822)
Rellstab, Ludwig (1799-1860)
Remer, Paul (1867-1943)
Renard, Jules (1864-1910)
Renaud, Armand (1836-1895)
Reusner, Adam (c1496-1575)
Rey, Paul (?-?)
Reyneau, Gacian (c1370-c1429)
Reynolds, Herbert (?-?)
Reynolds, Mr Jno (?-?)
Rhu, Lucy W (b?)
Rice, Tim (b1944)
Richard of Chichester, Saint (1197-1253)
Richardson, Robert (1850-1901)
Richart de Semilli (fl1200-1200)
Richepin, Jean (1849-1926)
Richter, Gregorius (1598-1633)
Ridge, Lola (1873-1941)
Riego, Teresa del (c1876-1968)
Rilke, Rainer Maria (1875-1926)
Rimbaud, Arthur (1854-1891)
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai (1844-1908)
Ringwaldt, Bartholomäus (1532-c1599)
Rinkart, Martin (1586-1649)
Rinuccini, Ottavio (1562-1621)
Rist, Johann (1607-1667)
Ritter, Anna (1865-1921)
Roark, Benton (b?)
Robert, Friedricke (1795-1832)
Robert, Ludwig Ernst Friedrich (1778-1832)
Roberton, Sir Hugh (1874-1952)
Roberts, Sir Charles G D (1860-1943)
Roberts, Vaughan (b?)
Robert-Tornow, Walter Heinrich (1852-1895)
Robertus, Gerda von (1873-1939)
Robson, John Gair 'Jack' (c1885-1957)
Rochlitz, Johann Friedrich (1769-1842)
Rode, Beresford (?-?)
Rodgers, William Robert (1909-1969)
Rodigast, Samuel (1649-1708)
Roethke, Theodore Huebner (1908-1963)
Rogers, Pattiann (b1940)
Rollett, Hermann (1819-1904)
Rolli, Paolo Antonio (1687-1765)
Rollinat, Maurice (1846-1903)
Romani, Felice (1788-1865)
Romero, Óscar (1917-1980)
Roncaglia, Bartolomeo (?-?)
Ronsard, Pierre de (1524-1585)
Ronsperger, Edith (1880-1921)
Roos, Richard (1768-1834)
Rorem, Ned (b1923)
Rose, Gregory (b1948)
Rose, Margaret (d1958)
Rosen, Michael (b1946)
Rosenberg, Isaac (1890-1918)
Rosenmüller, Johann (c1619-1684)
Rose-Price, Tim (b?)
Rosler, Don (b?)
Ross, Adrian (1859-1933)
Rossetti, Christina (1830-1894)
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel (1828-1882)
Rossi, Gaetano (1774-1855)
Rossi, Giacomo (fl1710-1731)
Rostand, Edmond (1868-1918)
Roth, Alec (b1948)
Rothenberg, Jerome (b1931)
Rous, Francis (1579-1659)
Rousseau, Johann Baptist (1802-1867)
Rowell, Geoffrey (b1943)
Rowlands, Richard (1565-c1630)
Roy, Camille (?-?)
Roy, Pierre-Charles (1683-1764)
Royer, Alphonse (1803-1875)
Rube, Johann Christoph (c1665-1746)
Rückert, Friedrich (1788-1866)
Rudnitsky, Leah (1913-c1944)
Ruffini, Giovanni (1807-1881)
Rukeyser, Muriel (1913-1980)
Rūmī, Jalāl al-Dīn (1207-1273)
Runeberg, Johan Ludvig (1804-1877)
Ruperti, Friedrich (1805-1867)
Rusby, Kate (b1973)
Russell Bowie, Walter (1882-1969)
Russell, George (1867-1935)
Rutherford, Ruth (d1952)
Rutilius, Martin (1551-1618)
Rutter, John (b1945)
Ryl'sky, Maxym (1895-1965)
Ryman, James (c1400-?)
Ryndin, Pyotr (?-?)
Saar, Ferdinand von (1833-1906)
Sacer, Gottfried Wilhelm (1635-1699)
Safar, Ali (b?)
Sagan, Françoise (1935-2004)
Saint-Félix, Théobald (?-?)
Saint-Georges, Jules-Henri de (1799-1875)
Saint-Saëns, Camille (1835-1921)
Saix Leon, Guillot de (1895-1964)
Salis-Seewis, Johann Gaudenz, Freiherr von (1762-1834)
Sallet, Friedrich von (1812-1843)
Salmon, Arthur Leslie (1865-1952)
Salus, Hugo (1866-1929)
Salvatori, Fausto (1870-1929)
Salvi, Antonio (1664-1724)
Salvini, Anton Maria (1653-1729)
Samain, Albert (1858-1900)
Sams, Jeremy (b1957)
Sandys, George (1578-1644)
Sansom, Clive (1910-1981)
Santo-Mango, N di (?-?)
Sanvido, Leandro (?-?)
Sappho (630BC-?)
Sarcone, Michele (1732-1797)
Sarson, May (?-?)
Sassoon, Siegfried (1886-1967)
Sätherberg, Herman (1812-1897)
Satie, Erik (1866-1925)
Sauser-Hall, Frédéric (1887-1961)
Sauter, Samuel Friedrich (1766-1846)
Savonarola, Girolamo (1452-1498)
Saward, Michael (b1932)
Saxton, Robert (b1953)
Sayers, Dorothy L (1893-1957)
Sbarra, Francesco (1611-1668)
Scarfe, Francis (1911-1986)
Schaag, Katie
Schachtner, Johann Andreas (b?)
Schack, Adolf Friedrich von (1815-1894)
Schad, Christian (1821-1871)
Schäffer, Friedrich (1772-1800)
Schall, Johann Eberhard Friedrich (1742-1790)
Schalling, Martin (1532-1608)
Scheffler, Johann (1624-1677)
Schellenberg, Ernst Ludwig (1883-1964)
Schenkendorf, Maximilian von (1783-1817)
Scherenberg, Christian Friedrich (1798-1881)
Scherer, Georg (1828-1909)
Schikaneder, Emanuel (1751-1812)
Schiller, Friedrich von (1759-1805)
Schlaf, Johannes (1862-1941)
Schlechta, Franz Xaver von (1796-1875)
Schlegel, August Wilhelm von (1767-1845)
Schlegel, Catharina von (1697-after 1768)
Schlegel, Friedrich von (1772-1829)
Schlippenbach, Albert, Graf von (1800-1886)
Schmidt von Lübeck, Georg Philipp (1766-1849)
Schmidt, Hans (1854-1923)
Schmidt, Klamer Eberhard Karl (1764-1824)
Schmolck, Benjamin (1672-1737)
Schneegaß, Cyriakus (1546-1597)
Schnitzer von Meerau, Kolumban (?-?)
Schober, Franz von (1796-1882)
Schöpff, Wilhelm (1826-1916)
Schorn, Henriette Wilhelmine Auguste von (1807-1869)
Schreiber, Aloys Wilhelm (1761-1841)
Schröer, Karl Julius (1825-1900)
Schubart, Christian Friedrich Daniel (1739-1791)
Schubert, Franz (1797-1828)
Schücking, Clemens August (1759-1790)
Schulheim, Hiazinth Edler von (1815-1875)
Schulz, Eduard (1813-1842)
Schulze, Ernst (1789-1817)
Schumann, Felix (1854-1879)
Schumann, Marie (1841-1929)
Schumann, Robert (1810-1856)
Schuon, Catherine (b1924)
Schuon, Frithjof (1907-1998)
Schutte, Daniel L (b1947)
Schütz, Christian Wilhelm von (1776-1847)
Schütz, Johann Jakob (1640-1690)
Schwab, Gustav (1792-1850)
Schwabacher, Henri-Simon (1875-1937)
Schwartz, Arthur (1900-1984)
Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt, Ämilie Juliane von (1637-1706)
Scollard, Clinton (1860-1932)
Scott, A B (b?)
Scott, Geoffrey (1884-1929)
Scott, Robert Falcon (1868-1912)
Scott, Sir Walter (1771-1832)
Scott, Thomas (fl1695-1695)
Scottus, Sedulius (?-?)
Scriabin, Alexander (1872-1915)
Scribe, Eugène (1791-1861)
Scriven, Joseph Medlicott (1819-1886)
Sears, Edmund (1810-1876)
Secundus, Johannes (1511-1536)
Sedley, Sir Charles (c1639-1701)
Seferis, Giorgos (1900-1971)
Seidl, Johann Gabriel (1804-1875)
Selnecker, Nikolaus (1530-1592)
Semprevivo, Giacomo (?-?)
Seneca, Lucius Annaeus (c4BC-65)
Senn, Johann Chrysostomos (1795-1857)
Serafino Aquilano (1466-1500)
Serre, Friederike (1800-1872)
Service, Robert William (1874-1958)
Seth, Vikram (b1952)
Settle, Elkanah (1648-1724)
Séverac, Déodat de (1872-1921)
Severyanin, Igor (1887-1941)
Seyboth, Sofie (?-?)
Seybt, Julius (?-?)
Shadwell, Thomas (1642-1692)
Shakespeare, William (1564-1616)
Shanks, Edward (1892-1953)
Sharp, Thomas (?-?)
Shchedrin, Rodion Konstantinovich (b1932)
Shelley, Percy Bysshe (1792-1822)
Shenstone, William (1714-1763)
Shepherd, Katrina (b?)
Sheppard, Elizabeth (b?)
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley (1751-1816)
Sherman, Frank Dempster (1860-1916)
Sherman, Richard (1928-2024)
Sherman, Robert (1925-2012)
Shevchenko, Taras (1814-1861)
Shirley, James (1596-1666)
Shostakovich, Dmitri (1906-1975)
Sibelius, Jean (1865-1957)
Sidney, Mary (1561-1621)
Sidney, Sir Philip (1554-1586)
Siebel, Carl (1836-1868)
Siena, Bianco da (c1350-1399)
Silbert, Johann Petrus (1772-1884)
Silk, Dennis (?-?)
Silva y Valdés, Francisco (?-?)
Silvani, Francesco (c1660-c1725)
Silvestre, Armand (1837-1901)
Silvestri, Charles Anthony (b1965)
Silvestri, Julia Lawrence (1969-2005)
Simon, Paul (b1941)
Simpson, Robert (1921-1997)
Simrock, Karl Joseph (1802-1876)
Sitwell, Dame Edith (1887-1964)
Sitwell, Sir Sacheverell (1897-1988)
Skelton, John (1460-1529)
Skujenieks, Knuts (b1936)
Skylar, Sunny (1913-2009)
Slater, Charles Montagu (1902-1956)
Smart, Christopher (1722-1771)
Smith, Alexander (?1830-1867)
Smith, C Fox (1882-1954)
Smith, Horace (?-?)
Smith, J F (?-?)
Smith, Richard Bernhard (1901-1935)
Smith, Stevie (1902-1971)
Smith, Walter Chalmers (1824-1908)
Smyth, William (1765-1849)
Smyttan, George Hunt (1822-1870)
Solage (fl1370-1390)
Sologub, Fyodor (1863-1927)
Somerset, Lord Henry Richard Charles (1849-1932)
Somervell, Sir Arthur (1863-1937)
Sonnemann, Ernst (1630-1670)
Sophocles (496BC-406BC)
Sorley, Charles Hamilton (1895-1915)
Sosiura, Volodymyr (1898-1965)
Soutar, William (1898-1943)
Southerne, Thomas (1660-1746)
Southey, Robert (1774-1843)
Southwell, Robert (1561-1595)
Sparrow Simpson, William John (1860-1952)
Spaun, Josef von (1788-1865)
Spee, Friedrich von (1591-1635)
Spengler, Lazarus (1479-1534)
Spenser, Edmund (1552-1599)
Speratus, Paul (1484-1551)
Spiker, Samuel Heinrich (1786-1858)
Spofforth, Reginald (1769-1827)
Spring-Rice, Sir Cecil (1859-1918)
Squire, Sir John Collings (1884-1958)
Sri Ananda Acharya, Swami (1881-1945)
St Bridget of Sweden (1303-1373)
St Edmund of Abingdon (1175-1240)
St Ephraim (373-c306)
St Germanus (c634-734/740)
St John of the Cross (1542-1591)
St Padre Pio of Pietrelcina (1887-1968)
St Richard of Chichester (1197-1253)
St Teresa of Ávila (1515-1582)
St William of York (?-1154)
Stadler, Albert (1794-1888)
Stägemann, Hedwig von (1799-1891)
Stainer, John Frederick Randall (1866-1939)
Stampiglia, Silvio (1664-1725)
Stanley, Thomas (1625-1678)
Stanley, Wynn (?-?)
Stanton, Frank (1857-1927)
Stedall, Jacqueline (1950-2014)
Stephens, Geoff (b1934)
Stephens, James (1880-1950)
Sterbini, Cesare (1784-1831)
Sternau, C O (1823-1862)
Sternhold, Thomas (1500-1549)
Stevens, Sufjan (b1975)
Stevens, Wallace (1879-1955)
Stevenson, John (?-?)
Stevenson, Robert Louis (1850-1894)
Stieler, Karl (1842-1885)
Stilgoe, Richard (b1943)
Stills, Stephen (b1945)
Sting (b1951)
Stockhausen, Karlheinz (1928-2007)
Stockmann, Paul (1603-1636)
Stokes, Richard (b?)
Stolberg-Stolberg, Friedrich Leopold, Graf zu (1750-1819)
Stoll, Josef Ludwig (1778-1815)
Stölzel, Gottfried Heinrich (1690-1749)
Stone, Samuel John (1839-1900)
Storck, Adam (1780-1822)
Storm, Theodor (1817-1888)
Straaten, Eleonore van der (1845-?)
Strachwitz, Moritz, Graf von (1822-1847)
Street, Seán (b1946)
Strettell, Alma (1856-1939)
Strobel, Marion (1895-1967)
Strong, Leonard Alfred George (1869-1958)
Strong, Patience (1907-1990)
Strugusgchikov, A (?-?)
Struther, Jan (1901-1953)
Stuart, Mary (1542-1587)
Stubbs, Charles William (1845-1912)
Studdert Kennedy, Geoffrey Anketell (1883-1929)
Sturgis, Julian Russell (1848-1904)
Sturm, Christoph Christian (1740-1786)
Sturm, Julius Karl Reinhold (1816-1896)
Suchodolski, Rajnold (1804-1831)
Suckling, Sir John (1609-1642)
Sully Prudhomme (1839-1907)
Sunshine, Marion (1894-1963)
Surikov, Ivan (1841-1880)
Susman, Margarete (1874-1966)
Svoboda, Václav Alois (1791-1849)
Swann, Donald (1923-1994)
Swanston, Hamish (1933-2013)
Swieten, Gottfried, Freiherr van (1733-1803)
Swinburne, Algernon Charles (1839-1909)
Sylva, Carmen (1843-1916)
Sylvel, Amy (?-?)
Symeon the New Theologian, Saint (949-1022)
Symmons Roberts, Michael (b1963)
Symonds, John Addington (1840-1893)
Symons, Arthur (1865-1945)
Synesius of Cyrene, Bishop (c375-c430)
Szamotuł, Wacław z (c1524-c1560)
Széchényi, Ludwig von (1781-1855)
Tagore, Rabindranath (1861-1941)
Takiguchi, Shūzō (1903-1979)
Tan, Colin (b1977)
Tan, Dr Christina Teenz (b?)
Tansillo, Luigi (1510-1568)
Tanzer, Francisco
Tappert, Wilhelm (1830-1907)
Tasso, Bernardo (1493-1569)
Tasso, Torquato (1544-1595)
Tate, Nahum [Nathaniel] (1652-1715)
Tauler, Johannes (c1300-1361)
Tavener, Sir John (1944-2013)
Taylor, Ann (1782-1866)
Taylor, Bishop John Vernon (1914-2001)
Taylor, Edward (c1642-1729)
Taylor, Helen (?-?)
Taylor, James (b1948)
Taylor, Jeremy (1613-1667)
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr (1840-1893)
Tear, Robert (1939-2011)
Teasdale, Sara (1884-1933)
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord (1809-1892)
Teresa of Calcutta, Mother (1910-1997)
Tersteegen, Gerhard (1697-1769)
Teschemacher, Edward (c1875-1940)
The London Quartet
The Yetties
Thekla, Mother (1918-2011)
Theocritus (c308-c240 BC)
Theodulph of Orleans, Saint (d821)
Theuriet, André (1833-1907)
Thibault de Champagne (1201-1253)
Thomas, Edward (1878-1917)
Thompson, Francis (1859-1907)
Thomson, David (?1770-1815)
Thomson, James (1700-1748)
Thomson, James (1834-1882)
Thoreau, Henry David (1817-1862)
Thorp, Jennifer (b?)
Thring, Godfrey (1826-1908)
Thymich, Paul (1656-1694)
Tieck, Johann Ludwig (1773-1853)
Tiedge, Christoph August (1752-1841)
Timms, George Boorne (1910-1997)
Tippett, Sir Michael (1905-1998)
Tischendorf, Konstantin von (1815-1874)
Tisserand, Jean (?-d1494)
Tkhorzhevsky, Ivan (1878-1951)
Todd, Will (b1970)
Tolkien, J R R (1892-1973)
Tolstoy, Alexei (1817-1875)
Tomissön, Hans (?-?)
Toolan, Suzanne (b1927)
Topelius, Zachris (1818-1898)
Toplady, Augustus Montague (1740-1778)
Tormé, Melvin Howard (1925-1999)
Torre, Giuseppe (?-?)
Totis, Giuseppe Domenico de (?-?)
Tottola, Andrea Leone (d1831)
Tourneux, Eugène (?-?)
Towers, William (b?)
Towne, Charles Hanson (1877-1949)
Townsend Warner, Sylvia (1893-1978)
Traherne, Thomas (c1636-1674)
Treece, Roger (b?)
Tregear, Ted (b1993)
Treitschke, Georg Friedrich (1776-1842)
Trench, Herbert (1865-1923)
Trench, Stewart A (?-?)
Troutbeck, John (1832-1899)
Trumbore, Dale (b1987)
Truswell, T (?-?)
Tschudi, Louis-Théodore, Baron de (1734-1784)
Tunstall, KT (b1975)
Turnbull, Monica Peveril (1879-1901)
Turner, John (fl1683-1683)
Tusser, Thomas (1524-1580)
Twain, Mark (1835-1910)
Tydeman, Richard (1916-2011)
Tynan, Katharine (1861-1931)
Tyutchev, Fyodor (1803-1873)
Tzu Yeh (fl1350-1350)
Ueltzen, Hermann Wilhelm Franz (1759-1808)
Uhland, Johann Ludwig (1787-1862)
Ulrich, Titus (1813-1891)
Unger, Johann Karl (1771-1836)
Untermeyer, Louis (1885-1977)
Utenhoven, Charles (?-?)
Uz, Johann Peter (1720-1796)
Vacaresco, Hélène (1864-1947)
Vācietis, Ojārs (1933-1983)
Vaëz, Gustave (1812-1862)
Vaghefian, Sara (b?)
Vaillant, Jehan (fl1360-1390)
Valade, Léon (1842-1884)
Valéry, Paul (1871-1945)
Valvasone, Erasmo di (1523-1593)
van Dijk, Péter Louis (b1953)
van Dyke, Henry (1852-1933)
Van Lerberghe, Charles (1861-1907)
Van Ness, Patricia (b1951)
Varela Vázquez, Xesús Lorenzo (1916-1978)
Varesco, Giovanni Battista (1735-1805)
Vaucaire, Maurice (1903-1980)
Vaughan Williams, Ursula (1911-2007)
Vaughan, Henry (1621-1695)
Vega, Lope de (1562-1635)
Vegio, Maffeo (1407-1458)
Velut, Gilet (fl early 15th century-?)
Verazi, Mattia (c1730-1794)
Verhaeren, Émile (1855-1916)
Verin, Boris (1891-?)
Verlaine, Paul (1844-1896)
Vesper, Will (1882-1962)
Veveritsa, Marie N (?-?)
Viau, Théophile de (1590-1626)
Vieillard, Pierre-Ange (1778-1862)
Viertel, Berthold (1885-1953)
Villiers de l'Isle-Adam, Philippe-Auguste, Comte de (1838-1889)
Villifranchi, Giovanni Cosimo (1646-1699)
Villon, François (1431-1463)
Vilmorin, Louise Lévêque de (1902-1969)
Vincke, Gisbert, Freiherr von (1813-1892)
Vinje, Aasmund Olafsson (1818-1870)
Vitali, Carlo (b?)
Vittorelli, Jacopo (1749-1835)
Vivaldi, Antonio (1678-1741)
Vodoklys, Edward J (b?)
Vogel, Hans (c1565-?)
Von der Neun, Wilfried (1826-1916)
Voss, Johann Heinrich (1751-1826)
Vrchlický, Jaroslav (1853-1912)
Waddell, Helen Jane (1889-1965)
Wade, John Francis (c1711-1786)
Wagner, Richard (1813-1883)
Wailly, Léon de (1804-1864)
Waley, Arthur David (1889-1966)
Walker, Canon Keith (1933-2013)
Wallen, Errollyn (b1958)
Waller, Edmund (1606-1687)
Wallis, J E (?-?)
Walsh, Thomas (b?)
Walter, Howard (1883-1918)
Walter, Johann (1496-c1570)
Walther von der Vogelweide (c1170-c1230)
Walton, Izaak (1593-1683)
Walton, John (c1415-c1490)
Wannovius, Johann Christoph (1753-?)
Ward, John (c1589-1638)
Warner, R T (?-?)
Warren, Harry (1893-1981)
Warren, Sir Thomas Herbert (1853-1930)
Wart, Jakob von (1272-1331)
Washington, Ned (1901-1976)
Watkins, Vernon (1906-1967)
Watson, Sir William (1858-1935)
Watson, Thomas (1555-1592)
Watts, Isaac (1674-1748)
Waugh, Alec (1898-1981)
Weatherly, Frederic Edward (1848-1929)
Webb, Mary (1881-1927)
Webster, John (c1580-c1634)
Webster, Paul Francis (1907-1984)
Wecksell, Josef Julius (1838-1907)
Wedderburn, James (1495-1533)
Wedderburn, John (1505-1556)
Wedderburn, Robert (1510-1555)
Wehrli-Knobel, Betty (1904-1998)
Weigand, Wilhelm (1862-1949)
Weinheber, Josef (1892-1945)
Weir, Dame Judith (b1954)
Weiser, Ignaz Anton (1701-1785)
Weiskern, Friedrich Wilhelm (1711-1768)
Weiss, Emil Rudolf (1875-1942)
Weiss, George David (1921-2010)
Weisse, Christian Felix (1726-1804)
Weisse, Michael (c1488-1534)
Wells, Robert (1922-1998)
Wennington, William (?-?)
Wensley, Shapcott (?-?)
Wenzig, Josef (1807-1876)
Werner, Zacharias (1768-1823)
Wesendonck, Mathilde (1828-1902)
Wesley, Charles (1707-1788)
Wesley, John (1703-1791)
Wessenberg, Ignaz Heinrich von (1774-1860)
Wetherby, F E (?-?)
Wette, Adelheid (?-?)
Wever, Robert (d?1565)
Whalen, Jack (fl1918-1918)
Wharton, Anne (fl1687-1687)
Wharton, Henry Thornton (1846-1895)
Wheatley, Phillis (1753-1784)
Wheeler Wilcox, Ella (1850-1919)
Wheeler, Hugh (1912-1987)
Whitacre, Eric (b1970)
White, Maude Valérie (1855-1937)
Whitefield, George (1714-1770)
Whitman, Walt (1819-1892)
Whittier, John Greenleaf (1807-1892)
Whittingham, William (1524-1579)
Whyte, Alexander (?-?)
Widl, Rufinus (1731-1798)
Wieland, Christoph Martin (1733-1813)
Wiener, Oskar (1873-1944)
Wigmore, Paul (1925-2014)
Wigmore, Richard (b?)
Wilbrandt, Adolf von (1837-1911)
Wilbur, Richard (1921-2017)
Wilbye, John (1574-1638)
Wilde, Oscar (1854-1900)
Wildenfels, Anarg von (1490-1539)
Wilder, Victor (1835-1892)
Wilhousky, Peter J (1902-1978)
Willemer, Marianne von (1784-1860)
Williams, Dr Rowan (b1950)
Williams, Gwynne (b1937)
Williams, Peter (1727-1796)
Williams, William (1717-1791)
Williams, Winifred (1907-1990)
Williamson, Malcolm (1931-2003)
Willis, Love Maria (1842-1908)
Wills, William Gorman (1828-1891)
Willson, Robert Meredith (1902-1984)
Wilson, Sandy (1924-2014)
Wilson, Sir Steuart (1889-1966)
Wimperis, Arthur (1874-1953)
Wingate, Ashmore (?-?)
Winkler, Karl Gottfried Theodor (1775-1856)
Winkworth, Catherine (1827-1878)
Wither, George (1588-1667)
Witwicki, Stefan (1801-1847)
Wodehouse, P G (1881-1975)
Wolfe, Charles (1791-1823)
Wolfe, Humbert (1885-1940)
Wolff, Julius (1834-1910)
Wolff, Oskar Ludwig (1799-1851)
Wonder, Stevie (b1950)
Wood, Joe (d1917)
Wood, Roy (b1946)
Woodford, Bishop James R (1820-1885)
Woodhouse, James (?-?)
Woodward, George Ratcliffe (1848-1934)
Wordsworth, Bishop Christopher (1807-1885)
Wordsworth, William (1770-1850)
Worner, Philip (1910-1990)
Wotton, Sir Henry (1568-1639)
Württemberg, Ulrich von (1487-1550)
Wyatt, Sir Thomas (1503-1542)
Wylie, Elinor (1885-1928)
Yeats, William Butler (1865-1939)
Yépez, Enrique Espín (1926-1997)
Young, Edward (1683-1765)
Young, John F (1820-1885)
Young, Rida Johnson (1875-1926)
Young, Toby (b1990)
Youssef, Saadi (b1934)
Zaffira, Giuseppe (?-?)
Zaleski, Bohdan (1802-1886)
Żebrowski, Marek (b1953)
Zedlitz, Johann Christian, Freiherr von (1790-1862)
Zeno, Apostolo (1668-1750)
Zettler, Alois (1778-1828)
Ziedonis, Imants (1933-2013)
Ziegenhagen, Franz Heinrich (1753-1806)
Ziegler, Christiana Mariana von (1695-1760)
Ziegler, Kaspar (1621-1690)
Zimmermann, Balthasar Friedrich Wilhelm (1807-1878)
Zobens, Lilija (b?)
Zuccarini, Giovanni Battista (?-?)
Zwick, Johannes (c1496-1542)
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