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Audefroi le Bastart (fl1190-1230)
Badoaro, Gioacomo (1602-1654)
Baïf, Jean-Antoine de (1532-1589)
Baker, Henry Williams (1821-1877)
Balázs, Béla (1884-1949)
Baldwin, William (1515-1563)
Bal'mont, Konstantin (1867-1942)
Balzac, Honoré de (1799-1850)
Bandeira, Manuel (1886-1968)
Banham, Reyner (1922-1988)
Bantock, Helen F (1868-1961)
Banville, Théodore Faullin de (1823-1891)
Barbier, François (?-?)
Barbier, Henri Auguste (1805-1882)
Barbier, Jules (1825-1901)
Barbosa, Domingos Caldas (1740-1800)
Bārda, Fricis (1880-1919)
Bārda, Paulīna (1890-1983)
Bardsley, Garth (b?)
Barham, Richard Harris (1788-1845)
Baring-Gould, Sabine (1834-1924)
Barker, George (1913-1991)
Barks, Coleman (b?)
Barmby, James (1823-1897)
Barnes, William (1801-1886)
Barnfield, Richard (1574-1620)
Barnwell, Ysaÿe Maria (b1946)
Barrie, Royden (1890-1948)
Barron, John Francis (c1868-1940)
Barry, Gerald (b1952)
Bartholomew, William (1793-1867)
Basek, Benj (b1985)
Bataille, Henry (1872-1922)
Bate, Herbert Newell (1871-1941)
Bates, Katherine Lee (1859-1929)
Baudelaire, Charles (1821-1867)
Bauernfeld, Eduard von (1802-1890)
Baumberg, Gabriele von (1768-1839)
Bax, Clifford (1886-1962)
Baxter, Richard (1615-1691)
Bayard, Jean-François (1796-1853)
Beatritz de Romans (?-?)
Beaumont, Francis (1584-1616)
Beaumont, Joseph (1615-1699)
Beauvoir, Roger de (1806-1866)
Becker, Cornelius (1561-1604)
Becker, Nikolaus (1809-1845)
Bécquer, Gustavo Adolfo (1836-1870)
Beddoes, Thomas Lovell (1803-1849)
Bede, The Venerable (673-735)
Bedyngham, John (dc1459/60)
Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770-1827)
Behm, Martin (1557-1622)
Behn, Aphra (c1640-1689)
Beketova, Ekaterina (1855-1892)
Belcari, Feo (1410-1484)
Bell, Robin (b1947)
Bellamann, Henry (1882-1945)
Bellamy, W H (1800-1866)
Bellarmine, St Robert (1542-1621)
Belloc, Hilaire (1870-1953)
Belloni, Giacomo (?-?)
Bellows, Nathaniel (b?)
Belsky, Vladimir (1866-1946)
Bely, Andrei (1880-1934)
Benalio, Giulio (?-?)
Benham, Kenneth G (?-?)
Bennet, John (1570-1615)
Bennett, Charles (b1954)
Bennett, Joseph (1831-1917)
Bennett, Rodney Richard (1890-1948)
Bennett, Sir Richard Rodney (1936-2012)
Benson, Arthur Christopher (1862-1925)
Béranger, Pierre (1780-1857)
Berger, Leon (b1956)
Bergman, Alan (b1925)
Bergman, Bo (1869-1967)
Bergman, Marilyn (b1929)
Berkenhead, Sir John (1617-1679)
Berlin, Irving (1888-1989)
Berlioz, Hector (1803-1869)
Bernard of Clairvaux, Saint (1090-1153)
Bernard of Cluny, Saint
Bernard, Josef Karl (1780-1850)
Bernard, Pierre-Joseph (1708-1775)
Bernardino of Siena, Saint (1380-1444)
Bernardone, Giovanni Francesco (c1181-1226)
Bernart de Ventadorn (1125-1195)
Berners, Juliana (fl c1460-c1500)
Berners, Sir Gerald Hugh Tyrwhitt-Wilson, Lord (1883-1950)
Bernhard, Lily (fl1840-1840)
Bernier, Buddy (1910-1983)
Bernstein, Leonard (1918-1990)
Bertrand, Friedrich Anton Franz (1787-1830)
Bethge, Hans (1876-1946)
Betjeman, Sir John (1906-1984)
Betterton, Thomas (1635-1710)
Bettoni, Niccolò (?-?)
Bevan, Emma Frances (1827-1909)
Beylié, Laurence de (1893-1968)
Bezruc, Petr (1867-1958)
Bickerstaffe, Isaac (?1733-?1808)
Biegeleben, Rüdiger, Freiherr von (d1912)
Bierbaum, Otto Julius (1865-1910)
Binchois, Gilles (c1400-1460)
Bingham, G Clifton (1859-1913)
Bingham, Judith (b1952)
Binyon, Laurence (1869-1943)
Birch, Kathleen (?-?)
Birkbeck, W J (1869-1916)
Birkenhead, Sir John (1616-1679)
Birkmann, Christoph (1703-1771)
Bishop, Elizabeth (1911-1979)
Bjørnson, Bjørnstjerne (1832-1910)
Black, Kitty (1914-2006)
Blackie, John Stuart (1809-1895)
Blake, Ernest (?-?)
Blake, Howard (b1938)
Blake, James (b1988)
Blake, James Vila (fl1900-1900)
Blake, William (1757-1827)
Blanchecotte, Augustine-Malvina Souville (1830-1878)
Blane, Ralph (1914-1995)
Blaser, Robin (1925-2009)
Blau, Édouard (1836-1906)
Blaze de Bury, Henri (1813-1888)
Bliss, Sir Arthur (1891-1975)
Blok, Alexander (1880-1921)
Blondel de Nesle (fl1180-1200)
Blumauer, Aloys (1755-1798)
Blunden, Edmund (1896-1974)
Blunt, Bruce (1899-1957)
Bobrik, Friedrich (1781-1848)
Boccella, Césare (1810-1877)
Bode, John Ernest (1816-1874)
Bodenstedt, Friedrich (1819-1892)
Bodman, Emanuel, Freiherr von (1874-1946)
Boelitz, Martin (1874-1918)
Boerhaave, Hermann (1668-1738)
Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus (c480-524)
Bogan, Louise (1897-1970)
Boguslawska, Maria (?-?)
Boileau, Nicolas (1636-1711)
Bolcom, William (b1938)
Bonar, Horatius (1808-1889)
Bonaventure, Saint (1221-1274)
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich (1906-1945)
Bonnefoy, Yves (b1923)
Bonnières, Robert de (1850-1905)
Bordèse, Stéphan (1847-?)
Borja, Francisco de (1580-1658)
Borling, John (b1940)
Borodin, Alexander (1833-1887)
Borromini, Francesco (1599-1667)
Borthwick, Jane Laurie (1813-1897)
Boscà i Almogàver, Joan (c1490-1542)
Böttger, Adolf (1815-1870)
Bouchet, Jean (1476-c1550)
Bouchor, Maurice (1855-1929)
Bouhéret, Roland (1930-1995)
Bouilhet, Louis (1821-1869)
Boulton, Sir Harold (1859-1935)
Bourdillon, Francis William (1852-1921)
Bourget, Paul (1852-1935)
Bourne, George Hugh (1840-1925)
Bowen, Gilbert (1914-1996)
Bowles, Fred G (?-?)
Bowling, Glendora J (b1956)
Bowring, Sir John (1792-1872)
Boyd, Mark Alexander (1562-1601)
Boyer, Abbé Claude Georges (1618-1698)
Bozza Cavallier, Francesco (?-?)
Bradstreet, Anne (1612-1672)
Brady, Nicholas (1659-1726)
Brailsford, Edward J (1841-1921)
Bramley, Henry Ramsden (1833-1917)
Brandenburg, Albrecht von (1490-1568)
Brandon, Herbert J (1878-1945)
Brathwaite, Edward Kamau (b1930)
Braun, Ferdinand (fl1841-1841)
Braunfels, Ludwig (1810-1885)
Brébeuf, Saint Jean de (1596-1649)
Brecht, Bertolt (1898-1956)
Brendel, Alfred (b1931)
Brentano, Clemens (1778-1842)
Breton, Nicholas (c1545-1626)
Bretzner, Christoph Friedrich (1748-1807)
Breuning, Stephan von (1774-1827)
Bridges, Matthew (1800-1894)
Bridges, Robert (1844-1930)
Briggs, George Wallace (1875-1959)
Bright, John (1811-1889)
Brimont, Renée Bonnière, Baron Antoine de (?-?)
Briquet (fl c1420-1420)
Britting, Georg (1891-1964)
Brizeux, Charles (?-?)
Brock, Angier (b?)
Brockes, Barthold Heinrich (1680-1747)
Brollo, Bartolomeus (fl1430-1450)
Brome, Richard (c1590-1653)
Brontë, Emily (1818-1848)
Brooke, Rupert (1887-1915)
Brooks, Bishop Phillips (1835-1893)
Brorson, Hans Adolf (1694-1764)
Broughton, Thomas (1704-1774)
Brown, Herbert S (?-?)
Brown, Thomas Edward (1830-1897)
Browne, Michael Dennis (b1940)
Browne, Sir Thomas (1605-1682)
Browne, William (?1590-1645)
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett (1806-1861)
Browning, Robert (1812-1889)
Bruce, David (b1970)
Bruchmann, Franz von (1798-1867)
Brunhoff, Jean de (1899-1937)
Bruni, Romolo (b?)
Brūveris, Pēters (1957-2011)
Bryan, Joseph (d?1620)
Bryusov, Valery (1873-1924)
Bublé, Michael (b1975)
Buchanan, Robert Williams (1841-1901)
Buck, Sir George (c1560-1622)
Buckley, Richard (b?)
Buddeus, Julius (1812-?1860)
Budry, Edmond (1854-1932)
Bull, Henry (?-1577)
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward George Earle (1803-1873)
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward Robert (1831-1891)
Bunce, H S (?-?)
Bunyan, John (1628-1688)
Buratti, Pietro (1772-1832)
Bürger, Gottfried August (1747-1794)
Burke, Johnny (1908-1964)
Burmeister, Franz Joachim (1633-1672)
Burmeister, Ludwig Peter August (1803-1870)
Burnand, Sir Francis Cowley (1836-1917)
Burney, Charles (1726-1814)
Burns, Edward Joseph (b1938)
Burns, Robert (1759-1796)
Burra, Peter (1909-1937)
Busenello, Giovanni Francesco (1598-1659)
Bush, Nancy (1907-1991)
Buson (?-?)
Busse, Karl (1872-1918)
Bussine, Romaine (1830-1899)
Buti, Francesco (?-?)
Butler, Isabel (fl1898-1898)
Butler, Will
Buxtehude, Dieterich (c1637-1707)
Buxton, John (1912-1989)
Byrne, Mary Elizabeth (1880-1931)
Byrom, John (1692-1763)
Byron, George Gordon, Lord (1788-1824)
Gace Brulé (c1160-after 1213)
Giraut de Bornelh (c1140-1200)
Hildegard of Bingen, Saint (1098-1179)
Michelangelo (1475-1564)
St Bridget of Sweden (1303-1373)
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