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Faber, Frederick William (1814-1863)
Fabricius, Jakob (1593-1654)
Fagan, James Bernard (1873-1933)
Faidit, Gaucelm (c1150-c1220)
Falke, Gustav (1853-1916)
Falkenberg, Amanda Lee (b?)
Fanshawe, Catherine Maria (1765-1834)
Fargue, Léon-Paul (1876-1947)
Farjeon, Eleanor (1881-1965)
Farrell, Bernadette (b1957)
Farrés, Osvaldo (1902-1985)
Fattal, Simone (b?)
Faust, Séverin (1872-1945)
Faustini, Giovanni (1619-1651)
Feeney, Leonard (1897-1978)
Fellinger, Johann Georg (1781-1816)
Féraudy, Maurice de (?-?)
Ferguson, Arthur Foxton (1866-1920)
Ferguson, Sir Samuel (1810-1886)
Ferrand, Antoine (1678-1719)
Ferrand, Eduard (1813-1842)
Ferretti, Jacopo (1784-1852)
Fet, Afanasy (1820-1892)
Feuchtersleben, Ernst Freiherr von (1806-1849)
Feustking, Friedrich Christian (1678-1739)
Fields, Dorothy (1905-1974)
Filochowski, Julian (b?)
Finnissy, Michael (b1946)
Fishburn, Christopher (fl1683-1683)
Fitger, Arthur Heinrich Wilhelm (1840-1909)
Fitzball, Edward (1792-1873)
Fitzgerald, Edward (1809-1883)
Flaccus, Quintus Horatius (65BC-8BC)
Flanders, Michael (1922-1975)
Flatman, Thomas (1637-1688)
Flechsig, Emil (1808-1878)
Flecker, James Elroy (1884-1915)
Fleming, Paul (1609-1640)
Flemming, Albert Ernest (b?)
Flers, Robert de (1872-1927)
Fletcher, John (1579-1625)
Fletcher, Phineas (1582-1650)
Flight, Claude (1881-1955)
Florian, Jean-Pierre Claris, Chevalier de (1755-1794)
Fombeure, Maurice (1906-1981)
Fontaine, Pierre (c1380-c1450)
Fontane, Theodor (1819-1898)
Foppa, Giuseppe (1760-1845)
Forbes L'Estrange, Joanna (b1971)
Ford, Ford Madox (1873-1939)
Ford, Lena Guilbert (1870-1918)
Forrest, William (fl1581-1581)
Forsman-Koskimies, Aukusti Valdemar (1856-1929)
Fort, Paul (1872-1960)
Fortuin, H B (1911-1976)
Fortunatus, Venantius (c530-c610)
Forzano, Giovacchino (1884-1970)
Forzate, Claudio (?-?)
Foster, Stephen (1826-1864)
Fouqué, Friedrich Heinrich Karl, Freiherr de la Motte (1777-1843)
Fournival, Richart de (1201-1260)
Fox, Christopher (b1955)
Frances (b1993)
Francis of Assisi, Saint (c1181-1226)
Franck, Johann (1618-1677)
Franck, Michael (1609-1667)
Franck, Salomo (1659-1725)
Francus de Insula (fl1420-1425)
Freeman, John (1880-1929)
Freiligrath, Ferdinand (1810-1876)
French, Percy (1854-1920)
Frey, Adolf (1855-1920)
Freystein, Johann Burchard (1671-1718)
Frída, Emil Bohuslav (1853-1912)
Friderici, Daniel (1584-1638)
Friedmann, Pavel (1921-1944)
Fritsch, Ahasverus (1629-1701)
Fröding, Gustaf (1860-1911)
Fröhlich, Abraham Emanuel (1796-1865)
Froissart, Jean (c1337-c1405)
Froom, Jacqueline (b?)
Frost, Robert (1874-1963)
Fry, Christopher (1907-2005)
Frye, Mary Elizabeth (1905-2004)
Fuchs, Paul (?-?)
Fucini, Renato (1843-1921)
Füger, Kaspar (c1521-c1592)
Fulbert of Chartres, Bishop (c960-1028)
Fuller, Bishop William (1608-1675)
Fuzelier, Louis (1674-1752)
Fyleman, Rose (1877-1957)
Ó Faoláin, Seán (1900-1991)
Saint-Félix, Théobald (?-?)
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