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Guibert Kaukesel (fl c1230-1255)
Kabir (1398/1440-1448/1518)
Kachelmeier, Linda (b1965)
Kahane, Gabriel (b1981)
Kahn, Gus (1886-1941)
Kalbeck, Max (1850-1921)
Kalchberg, Johann Nepomuk, Ritter von (1765-1827)
Kalda, Ozef (1871-1921)
Kalidasa (d?250)
Kallman, Chester (1921-1975)
Kaltneker, Hans (1895-1919)
Kamhi, Victoria (1905-1997)
Kannegiesser, Karl (1781-1861)
Kapper, Siegfried (1821-1879)
Kareva, Doris (b1958)
Kassir, Amal (b?)
Kastelic, Matej (b1994)
Kaufmann, Johann Philipp (1802-1846)
Kavanagh, Patrick (1904-1967)
Kaye, Ben (b?)
Keats, John (1795-1821)
Keble, John (1792-1866)
Keeble, Brian (b?)
Keen, Marta (b?)
Keller, Gottfried (1819-1890)
Keller, Helen (1880-1968)
Kelly, Thomas (1769-1855)
Kemp, Will (?-?)
Ken, Thomas (1637-1711)
Kennedy, Benjamin Hall (1804-1889)
Kennedy-Fraser, Marjorie (1857-1930)
Kenner, Josef (1794-1868)
Kerner, Justinus (1786-1862)
Kerr, Alfred (1867-1948)
Kethe, William (?-1594)
Keyes, Sidney (?-?)
Keymann, Christian (1607-1662)
Khalifa, Wiz (b1987)
Kharms, Daniil (1905-1942)
Khomyakov, Alexey (1804-1860)
Kickham, Charles Joseph (1828-1882)
Kiesekamp, Hedwig (1844-1919)
Kilmer, Joyce (1886-1918)
Kind, Johann Friedrich (1768-1843)
King, Stoddart (1889-1933)
Kingsley, Charles (1819-1875)
Kinkel, Gottfried (1815-1882)
Kinwelmersch, Francis (fl1570-1580)
Kipling, Rudyard (1865-1936)
Kirkup, James (1918-2009)
Kit and the Widow
Kitahara, Hakusha (1885-1942)
Kitchin, George William (1827-1912)
Kivi, Aleksis (1834-1872)
Kjerulf, Theodor (1825-1888)
Kleinschmid, Friedrich August (1749-1838)
Kleist, Christian Ewald von (1715-1779)
Klenke, Karoline Luise von (1754-1812)
Kletke, Hermann (1813-1886)
Klingemann, Karl (1798-1862)
Klingsor, Tristan (1874-1966)
Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb (1724-1803)
Knevet, Ralph (1600-1671)
Knoll, Christoph (1563-1630)
Knös, Thekla (1815-1880)
Kobald, Karl (1876-1957)
Kobylinsky, Lev (1878-after 1938)
Koch, Howard (1901-1995)
Koechlin, Charles (1867-1950)
Koehler, Ted (1894-1973)
Kokku (?-?)
Kolrose, Johann (1487-1560)
Kol'tsov, Alexei (1809-1842)
Konstantinovich, Konstantin (1858-1915)
Kopisch, August (1799-1853)
Köpken, Friedrich von (1737-1811)
Körner, Friedrich (1815-1888)
Körner, Karl Julius (February 1793-1873)
Körner, Theodor (1791-1813)
Koschat, Thomas (1845-1914)
Kosegarten, Ludwig Gotthard Theobul (1758-1818)
Köstlin, Christian Reinhold (1813-1856)
Kotzebue, August von (1761-1819)
Kowalski, Franciszek (1799-1862)
Kozlov, Ivan (1779-1840)
Kozlov, Pavel (1841-1891)
Kramer, Samuel Noah (1897-1990)
Krasinski, Zygmunt (1812-1859)
Krauss, Clemens (1893-1954)
Krenek, Ernst (1900-1991)
Kreutzwald, Friedrich Reinhold (1803-1882)
Kreuziger, Elisabeth (c1500-1535)
Kroeker, Kate Freiligrath (1845-1904)
Krummacher, Friedrich Wilhelm (1796-1868)
Kuffner, Christoph (1780-1846)
Kugler, Franz Theodor (1808-1858)
Kuh, Emil (1828-1876)
Kukol'nik, Nestor (1809-1868)
Kulmann, Elisabeth (1808-1825)
Kumpf, Johann Gottfried (1781-1862)
Omar Khayyám, Hakim (c1048-c1122)
Studdert Kennedy, Geoffrey Anketell (1883-1929)
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