Welcome to Hyperion Records, an independent British classical label devoted to presenting high-quality recordings of music of all styles and from all periods from the twelfth century to the twenty-first.

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Audefroi le Bastart (fl1190-1230)
Day Lewis, Cecil (1904-1972)
de la Mare, Walter (1873-1956)
Denis Le Grant (d1352)
García Lorca, Federico (1898-1936)
Hultman Löfvendahl, Annika (b1956)
La Comtesse de Die (fl1190?-1190)
La Motte, Antoine Houdart de (1672-1731)
La Ville de Mirmont, Jean de (1886-1914)
Labarre, Léon (1835-1913)
Lacey, Thomas Alexander (1853-1931)
Ladinsky, Daniel (b?)
Lahor, Jean (1840-1909)
Lake, Tanya (b1987)
Lalli, Domenico (1679-1741)
Lamartine, Alphonse de (1790-1869)
Lamb, Charles (1775-1834)
Lamberti, Antonio (1845-1926)
Landini, Francesco (c1325-1397)
Landor, Walter Savage (1775-1864)
Lane, Temple (1899-1978)
Lang, Andrew (1844-1912)
Langley, Philippa (b?)
Lanier, Emilia (1569-1645)
Lansdowne, George Granville, Lord (1666-1735)
Lappe, Karl (1773-1843)
Laprade, Victor de (1812-1883)
Larsen, Libby (b1950)
Lassen, Eduard (1830-1904)
Lassus, Orlande de (1530/32-1594)
Latham, Hanni-Mari & Christopher
Latil, Léo (1890-1915)
Laufenberg, Heinrich (1391/9-1460)
Laurencin, Marie (1885-1956)
Laurentii, Laurentius (1573-1655)
Lawes, Henry (1596-1662)
Lawless, Emily (1845-1913)
Lawrence, French (1757-1809)
Lawrence, Jack (1912-2009)
Lawson, Philip (b1957)
Lazaroni, Francesco (?-?)
Lazarus, Emma (1849-1887)
Le Clerc de la Bruyère, Charles-Antoine (?-?)
Le Roy, G (?-?)
Le Valois d'Orville, Adrien-Joseph (1715-1780)
Lea, Sir Henry (d1610)
Leander, Richard (1830-1889)
Lear, Edward (1812-1888)
Lebland du Roullet, François Louis Gaud Marquis de (1716-1786)
Leconte de Lisle, Charles-Marie-René (1818-1894)
Ledwidge, Francis (1887-1917)
Lee, Laurie (1914-1997)
Lee, Nathaniel (c1653-1692)
Leeds, Milton (b?)
Leeson, Jane Elizabeth (1809-1881)
Legend, John (b1978)
Léger, Alexis Saint-Léger (1887-1975)
Legouvé, Ernest (1807-1903)
L'Egru, Christian (fl1850-1850)
Lehms, Georg Christian (1684-1717)
Lehrer, Tom (b1928)
Leiber, Jerry (1933-2011)
Leigh, Carolyn (1926-1983)
Leigh, R G (?-?)
Leitner, Karl Gottfried von (1800-1890)
Lemcke, Karl (1831-1913)
Lenau, Nikolaus (1802-1850)
L'Engle, Madeleine (1918-2007)
Lennon, John (1940-1980)
Lenz, Ludwig Friedrich (1717-1780)
Leo XIII, Pope (1810-1903)
Leon, Gottlieb von (1757-1832)
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519)
Leonhardt, Carolina (?-?)
Leopardi, Giacomo (1798-1837)
Lermontov, Mikhail (1814-1841)
Lešinska, Ieva (b1958)
Leslie, Mary Isabel (1899-1978)
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim (1729-1781)
L'Estrange, Alexander (b1974)
Letts, Winifred M (1882-1972)
Lewis, Alun (1915-1944)
Ley, Madeleine (1901-1981)
L'Hermite, François Tristan (1601-1655)
Lichnowsky, Felix von (1814-1848)
Lichtenstein, Ulrich von (?1200-?1275)
Liliencron, Detlev von (1844-1909)
Lim, Dr Susan (b?)
Lindemann, Ludwig M (1580-1630)
Lindner, Anton (1874-1915)
Lindqvist, Ebba (1908-1995)
Lindsay, Maurice (1918-2009)
Lindsay, Vachel (1879-1931)
Lingard, John (1771-1851)
Lingg, Hermann (1820-1905)
Linley, Elizabeth (1754-1792)
Liscow, Salomo (1640-1689)
Li-Tai-Po (701-762)
Litegato, Andrea (?-?)
Littledale, Richard Frederick (1833-1890)
Littlefield, Simon (b?)
Lloyd, Elaine Singley (b1957)
Lloyd, Erika
Lloyd, Robert (fl1760-1760)
Lobedanz, Edmund (?-?)
Lockhart, John Gibson (1794-1854)
Lockman, John (fl1734-1734)
Lockton, Edward Frederick (c1875-1940)
Lodge, Thomas (1558-1625)
Lomas, Catherine (b?)
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth (1807-1882)
Lönnrot, Elias (1802-1884)
López de Úbeda, Francisco (fl1605-1605)
Lorenz, August Wilhelmine (1784-1861)
Lothar, Ernst (1890-1974)
Louÿs, Pierre (1870-1925)
Lovelace, Richard (1618-1657/8)
Lowe, John (1750-1798)
Lowell, Robert (1917-1977)
Lowry, Henry Dawson (1869-1906)
Lowry, Robert (1826-1899)
Lowth, Robert (1710-1787)
Lubi, Michael (1757-1808)
Luboff, Norman (1917-1987)
Lucas, Clarence (1866-1947)
Lucas, Edward Verrall (1868-1938)
Lucas, Frank Laurence (1894-1967)
Lucchini, Antonio Maria (c1690-c1730)
Luik, Viivi (b1946)
Luján y Fernández, Néstor (1922-1995)
Luna, Félix (1925-2009)
Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
Lynch, Thomas Toke (1818-1871)
Lyon, Henry (?-?)
Lyser, Johann Peter (1803-1870)
Lyte, Henry Francis (1793-1847)
Saix Leon, Guillot de (1895-1964)
Schmidt von Lübeck, Georg Philipp (1766-1849)
Van Lerberghe, Charles (1861-1907)
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