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Mother Thekla (1918-2011)
Tagore, Rabindranath (1861-1941)
Takiguchi, Shūzō (1903-1979)
Tan, Colin (b1977)
Tan, Dr Christina Teenz (b?)
Tansillo, Luigi (1510-1568)
Tanzer, Francisco
Tappert, Wilhelm (1830-1907)
Tasso, Bernardo (1493-1569)
Tasso, Torquato (1544-1595)
Tate, Nahum [Nathaniel] (1652-1715)
Tauler, Johannes (c1300-1361)
Tavener, Sir John (1944-2013)
Taylor, Ann (1782-1866)
Taylor, Bishop John Vernon (1914-2001)
Taylor, Edward (c1642-1729)
Taylor, Helen (?-?)
Taylor, James (b1948)
Taylor, Jeremy (1613-1667)
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr (1840-1893)
Tear, Robert (1939-2011)
Teasdale, Sara (1884-1933)
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord (1809-1892)
Teresa of Calcutta, Mother (1910-1997)
Tersteegen, Gerhard (1697-1769)
Teschemacher, Edward (c1875-1940)
The London Quartet
The Yetties
Thekla, Mother (1918-2011)
Theocritus (c308-c240 BC)
Theodulph of Orleans, Saint (d821)
Theuriet, André (1833-1907)
Thibault de Champagne (1201-1253)
Thomas, Edward (1878-1917)
Thompson, Francis (1859-1907)
Thomson, David (?1770-1815)
Thomson, James (1700-1748)
Thomson, James (1834-1882)
Thoreau, Henry David (1817-1862)
Thorp, Jennifer (b?)
Thring, Godfrey (1826-1908)
Thymich, Paul (1656-1694)
Tieck, Johann Ludwig (1773-1853)
Tiedge, Christoph August (1752-1841)
Timms, George Boorne (1910-1997)
Tippett, Sir Michael (1905-1998)
Tischendorf, Konstantin von (1815-1874)
Tisserand, Jean (?-d1494)
Tkhorzhevsky, Ivan (1878-1951)
Todd, Will (b1970)
Tolkien, J R R (1892-1973)
Tolstoy, Alexei (1817-1875)
Tomissön, Hans (?-?)
Toolan, Suzanne (b1927)
Topelius, Zachris (1818-1898)
Toplady, Augustus Montague (1740-1778)
Tormé, Melvin Howard (1925-1999)
Torre, Giuseppe (?-?)
Totis, Giuseppe Domenico de (?-?)
Tottola, Andrea Leone (d1831)
Tourneux, Eugène (?-?)
Towers, William (b?)
Towne, Charles Hanson (1877-1949)
Townsend Warner, Sylvia (1893-1978)
Traherne, Thomas (c1636-1674)
Treece, Roger (b?)
Tregear, Ted (b1993)
Treitschke, Georg Friedrich (1776-1842)
Trench, Herbert (1865-1923)
Trench, Stewart A (?-?)
Troutbeck, John (1832-1899)
Trumbore, Dale (b1987)
Truswell, T (?-?)
Tschudi, Louis-Théodore, Baron de (1734-1784)
Tunstall, KT (b1975)
Turnbull, Monica Peveril (1879-1901)
Turner, John (fl1683-1683)
Tusser, Thomas (1524-1580)
Twain, Mark (1835-1910)
Tydeman, Richard (1916-2011)
Tynan, Katharine (1861-1931)
Tyutchev, Fyodor (1803-1873)
Tzu Yeh (fl1350-1350)
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