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Townsend Warner, Sylvia (1893-1978)
Waddell, Helen Jane (1889-1965)
Wade, John Francis (c1711-1786)
Wagner, Richard (1813-1883)
Wailly, Léon de (1804-1864)
Waley, Arthur David (1889-1966)
Walker, Canon Keith (1933-2013)
Wallen, Errollyn (b1958)
Waller, Edmund (1606-1687)
Wallis, J E (?-?)
Walsh, Thomas (b?)
Walter, Howard (1883-1918)
Walter, Johann (1496-c1570)
Walther von der Vogelweide (c1170-c1230)
Walton, Izaak (1593-1683)
Walton, John (c1415-c1490)
Wannovius, Johann Christoph (1753-?)
Ward, John (c1589-1638)
Warner, R T (?-?)
Warren, Harry (1893-1981)
Warren, Sir Thomas Herbert (1853-1930)
Wart, Jakob von (1272-1331)
Washington, Ned (1901-1976)
Watkins, Vernon (1906-1967)
Watson, Sir William (1858-1935)
Watson, Thomas (1555-1592)
Watts, Isaac (1674-1748)
Waugh, Alec (1898-1981)
Weatherly, Frederic Edward (1848-1929)
Webb, Mary (1881-1927)
Webster, John (c1580-c1634)
Webster, Paul Francis (1907-1984)
Wecksell, Josef Julius (1838-1907)
Wedderburn, James (1495-1533)
Wedderburn, John (1505-1556)
Wedderburn, Robert (1510-1555)
Wehrli-Knobel, Betty (1904-1998)
Weigand, Wilhelm (1862-1949)
Weinheber, Josef (1892-1945)
Weir, Dame Judith (b1954)
Weiser, Ignaz Anton (1701-1785)
Weiskern, Friedrich Wilhelm (1711-1768)
Weiss, Emil Rudolf (1875-1942)
Weiss, George David (1921-2010)
Weisse, Christian Felix (1726-1804)
Weisse, Michael (c1488-1534)
Wells, Robert (1922-1998)
Wennington, William (?-?)
Wensley, Shapcott (?-?)
Wenzig, Josef (1807-1876)
Werner, Zacharias (1768-1823)
Wesendonck, Mathilde (1828-1902)
Wesley, Charles (1707-1788)
Wesley, John (1703-1791)
Wessenberg, Ignaz Heinrich von (1774-1860)
Wetherby, F E (?-?)
Wette, Adelheid (?-?)
Wever, Robert (d?1565)
Whalen, Jack (fl1918-1918)
Wharton, Anne (fl1687-1687)
Wharton, Henry Thornton (1846-1895)
Wheatley, Phillis (1753-1784)
Wheeler Wilcox, Ella (1850-1919)
Wheeler, Hugh (1912-1987)
Whitacre, Eric (b1970)
White, Maude Valérie (1855-1937)
Whitefield, George (1714-1770)
Whitman, Walt (1819-1892)
Whittier, John Greenleaf (1807-1892)
Whittingham, William (1524-1579)
Whyte, Alexander (?-?)
Widl, Rufinus (1731-1798)
Wieland, Christoph Martin (1733-1813)
Wiener, Oskar (1873-1944)
Wigmore, Paul (1925-2014)
Wigmore, Richard (b?)
Wilbrandt, Adolf von (1837-1911)
Wilbur, Richard (1921-2017)
Wilbye, John (1574-1638)
Wilde, Oscar (1854-1900)
Wildenfels, Anarg von (1490-1539)
Wilder, Victor (1835-1892)
Wilhousky, Peter J (1902-1978)
Willemer, Marianne von (1784-1860)
Williams, Dr Rowan (b1950)
Williams, Gwynne (b1937)
Williams, Peter (1727-1796)
Williams, William (1717-1791)
Williams, Winifred (1907-1990)
Williamson, Malcolm (1931-2003)
Willis, Love Maria (1842-1908)
Wills, William Gorman (1828-1891)
Willson, Robert Meredith (1902-1984)
Wilson, Sandy (1924-2014)
Wilson, Sir Steuart (1889-1966)
Wimperis, Arthur (1874-1953)
Wingate, Ashmore (?-?)
Winkler, Karl Gottfried Theodor (1775-1856)
Winkworth, Catherine (1827-1878)
Wither, George (1588-1667)
Witwicki, Stefan (1801-1847)
Wodehouse, P G (1881-1975)
Wolfe, Charles (1791-1823)
Wolfe, Humbert (1885-1940)
Wolff, Julius (1834-1910)
Wolff, Oskar Ludwig (1799-1851)
Wonder, Stevie (b1950)
Wood, Joe (d1917)
Wood, Roy (b1946)
Woodford, Bishop James R (1820-1885)
Woodhouse, James (?-?)
Woodward, George Ratcliffe (1848-1934)
Wordsworth, Bishop Christopher (1807-1885)
Wordsworth, William (1770-1850)
Worner, Philip (1910-1990)
Wotton, Sir Henry (1568-1639)
Württemberg, Ulrich von (1487-1550)
Wyatt, Sir Thomas (1503-1542)
Wylie, Elinor (1885-1928)
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