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A brisk young lad
A Hymn on Divine Musick (Croft/Britten)
A morning hymn, Z198 (Purcell/Britten)
A solis ortus (Anon)
Ach, Herr! wie lange willst du mein so ganz vergessen
Adiuro vos, filiae Hierusalem
Adoro te devote (Anon)
Aeterna Christi munera (Anon)
Ah! si vous saviez comme on pleure
Ah! To be all alone in a little cell
All Canaan's heathen race
Alleluia. Dominus dixit (Anon)
Alleluia. Felix es (Anon)
Alleluia. Veni Sancte Spiritus (Anon)
Alleluia: per te Dei genitrix (Anon/Tallis)
Alma redemptoris mater (Anon)
Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt, BWV68 (Bach)
Alte Weisen (Wolf)
Am frischgeschnittnen Wanderstab
An Evening Hymn, Z193
Anders wird die Welt mit jedem Schritt
Angeli, Archangeli, Throni et Dominationes
Angenehmer Zephyrus
Ante sex dies (Anon)
Antiphon for First Vespers, Epiphany (Anon)
Antiphon for First Vespers, Feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Anon)
Antiphon for First Vespers, St Mary Magdalen, 22 July (Anon)
Antiphon for First Vespers, The Feast of All Saints, 1 November (Anon)
Antiphon for First Vespers, The Nativity of Our Lord, 25 December (Anon)
Antiphon for Second Vespers, Corpus Christi (Anon)
Antiphon for Vespers, Saturday before Palm Sunday (Anon)
Apparuit benignitas et humanitas salvatoris nostri Dei (Anon)
Apud Dominum misericordia (Anon)
Artium dignitas (Anon)
As I went out one May morning
Asperges me, Domine (Anon)
At St Patrick's Purgatory
Attende, Domine (Anon)
Audi, benigne conditor (Anon)
Auf ein altes Bild
Aurelianis civitas (Anon)
Aus Novalis Hymnen an die Nacht (Reichardt)
Author of Light (Campion)
Ave Maria
Ave Maria (Anon)
Ave Maria (Bach/Gounod)
Ave Maria (Mendelssohn)
Ave Maria Salus hominum (Anon)
Ave Maria! Jungfrau mild
Ave Maria! maiden mild!
Ave maris stella (Anon)
Ave regina caelorum (Anon)
Ave, generosa (Hildegard)
Ave, tuos benedic (three-part) (Anon)
Ave, tuos benedic (two-part) (Anon)
Ave, virga decoris incliti (Anon)
Beata Dei genitrix (Anon)
Beata es, Virgo Maria (Anon)
Beata viscera (Anon)
Beate virginis (Anon)
Beatus vir (Anon)
Begin the Song! (Blow)
Begin the song, and strike the living lyre, Z183 (Purcell)
Bei einer Trauung
Benedicamus Domino (Anon)
Benedicat vos – Ite, missa est (Anon)
Benedicta es (Anon)
Benedicta sit sancta Trinitas (Anon)
Benedictus Dominus, Deus Israel (Anon)
Bin jung gewesen
Bring gentlest thoughts, that into language glide
Bulla fulminante (measured) (Anon)
Bulla fulminante (unmeasured) (Anon)
By beauteous softness mixed with majesty, Z332/7
By harmony's entrancing power
Canticum Canticorum Salomonis 'The Song of Songs' (Palestrina)
Cantique de Noël (Adam)
Captivity (Storace)
Caput eius aurum optimum
Celorum porta (Anon)
Christe, qui lux es et dies (Anon)
Christus vincit, Christus regnat, Christus imperat
Christus vincit, Christus regnat, Christus imperat
Clarifica me, Pater I (Anon/Tallis)
Come then, with tuneful breath and string
Completi sunt dies Mariae (Anon)
Conditor Kyrie omnium (Anon)
Converte nos, Deus (Anon)
Crastina die delebitur iniquitas terrae (Anon)
Credo IV (Anon)
Credo quod redemptor meus vivit (Anon)
Cry aloud and spare not (Blow)
Cum ortus fuerit sol de caelo
Cum ortus fuerit sol de caelo (Anon)
Da pacem, Domine (Anon)
Das grosse Halleluja, D442 (Schubert)
Das Marienbild, D623 (Schubert)
Das verlassene Mägdlein
De fructu ventris tui (Anon)
Dein Liebesfeuer
Dem Unendlichen, D291 Second version (Schubert)
Denk es, o Seele!
Denn es gehet dem Menschen
Der 13. Psalm, D663 (Schubert/Mandyczewski)
Der 23. Psalm, D706 (Schubert)
Der Feuerreiter
Der Friede sei mit euch!
Der Gärtner
Der Odem Gottes weht!
Der Spiegel dieser treuen, braunen Augen
Der Überläufer
Derweil ich schlafend lag
Descendi in hortum meum
Deus creator omnium (Anon)
Deus in adiutorium (Anon)
Deus, cuius hodierne (Anon)
Dic, Christi veritas (monophonic) (Anon)
Dic, Christi veritas (three-part) (Anon)
Die Geister am Mummelsee
Dignus est Agnus (Anon)
Dilectus meus descendit
Dilexisti iustitiam (Anon)
Dir nah’ ich mich, nah’ mich dem Throne
Dixit Dominus (Anon)
Doleo super te (Anon)
Domine, quando veneris? (Anon)
Dominus vobiscum – Ite, missa est (Anon)
Dominus vobiscum (Anon)
Drei Tage Regen fort und fort
Drop, drop, slow tears
Drop, drop, slow tears
Drop, drop, slow tears
Drop, drop, slow tears – Song 46 (Gibbons)
Drop, drop, slow tears – Song 46 (Gibbons/Forshaw)
Du bist Orplid, mein Land!
Dum transiret Jhesu Christi
Duo ubera tua
Ecce ciphus ponderosus
Ecce mitto angelum (Anon)
Ecce tempus idoneum (Tallis/Anon)
Ecce tu pulcher es
Ego sum resurrectio et vita – Benedictus Dominus, Deus Israel (Anon)
Ego sum resurrectio et vita (Anon)
Ehre sei dem Hocherhabnen, dem Ersten
Eight Songs from Isolation (Muhly)
Ein Stündlein wohl vor Tag
Ellen's Song (Attwood)
Elogium 'Octavo Kalendas Ianuarii' (Anon)
Er ists
Est secretum, Valeriane (Anon)
Evangelium Johannes, D607 (Schubert)
Evening Hymn, Z193 (Purcell/Britten)
Evigila super nos (Anon)
Ex more docti mistico (Redford/Tallis/Anon)
Ex ore infantium (Anon)
Excutere de pulvere (Anon)
Exortum est in tenebris (Anon)
Famulis tuis (Anon)
Fasciculus myrrhae dilectus meus
Four Songs (Purcell/Adès)
Four Songs (Purcell/Adès)
Four Traditional Songs (Muhly)
Frage und Antwort
Gaude Maria virgo (Anon)
Gaude, virgo virginum (Anon)
Gaudeamus omnes (Anon)
Gaudeamus omnes … Sanctorum omnium (Anon)
Geistliches Lied, Hob XXVIa:17 (Haydn)
Gelassen stieg die Nacht ans Land
Genitus divinitus (Anon)
Gesang Weylas
Give to God our thankful songs (Haydn/Gardiner)
Gloria tibi Trinitas (Anon/Tallis)
Gloria, HWVDeest (Handel)
Gloriosae virginis (Anon)
God is very greatly to be feared
Gott der Weltschöpfer, D986 (Schubert)
Gott ist mein Hirt, mir wird nichts mangeln
Grausame Frühlingssonne
Great Antiphon, 18 December (Anon)
Guttur tuum sicut vinum optimum
Haec dies quam fecit Dominus (Anon)
Hark how the waken'd strings resound
Harmonie du soir
Hermit Songs, Op 29 (Barber)
Hermit Songs, Op 29 (Barber)
Hermit Songs, Op 29 (Barber)
Hermit Songs, Op 29 (Barber)
Herr, schicke was du willt
Heu quo progreditur (Anon)
Hier lieg ich auf dem Frühlingshügel
Himmelsfunken, D651 (Schubert)
Hinüber wall’ ich
Hinüber wall’ ich
Höchster, mache deine Güte
Hodie Christus natus est (Anon)
Horrendo subdenda rotarum machinamento (Anon)
Hosanna filio David (Anon)
How dull were life, how hardly worth our care –
How foolish the man who does not raise
Hymn for a child
Hymn to God the Father (Humfrey/Britten)
Hymne an den Unendlichen, D232 (Schubert)
Hymne I, D659 (Schubert)
Hymne II, D660 (Schubert)
Hymne III, D661 (Schubert)
Hymne IV, D662 (Schubert)
I do not know with whom Edan will sleep
I will take nothing from my Lord, said she
I would like to have the men of Heaven in my own house
Iam lucis orto sidere (Redford/Anon/Tallis)
Ich bin meiner Mutter einzig Kind
Ich habe genug, BWV82 (Bach/Baigent)
Ich sag es jedem, dass er lebt
Ich wandte mich, und sahe an alle
If I could shut the gate (Danyel)
Ignatus est super nos lumen vultus tui Domine
Il est né, le divin enfant (Anon/Fauré)
Illuxerunt coruscationes tuae (Anon)
Im Frühling
In den Garten wollen wir gehen
In der Frühe
In der Zeit sprach der Herr Jesus
In diebus illis
In ein freundliches Städtchen tret ich ein
In ferventis (Anon)
In grüner Landschaft Sommerflor
In illo tempore Angelus Domini apparuit (Anon)
In nigrorum monachorum
In poetischer Epistel
Innocentes pro Christo infantes (Anon)
Introduxit me rex in cellam
Inviolata (Anon)
Ista dies celebrari (Anon)
Iste confessor (Anon/Tallis)
It has broken us, it has crushed us
Iube, Domine, benedicere (Anon)
Jauchzet Gott in allen Landen!, BWV51 (Bach)
Jehovah ever be my song
Jesu fili virginis (Anon)
Jesu salvator (Anon)
Jesu, fili virginis (Anon)
Job's curse, Z191 (Purcell/Britten)
Johannis solemnitas digne celebretur
Kann auch ein Mensch des andern auf der Erde
Klag-Lied, BuxWV76b (Buxtehude)
Kyrie fons bonitatis (Anon)
Laeva eius sub capite meo
Lass, o Welt, o lass mich sein!
Laudes Regiae (Anon)
Laudes Regiae (Anon/Dearnley)
Le jet d'eau
Lebe wohl
Legend 'The Crown of roses'
Let the night perish; cursed be the morn
Levate capita vestra (Anon)
Librum clausum et signatum (Anon)
Liebesklage des Mädchens
Lied eines Verliebten
Lo, the waves thy breath obey
Lord! I have sinned (Humfrey/Britten)
Lord, what is man?, Z192 (Purcell/Britten)
Love of the Father
Magi videntes stellam
Magnificatus est rex pacificus (Anon)
Mahomets Gesang, D549 (Schubert/Hoorickx)
Mahomets Gesang, D721 (Schubert/Hoorickx)
Matronarum hec matrona (Anon)
Media vita in morte sumus (Anon)
Mein Herze schwimmt im Blut, BWV199 (Bach)
Minuet, Chrétiens
Mira fuit quam videbat
'Mong the Gods by men adored
Music's the cordial of a troubled breast
My fair
My foes prevail, my friends are fled
My song shall be alway 'Chandos Anthem No 7', HWV252 (Handel)
My song shall be alway, Z31 (Purcell)
My soul the great God's praises sings (Lawes)
Nachthymne, D687 (Schubert)
Naturas Deus regulis (Anon)
Natus est nobis hodie (Anon/Tallis)
Né più bella di queste
Nesciens mater (Anon)
Neue Liebe
New-made Tongue
Nigra sum (Anon)
Nigra sum sed formosa
Nimmersatte Liebe
No force can stand
Nobilis et pulchra (Anon)
Non vos relinquam orphanos (Anon)
Now that the sun hath veiled his light
Now that the sun hath veiled his light
O Adonai (Anon)
O Adonai, et Dux domus Israel
O Clavis David (Anon)
O Emmanuel (Anon)
O Israel turn – The wave hath closed
O Lord God of hosts, who is like unto thee?
O lux beata caelitum (Anon)
O mighty God, who sit'st on high (Blow)
O Oriens (Anon)
O Radix Jesse (Anon)
O Rex gentium (Anon)
O rex gloriae (Anon)
O sacrum convivium
O Sapientia (Anon)
O sing unto the Lord a new song (Amner)
O sing unto the Lord a new song (Tomkins)
O sing unto the Lord a new song (Tomkins)
O sleep thou heav’n-born treasure, thou
O Tod, wie bitter bist du
O vos felices radices (Hildegard)
O Woche, Zeugin heiliger Beschwerde!
Oh! that mine eyes would melt into a flood (Blow)
Osculetur me osculo oris sui
Osterlied 'Jesus Christus unser Heiland', D168a (Schubert)
Pange lingua … Comitis (Anon)
Pange lingua … Corporis (Anon)
Pange lingua 'The story of the Salve regina' (Anon)
Pangur, white Pangur
Pastor cesus in gregis medio (Anon)
Pater iuste, mundus te non cognovit
Pater noster (Anon)
Pax vobiscum, D551 (Schubert)
Peregrina I
Pity me on my pilgrimage to Loch Derg!
Porta salutis (Anon)
Post partum (Anon)
Praise be to God, and God alone
Prière (Gounod)
Prophetarum maxime (Isaac)
Propter veritatem (Anon)
Psalm 133 'Ecce nunc benedicite', with antiphon (Anon)
Pueri Hebraeorum portantes (Anon)
Pulchra es amica mea
Qui Lazarum (Anon)
Qui servare puberem (monophonic) (Anon)
Qui servare puberem (three-part) (Anon)
Qui servare puberem (two-part, measured) (Anon)
Qui servare puberem (two-part, unmeasured) (Anon)
Quid ultra tibi facere (Anon)
Quo vadis, quo progrederis? (Anon)
Quod promisit ab eterno (Anon)
Rat einer Alten
Redemptionem misit populo suo (Anon)
Reges Tharsis (Anon)
Regina caeli (Anon)
Relegentur ab area (Anon)
Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine (Anon)
Resonet in laudibus (Lassus)
Responsorium breve 'Hodie scietis quia veniet Dominus' (Anon)
Rex pacificus magnificatus est (Anon)
Rorate caeli (Anon)
Rosenzeit! Wie schnell vorbei
Ruh von schmerzensreichen Mühen
Salva nos, Domine (Anon)
Salvator mundi (Anon)
Salve regina (Anon)
Sancta Maria, succurre miseris
Sausewind, Brausewind!
Scitote quia prope est regnum Dei (Anon)
Sea Snatch
Searching for lambs
Sechs Gedichte und Requiem, Op 90 (Schumann)
Sehet ihr am Fensterlein
Seht den Felsenquell
Seht den Felsenquell
Sei gegrüsst, du Frau der Huld
Serbate, o Dei custodi, D35 No 3 (Schubert/Orel)
Shestnadtsat Pesen dlya detey 'Sixteen Songs for children', Op 54 (Tchaikovsky/Lubbock)
Si ignoras te, o pulchra
Sieben Lieder, Op 48 (Brahms)
Six nouvelles poésies (Rollinat)
So ist die Lieb! So ist die Lieb!
Song 46 (Gibbons/Dearmer)
Songs Sacred and Profane (Ireland)
Songs Sacred and Profane (Ireland)
Songs Sacred and Profane (Ireland)
Spem in alium (Anon)
St Ita's Vision
Stella serena (Anon)
Stephani sollempnia (Anon)
Surgam et circuibo civitatem
Sursum corda (Anon)
Sweet was the song the virgin sang 'Lute-book lullaby' (Anon)
Te lucis ante terminum (Anon/Forshaw)
Tecum principium (Anon)
Tell me, some pitying angel, quickly say
Tes beaux yeux sont las, pauvre amante!
The advent
The bitter withy
The Blessed Virgin's Expostulation when our Saviour, at twelve years of age, had withdrawn himself, Z196 (Purcell/Britten)
The cruel mother
The Desire for Hermitage
The Monk and his Cat
The Office for St John of Bridlington (Anon)
The Praises of God
The salley gardens
The scapegoat
The sea is before them
The shepherd's cradle song (Leuner/Macpherson)
The soldier's return
The Song of Moses (Linley Jr.)
The Song of the Birds (Anon/Ribo)
Thee and thy wondrous deeds (Lawes)
There was a lady lived in York
These little Limbs
Thither thy people, Lord
Thou wakeful shepherd, that does Israel keep
Thou, as thy mercy had decreed
Three Sacred Songs (Head)
Thus the foe with haughty pride
Tochter des Walds, du Lilienverwandte
Tonus orationis 'Kyrie eleison' (Anon)
Tota pulchra es (Anon)
Tota pulchra es, amica mea
Trionfo delle dée (Isaac)
Tu autem in nobis (Anon)
Überwunden hat der Herr den Tod!
Um Mitternacht
Ut non ponam (Anon)
Veni Emmanuel (Anon/Lawson)
Veni Sancte Spiritus (Anon)
Veni, dilecte mi
Veni, redemptor gentium (Anon)
Veni, redemptor gentium (Anon/Tallis)
Vergangen ist mir Glück und Heil
Veste nuptiali (measured) (Anon)
Veste nuptiali (unmeasured) (Anon)
Vexilla regis prodeunt (Anon)
Vier ernste Gesänge, Op 121 (Brahms)
Vineam meam non custodivi
Virgo flagellatur (Anon)
Voici venir les temps où vibrant sur la tige
Vom Berge was kommt dort um Mitternacht spät
Vox dilecti mei
Warum, Geliebte, denk ich dein
Wenige wissen
Wenn alle untreu werden
Wenn ich ihn nur habe
Wenn ich mit Menschen- und mit Engelzungen redete
Wenn ich, von deinem Anschaun tief gestillt
Wer an ihn gläubet
Wer sehen will zween lebendige Brunnen
What art thou? From what causes dost thou spring?
When Jesus Christ was yet a child
When man for sin thy judgment feels (Lawes)
Wie erhebt sich das Herz, wenn es dich
Wie glänzt der helle Mond
Wie heimlicher Weise
Wilt thou forgive that Sin, where I began?
Without the sweets of melody
Wo find ich Trost?
Ye sacred Muses (Byrd)
Zerreißet, zersprenget, zertrümmert die Gruft, BWV205 (Bach)
Zierlich ist des Vogels Tritt im Schnee
Zu Gott, zu Gott flieg’ auf, hoch über alle Sphären!
Zum neuen Jahr
Zwischen Himmel und Erd’ hoch in der Lüfte Meer
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