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Track(s) taken from SIGCD502

Veni Emmanuel

fifteenth-century French Franciscan Processional, National Library, Paris
author of text
1710; Cologne

The King's Singers
Recording details: May 2003
St Michael's Church, Highgate, London, United Kingdom
Produced by Adrian Peacock
Engineered by Mike Hatch
Release date: October 2003
Total duration: 3 minutes 5 seconds

Other recordings available for download

The Gesualdo Six, Owain Park (director)
Phoenix Chorale, Christopher Gabbitas (conductor)


'In many ways, Praetorius was the most versatile German composer of his period. Whatever he turned his hand to, whether psalms, motets or hymns, the result was always highly imaginative and engaging, even though he wrote over 1000 choral settings. Es ist Ein Ros' entsprungen is sung here by the King's Singers, taken from their new album. The piece also exists as one of 11 chorale preludes written by Brahms in 1896. A great antidote to all those 'Yet more Carols from St Tedious' Cathedral, Dullshire' compilations that flood the market at this time of year. The King's Singers' style is beautifully detailed, and even the most familiar carols sound fresh. The diction isn't always as clear as it might be, but it's hardly a problem with works as popular as these' (Classic FM)

'The King's Singers have spooned out some sugar in their 35 year existence, though on their new release Christmas (****) they seem determined to prove themselves serious and slim. Signum SIGCD502 begins with plainsong (Veni, veni Emmanuel), immaculately delivered, though nothing beats the sixteenth-century Coventry Carol six tracks later, its passing harmonic abrasions particularly striking in the Singers' unique colouring (six voices, all male). They avoid red-nosed reindeer territory, but sprinkle the familiar with novelties such as a bubbling hymn to the Virgin from Arvo Pärt, and Jeremy Lubbock's arrangement of Tchaikovsky's Crown of Roses, deftly laced with the blues' (The Times)

'Throughout these 70-plus minutes and 25 tracks, we hear nothing but absolutely first-class musicianship, top-notch arrangements, and always thoughtfully chosen, entertaining repertoire that invariably and ideally suits the group's sound and style … the whole thing is just gorgeous, and if you love Christmas music recordings, well, what are you waiting for? This is one of the best ever' (Classics Today)» More

'This morning I got the album of the new King's Singers' Christmas album—and I just wanted to say that I was totally blown away by this marvellous production! It's farmost the best vocal album I've heard for many, many years! Thank you and send my best to the ensemble and the production team. I'll see to this album will be played nation-wide by the Swedish Radio in Advent' (Sveriges Radio, Sweden)
Veni Emmanuel is an Advent hymn dating back to the Middle Ages, its roots being in plainchant antiphons used in the weeks leading up to Christmas. It is known to many in its English translation, ‘O come, Emmanuel’, heralding the arrival of the saviour. Philip Lawson’s arrangement pays homage to the chant-based melody, the sensitive writing for the accompanying parts gently supporting the familiar tune.

from notes by Owain Park © 2019

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