All Hyperion CDs are carefully checked on delivery from our various factories. However, it is possible
for occasional faulty discs to be found - it is not feasible for us to check every single copy,
particularly given that we are unable to sell CDs which
have been unwrapped.
If you have a problem with any Hyperion CD, please let us know:
Hyperion Records Limited
Telephone +44 [0]20 8318 1234
We will aim to resolve all problems as soon as possible, but please note that
we no longer replace CDs which have bronzed.
When contacting us, please include the following information:
The catalogue number and/or title of the CD.
The matrix number (or hubcode) etched around the centre-hole on the playing side of the disc.
The country of manufacture (printed on the CD, and on the back of the case).
A description, as precise as possible, of the problem.
(This information will help us to investigate any problem more quickly.)