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Artist Hyperion Records

Annie Gill (alto)

Recently returned from Les Jeunes Voix du Rhin, the Opera Studio and young artists programme at L’Opéra National du Rhin in Strasbourg, Annie Gill was born in Edinburgh and studied at Lancaster University and ‘the Knack’ at ENO. She completed her postgraduate studies at the RNCM. Annie has sung the roles of Valletto and Amore in L’incoronazione di Poppea with the Opéra National du Rhin, directed by David McVicar and conducted by Rinaldo Alessandrini. In the same season with ONR she sang the role of Annio in Gluck’s Clemenza di Tito and gave performances of Phaedra by Benjamin Britten with the Symphony Orchestra of Mulhouse. With Les Jeunes Voix du Rhin, she has performed the roles of Mercédès and Tisbe, as well as La Périchole, directed by Yves Coudray. She has created various roles with the ENO Contemporary Opera Studio and at the RNCM sung the principal role in Martin Butler's A Better Place. Annie has covered the role of Hermia at Glyndebourne and is a member of the Glyndebourne Festival Chorus. She has given a concert of Offenbach arias with the Symphony Orchestra of Mulhouse at La Filature, and appeared in a staged opera gala with the ensemble of the Staadt Theater, Freiburg and the Philharmonic Orchestra of Freiburg.

Equally at home in the concert repertoire, Annie has sung the Mozart Coronation Mass with Kristofer Wahlander and the St Petersburg Festival Orchestra in St Petersburg, the Mozart Requiem with the Manchester Camerata, Rossini’s Petite Messe solennelle, Bach’s B minor Mass and Handel’s Messiah.

Annie has given recitals of French song in Strasbourg, Mulhouse and Colmar after a series of masterclasses with Antoine Palloc, with whom she continues to collaborate. She performed the Ciganské melodie of Dvořák in Colmar.

Annie is a major scholar of the Peter Moores Foundation.


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