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Artist Hyperion Records

Exeter Cathedral Choir

The choir of Exeter Cathedral has sung the liturgical services of the church almost without interruption since at least the 13th century.

The Choristers are educated at the Cathedral School, which is a very ancient establishment. In 1994 a girls’ choir was formed: the choir now consists of 18 boy choristers, 18 girl choristers and 12 gentlemen. Regular services are normally sung by boys and gentlemen or girls and gentlemen. The adult members are professionally trained singers, either Lay Vicars or Choral Scholars who combine singing with their academic studies at Exeter University. During the term the choir sings eight services each week, including three on Sundays. In addition, the choir broadcasts regularly on radio and television. It has given a number of concerts with leading orchestras and has made several recordings. Overseas tours have been undertaken, including visits to USA, France, Italy, Russia, Switzerland, Germany and Norway.

The choir’s extensive repertoire covers a wide range of music from medieval plainsong through to contemporary works.


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