Welcome to Hyperion Records, an independent British classical label devoted to presenting high-quality recordings of music of all styles and from all periods from the twelfth century to the twenty-first.
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Concert work has included performances with the Aalborg Symphony Orchestra, The Camerata St Petersburg, the CBTO, the CLSO, Collegium Instrumentale Brugense, the English Baroque Soloists, the English Chamber Orchestra, the Gulbenkian Orchestra, the Israel Chamber Orchestra, Les Arts Florissants, the Manchester Camerata, the OAE, the Philharmonia, the Philharmonia Baroque and the Singapore Symphony Orchestra. Recital engagements have included the Alicante Festival with Michael Kiener, the Ittingen and Mondsee Festival with Andras Schiff and the Wigmore Hall with the late Geoffrey Parsons, whilst television appearances have included Judas Maccabæus with Sir Roger Norrington, Christmas in Rome with Trevor Pinnock and Tony Palmer’s film England, My England.