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Track(s) taken from CDA67645

Wo die schönen Trompeten blasen

First line:
Wer ist denn draußen und wer klopfet an
July 1898; subsequently published as No 9 of Des Knaben Wunderhorn (also called Humoresken)
author of text
Unbeschreibliche Freude, from Des Knaben Wunderhorn

Stephan Genz (baritone), Roger Vignoles (piano)
Recording details: February 2007
Tonstudio Teije van Geest, Sandhausen, Germany
Produced by Teije van Geest
Engineered by Teije van Geest
Release date: January 2008
Total duration: 7 minutes 14 seconds

Cover artwork: Apotheosis (detail). Sergius Hruby (1869-1943)
Private Collection; reproduced by kind permission of the copyright holders, Whitford & Hughes, UK / Bridgeman Images

Other recordings available for download

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Christopher Maltman (baritone), Joseph Middleton (piano)


‘Deeply affecting … warmly recommended’ (Gramophone)

‘Stephan Genz's light, warm and cultured baritone is especially fine in reflecting the ghost voices and moonlight serenades of Mahler's folk-inspired anthology … this is the first time that I've heard a male voice take on 'Urlicht' … and its quiet serenity, as in 'Wo die schonen trompeten blasen', is what Genz does best’ (BBC Music Magazine)

‘Urlicht is beautifully sung … and Vignoles's playing is remarkably expressive throughout’ (The Sunday Times)

‘The charm of Mahler's Lieder-composing style—so close to Schubert's—comes across beautifully. Stephan Genz is more than just a very fine singer: his precision, sensitivity and range of imagination proclaim him a true successor to the great Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau. And Vignoles's booklet note is an informative pleasure in itself’ (Classic FM Magazine)

‘This performance is a revelation, the simplicity of the piano setting and the serenity of Genz's performance casting a benediction on the entire program … Genz and Vignoles have produced a worthy successor’ (Fanfare, USA)

‘There are a number of other collections available … but none of these has the clear and unambiguous sound that this Hyperion release has, especially the excellent piano balance, and Genz sings with a definite point of view and a nice sense of characterization. You have to have one of the orchestral versions, but you will also find much satisfaction in Mahler’s superbly realized piano version as well, and this recording will serve many needs’ (Audiophile Audition, USA)

‘Roger Vignoles palpably revels in the task of conjuring a full Mahlerian orchestra … this CD is partly a demonstration of Genz's technique in this repertoire: the tone remains firm at even the most intimate levels and, most importantly, he binds consonants and vowels into the singing line, so that the lied emerges as a form of heightened speech. But it's a measure of Genz's sensitivity that one doesn't hear simply a great lieder singer at work. Instead, the entire set, with its panoply of characters, emanates from a recognizably 'Wunderhorn' persona—direct, ingenuous, fully in tune with the material's folklore-ish nature’ (Opera News)

‘It is a recording that seems, above all, to be characterised by enormous intelligence and sensitivity, from both singer and pianist … most prefer to here these songs in Mahler's brilliant and scathing orchestral versions but the artistry on show here makes me glad to hear them in the intimate, piano-only versions … this disc, then, allows us to experience these wonderful songs close-up in all their variety, humour and pathos. Highly Recommended’ (Musical Criticism.com)

‘This is a vibrant rendering of Mahler's Des Knaben Wunderhorn in the versions for voice and piano, a setting which requires the idiomatic approach Vignoles uses for the accompaniment and the nuanced tone Genz uses to evoke a sense of chamber music. Lacking the sonorous orchestral accompaniment, the singer is more exposed, and this allows Genz to display his vocal finesse well’ (Opera Today, USA)

‘Vignoles's pianism is so persuasive that one hardly misses the orchestral versions. In Revelge, for instance, his accompaniment to the song about the marching soldier has a suitably martial quality, while his playing of the lowest register of the piano to represent the drum rolls at the beginning of Der Tamboursg'sell is eerie and unforgettable. Genz, meanwhile, provides a well-characterised interpretation, his voice superbly controlled both in the vehemence of the prisoner's defiance in Lied des Verfolgten im Turm and in the beautiful pianissimos of Wo die schönen Trompeten blasen’ (MusicOHM.com)
In concert, the Wunderhorn songs are often performed by two singers, male and female, and the collection includes a number of dialogues, of which the most famous, Wo die schönen Trompeten blasen, is perhaps the emotional highpoint of the whole set. It has a direct ancestor in Kriegers Ahnung, one of the most compelling songs of Schubert’s Schwanengesang. Offstage military fanfares and drum beats set the scene, in which a girl is visited by her lover, or by his spirit, on the eve of battle. Whether he is already dead, or has a premonition of death next day, is not absolutely clear, but in either case the rapt tenderness of the encounter, and its foreboding, is unmistakeable, contrasting the tight-laced 2/4 of military duty with the lilting, dreamlike 3/4 of the lovers’ embrace.

from notes by Roger Vignoles © 2008

En concert, les lieder du Wunderhorn sont souvent chantés par un homme et une femme, et le recueil contient plusieurs dialogues, le plus célèbre, Wo die schönen Trompeten blasen, marquant peut-être l’apogée émotionnel du corpus. Son ancêtre direct, Kriegers Ahnung, compte parmi les lieder les plus envoûtants du Schwanengesang schubertien. En coulisses, fanfares militaires et battements de tambour plantent le décor: à la veille d’une bataille, une jeune fille est visitée par son amant, ou par l’esprit de celui-ci. On ne sait au juste s’il est déjà mort ou s’il pressent la mort qui le frappera le lendemain; toujours est-il que la tendresse ravie de la rencontre, son caractère prémonitoire aussi, sont indéniables, qu’illustre le contraste entre le 2/4 bien serré du devoir militaire et le 3/4 souple, langoureux, de l’étreinte des amants.

extrait des notes rédigées par Roger Vignoles © 2008
Français: Hypérion

Im Konzert werden die Wunderhorn-Lieder oft von zwei Sängern—einem Mann und einer Frau—aufgeführt, und die Sammlung enthält einige Dialoge, von denen Wo die schönen Trompeten blasen nicht nur der berühmteste ist, sondern womöglich auch der emotionale Höhepunkt der ganzen Sammlung. Er hat einen direkten Vorgänger in Kriegers Ahnung, einem der fesselndsten Lieder aus Schuberts Schwanengesang. Entfernte Militärfanfaren und Trommelschläge setzen die Szene, in der ein Mädchen am Vorabend einer Schlacht von ihrem Geliebten—oder seinem Gespenst—besucht wird. Ob er schon tot ist oder eine Todesahnung für den nächsten Tag hat, ist nicht genau klar, aber wie auch immer—die verzückte Zärtlichkeit des Treffens und die unheilschwangere Atmosphäre sind im Kontrast zwischen dem militärisch strengen 2/4-Takt und dem träumerischen 3/4 in der Umarmung der Liebenden unverkennbar.

aus dem Begleittext von Roger Vignoles © 2008
Deutsch: Renate Wendel

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