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Track(s) taken from CDA68379

Nymphes des bois / Requiem aeternam

5vv; ? 1502/3; Déploration sur la mort de Johannes Ockeghem (1497); 1545 Susato print, with altered text
author of text
Art de rhetorique
author of text
Introit at Mass for the Office of the Dead

The Gesualdo Six, Owain Park (director)
Studio Master FLAC & ALAC downloads available
Studio Master:
Studio Master:
Recording details: November 2020
All Hallows, Gospel Oak, London, United Kingdom
Produced by Adrian Peacock
Engineered by David Hinitt
Release date: November 2021
Total duration: 4 minutes 10 seconds

Other recordings available for download



‘The decision to take the Ockeghem at an uncharacteristically high pitch is bold, and with a very bright countertenor on the top line the effect is luminous and transparent (dare I say magical?), very different to the chewy, ruminative approach that the piece’s text usually elicits. For this alone I’d recommend the disc unreservedly, but this starts as the ensemble means to go. Theirs is a very English sound, eschewing overtly dramatic interpretative touches, but the sensitivity to contrapuntal details is none the less striking … as a single-disc introduction to the motet of Josquin’s time, this is hard to beat’ (Gramophone)

‘From the outset, performing with one voice to a part, the male-voice ensemble The Gesualdo Six brings the intimacy and detail of consort music to these accounts. Josquin’s Marian works ‘O virgo prudentissima’ and ‘Illibata Dei virgo nutrix’ sound aptly radiant, while there’s a sense of hushed reverence in ‘Tu solus qui facis mirabilia’, the singers floating quotations from Ockeghem’s chanson ‘D’ung aultre amer’ as if they were wistful memories … throughout the programme, the singing is beautifully controlled … and the ensemble is finely balanced. Hyperion’s close-recorded perspective gives the words a particular immediacy while the warm acoustic wraps the listener in a velvet shroud’ (BBC Music Magazine)» More

‘The Gesualdo Six are well placed to record this music. They’re very good at looking around the repertoire and working out what will fit with everything else … I love anthologies, and I love this particular one … that counter-tenor sound, it’s out of this world. I should say that my favourite recording of this [Intemerata Dei mater] for many, many years has been the 1976 David Munrow recording and I think this actually outdoes it. I shouldn’t say that because Munrow is absolutely my hero, but I think this is even nicer’ (BBC Record Review)

‘Every item in this thoughtful programme soothes or excites with its complex beauties of form or texture. The meatiest pieces are the four by Josquin des Prez (this year is the 500th anniversary of his death), although the music of his colleagues and rivals never disappoints, especially Willaert's Infelix ego, setting words by the fiery preacher Savonarola … soaring magic from The Gesualdo Six’ (The Times)

Josquin’s Nymphes des bois, to a text by Jean Molinet, is set in the Phrygian mode, with the plainsong ‘Requiem aeternam’ sung in transposition to conform with that mode. Molinet’s poem is full of puns, assonance, and alliteration, larding the text with significance relating to the deceased Ockeghem. Molinet’s original describes the Fate Atropos, whose role it was to cut the thread of life, as a ‘très terrible satrappe’, who ‘a vostre Ockeghem attrapé dans sa trappe’, and also describes the composer as ‘vray tresorier de musique’, alluding to his position as Treasurer of the royal abbey of St Martin, Tours. In the earliest manuscript source of the work, the notation is all black, a device used on several occasions at this time for especially mournful funerary pieces.

from notes by Stephen Rice © 2012

Nymphes des bois de Josquin, sur un texte de Jean Molinet, recourt, nous l’avons vu, au mode phrygien, le plain-chant «Requiem aeternam» étant exécuté dans une transposition pour s’y conformer. Le poème de Molinet regorge de paronymies, d’assonances et d’allitérations qui truffent le texte de sens renvoyant au défunt Ockeghem. Dans l’original de Molinet, la Parque Atropos, chargée de couper le fil de la vie, est dépeinte comme un «très terrible satrappe» qui «a vostre Ockeghem attrapé dans sa trappe» tandis que le compositeur est qualifié de «vray tresorier de musique», une allusion à sa charge de Trésorier de l’abbaye royale de Saint-Martin, à Tours. Dans la plus ancienne source manuscrite, la notation est entièrement noire, un procédé utilisé en plusieurs occasions à l’époque pour des pièces funèbres particulièrement dolentes.

extrait des notes rédigées par Stephen Rice © 2012
Français: Hypérion

Josquins Werk Nymphes des bois, dessen Text von Jean Molinet stammt, ist im phrygischen Modus komponiert, wobei der Cantus planus „Requiem aeternam“ in transponierter Form gesungen wird, so dass er mit diesem Modus übereinstimmt. Molinets Text ist voller Wortspiele, Assonanzen und Alliterationen und geradezu gespickt mit Anspielungen an den verstorbenen Ockeghem. Molinets ursprünglicher Text beschreibt Atropos, deren Aufgabe es war, den Lebensfaden zu durchtrennen, als eine „très terrible satrappe“, die „a vostre Ockeghem attrapé dans sa trappe“, und bezeichnet den Komponisten zudem als einen „vray tresorier de musique“, womit er auf dessen Posten als Schatzmeister an der königlichen Abtei von St. Martin in Tours anspielte. In der ältesten Manuskript-Quelle des Werks ist die Notation durchgehend schwarz, was ein Stilmittel zu jener Zeit war, das besonders bei Trauerwerken verwendet wurde.

aus dem Begleittext von Stephen Rice © 2012
Deutsch: Viola Scheffel

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Studio Master: CDA67959Studio Master FLAC & ALAC downloads available
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