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Track(s) taken from SIGCD281

A child's prayer

First line:
Welcome Jesu
author of text

Gabrieli Consort, Paul McCreesh (conductor)
Studio Master FLAC & ALAC downloads available
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Recording details: November 2009
Ely Cathedral, United Kingdom
Produced by Adrian Peacock
Engineered by Neil Hutchinson
Release date: March 2012
Total duration: 4 minutes 12 seconds

Other recordings available for download

Westminster Cathedral Choir, Martin Baker (conductor)
NFM Wrocław Philharmonic Choir, Agnieszka Franków-Żelazny (conductor), Aleksandra Turalska (soprano), Dagmara Kołodziej-Gorczyczyńska (soprano)


'Any disc subtitled 'Music of Mourning & Consolation' is not going to be a bundle of laughs. But Paul McCreesh has devised such a satisfying programme of mostly short a cappella pieces that the effect is the reverse of depressing. Gibbons would not have approved of the English Hymnal's truncation of his joyful 'song' to fit different (albeit contemporary) words; but he might still have been moved by the slow, prayerful performance given here … an excellent disc' (Gramophone)

'The raison d'être of the disc is Howells's Requiem and it is impressive as the core of a powerful programme. Going back to the opening Gibbons hymn 'Drop, drop slow tears', it then seemed right. Some discs are built out of contrast: this glories in its breadth of tone, matching the sombre consolation of the words and music. It is certainly impressive' (Early Music Review)» More

'A Song of Farewell was recorded in the warmly reverberant acoustic of the Lady Chapel at Ely Cathedral. The singing is immaculate. James MacMillan's A Child's Prayer builds from a quietly pulsing heart beat, deep in the bass register, and blooms ecstatically on the words 'Joy and love my heart are filling'. The soprano soloists Amy Moore and Kirsty Hopkins deserve a special mention for sustaining a sumptuous tone whilst all the while their voices ascend heavenward. MacMillan's music is as technically demanding as it is emotionally powerful and it is a wonder that these exceptional young singers make it all sound so effortless' (Classic FM)» More

'The first line of my review says it all—'This is a disc of staggering beauty and effortless sophistication'. The tradition of British Choral singing at its best' (MusicWeb International)
Dedicated to the dead of the Dunblane tragedy of March 1996, A child’s prayer was first performed in Westminster Abbey the following July. The setting is the more poignant for the scoring of two solo treble parts throughout, which are accompanied by slow-moving chords sung by the remainder of the choir. Despite the tragic circumstances of the time, much is made of the word ‘joy’ which builds to such an intense climax that there is inevitably a lingering feeling of optimism and peace.

from notes by James Whitbourn © 2001

Dédiée aux enfants tués dans la tragédie de Dunblane en mars 1996, quand un forcené ouvrit le feu sur une classe primaire de cette petite localité d’Ecosse, A child’s prayer reçut sa première audition à l’Abbaye de Westminster le juillet de cette année-là lentement chantés par le reste du chœur. Malgré les tragiques circonstances de l’époque, une attention particulière est portée au mot «joy» qui parvient à un apogée tellement intense que se fait jour un sentiment ténu d’optimiste et de paix.

extrait des notes rédigées par James Whitbourn © 2001
Français: Isabelle Battioni

Das Stück A child’s prayer, das den Toten der Tragödie von Dunblane im März 1996 gewidmet ist (als Thomas Hamilton schwerbewaffnet in eine Grundschule des schottischen Orts eindrang und sechzehn Kinder sowie eine Lehrerin erschoß), wurde im Juli des folgenden Jahres in der Abtei von Westminster uraufgeführt. Die Vertonung ist umso ergreifender, als sie im gesamten Verlauf zwei Solodiskantstimmen verwendet, die von langsam fortschreitenden Akkorden des übrigen Chors begleitet werden. Trotz der damaligen tragischen Umstände wird das Wort „joy“ (Freude) in den Vordergrund gerückt: Es baut zu einem derart eindringlichen Höhepunkt auf, daß sie unausweichlich ein anhaltendes Gefühl von Optimismus und Seelenfrieden einstellt.

aus dem Begleittext von James Whitbourn © 2001
Deutsch: Anne Steeb/Bernd Müller

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