Welcome to Hyperion Records, an independent British classical label devoted to presenting high-quality recordings of music of all styles and from all periods from the twelfth century to the twenty-first.
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from notes by Owain Park © 2018
English Motets A programme of motets linking two hundred years of music from medieval and Tudor England.» More |
In the Midst of Life Conducted by Owen Rees, Contrapunctus has recorded a programme of motets from the Tudor Baldwin Partbooks including Sheppard’s epic 'Media vita' and other works on the theme of mortality by Byrd, Parsons, Mundy, Taverner, Gerarde and Tallis.» More |
The Sixteen & The Golden Age of English Polyphony When The Sixteen embarked upon their recording career back in 1982, few would have been able to predict quite how far they would go towards rehabilitating the little-known music of these four master composers of the 16th century. In this their 30t ...» More |