Welcome to Hyperion Records, an independent British classical label devoted to presenting high-quality recordings of music of all styles and from all periods from the twelfth century to the twenty-first.

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… which was the son of … (Pärt)
A rule of faith and a model of meekness
Äiu-äiu, äiu-äiu 'Lullaby, lullaby'
Alleluia-Tropus (Pärt)
And Jesus himself began to be
And they brought unto him a penny
Annum per Annum (Pärt)
Benedictio (Sisask)
Berliner Messe (Pärt)
Bogoroditse Devo 'Rejoice, O virgin' (Pärt)
Cantus in memoriam of Benjamin Britten (Pärt)
Cantus in memoriam of Benjamin Britten (Pärt/Kato)
Christ is the morning star
Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me
Credo in unum Deum
Da pacem, Domine (Pärt)
De profundis (Pärt)
do re mi fa so la si …
Dopo la vittoria (Pärt)
Eiä, tuia, lase kiike käia! 'Hushaby, lullaby, let the cradle swing!'
Fratres (Pärt/Kato)
Für Alina (Pärt/Kato)
Glory to the Father
Heliseb väljadel (Sisask)
Helletused 'Childhood memory – Herding calls' (Tormis)
I am the true vine (Pärt)
I rejoiced that they said to me
In the name of the Father
Jesus sprach zu einigen
Kahvatu valgus 'Pale light'
Kaks laulu Ernst Enno sõnadele 'Two songs to words by Ernst Enno' (Tormis)
Kanarbik 'Heather'
Kanon Pokajanen (Pärt)
Karjametsas 'At Pasture'
Käsikivimäng 'The grindstone game'
Kolm laulu eeposest Kalevipoeg 'Three songs from the epic Kalev's Son' (Tormis)
Kreegi vihik 'Kreek's Notebook' (Kõrvits)
Külm sügisöö 'Cold autumn night'
Kuulmata kuskil kumiseb kodu 'Soundlessly somewhere murmurings homeward'
Laevamäng 'The ship game'
Laevas lauldakse 'Singing aboard ship' (Tormis)
Laine veereb 'The wave rolls'
Lase kiik käia! 'Let the cradle swing!'
Laulis isa, laulis poega 'Sang the father, sang the son'
Lenda üles kurbtusest
Liivlaste pärandus 'Livonian heritage' (Tormis)
Littlemore Tractus (Pärt)
Ma kiitlen ükspäinis neist verisist haavust
Magnificat (Pärt)
Maka, maka, marjaken 'Sleep, sleep, little berry'
Minu hing, oh ole rõõmus
Morning star (Pärt)
Mu isamaa on minu arm (Ernesaks)
Murueide tütred 'Daughters of the Meadow Matron'
My heart's in the highlands (Pärt)
Neli eesti hällilaulu 'Four Estonian lullabies' (Tormis)
Noore suve muinasjutt 'Early summer’s fairy tale'
Now when Jesus was in Bethany
Nunc dimittis (Pärt)
Nüüd ole, Jeesus, kiidetud
O Adonai
Oh võta, armas Jeesus, vastu mult –
Oh, mu hella eidekene 'O, my gentle tender mother'
On hilissuvi 'It is late summer'
Õnnis on inimene
Peace upon you, Jerusalem (Pärt)
Pomiluy mya, Bozhe, pomiluy mya
Salve regina (Pärt)
Seven Magnificat-Antiphons (Pärt)
Silouan's Song 'My soul yearns after the Lord' (Pärt)
Solfeggio (Pärt)
Sõrmemähkimismäng 'The finger-binding game'
Spiegel im Spiegel (Pärt/Kato)
Su hooleks ennast annan ma
Sügismaastikud 'Autumn landscapes' (Tormis)
Summa (Pärt)
Taaveti laulud (Kreek)
The Beatitudes (Pärt)
The deer's cry (Pärt)
The night is darkening round me (Kõrvits)
The woman with the alabaster box (Pärt)
Then went the Pharisees
Triodion (Pärt)
Tuu, tuu, eiä, eiä! 'Hushaby, lullaby!'
Tuul kõnnumaa kohal 'Wind over the barrens'
Unehiireke 'Wee winkie mouse (Lullaby)'
Unto the Birth-giver of God
Valusalt punased lehed 'Painfully red are the leaves'
Vastlad 'Shrovetide'
Verily I say unto you
Virgencita (Pärt)
We do homage to Thy pure image
Why trouble ye the woman?
Zwei Beter (Pärt)
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