Welcome to Hyperion Records, an independent British classical label devoted to presenting high-quality recordings of music of all styles and from all periods from the twelfth century to the twenty-first.

Hyperion offers both CDs, and downloads in a number of formats. The site is also available in several languages.

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Aalaiki'ssalaam (Hakim)
Abana (Hakim)
Adorate Deum omnes angeli
All my founts shall be with you (Hakim)
Amazing grace (Hakim)
Arabesques (Hakim)
Assalamu (Hakim)
At sige verden ret farvel 'The last farewell to life on earth'
Ave Maria 'Fantasy on a lied by Franz Schubert' (Hakim)
Ave maris stella
Bach'orama 'Orgelfantasie über Themen von Johann Sebastian Bach' (Hakim)
Befal du dine veje 'Commit thy way'
Bild und Ebenbild
Bogurodzica (Hakim)
Cantilena (Hakim)
Capriccio (Hakim)
Caprice en rondeau (Hakim)
Carnaval (Hakim)
Concerto No 4 (Hakim)
Dance for clarinet and organ
Dejlig er den himmel blå 'Lovely is the blue sky': Andante
Den mørke nat forgangen er 'The gloomy night to morning yields'
Der Berg im Lande Morija: Ur im Chaldäa
Der Heiland
Det Gott des Bundes
Die Apostel (Hakim)
Die Quelle
Die Taube (Hakim)
Diptyque (Hakim)
Esquisses grégoriennes (Hakim)
Esquisses persanes (Hakim)
Et barn er født i Betlehem 'A child is born in Bethlehem': Allegro
Ezpata Dantza
Favnende 'Embracing'
Gershwinesca (Hakim)
Glenalmond Suite (Hakim)
Gregoriana (Hakim)
Hil dig, Frelser og Forsoner! 'Hail You, Saviour and Atoner'
Holy Mary
Hommage à Jean Langlais (Hakim)
I love the colourful world (Hakim)
Improvisation on Amazing grace (Hakim)
In excelso throno
Jonquilles 'Trois Préludes Pascals' (Hakim)
Jublende 'Jubilating'
Kammerkoncert No 1 'Solen skinner altid på Beirut' (Hakim)
Kammerkoncert No 2 'Kom, lad os gå til Betlehem' (Hakim)
Korean Prelude (Hakim)
Magnificat (Hakim)
Meditationen über dar Genesis an der Schwelle zur Sixtinischen Kapelle: Der erste schauende
Mit hjerte altid vanker 'Always my heart wanders'
Mit seinem Geist 'Variationen über Ein' feste Burg' (Hakim)
Monstra te esse matrem
Most sweet Friend
Nærmere, Gud, til dig 'Nearer, my God, to Thee'
Niya Yesh
Nos autem
Nu blomstertiden kommer 'Now the flowers are blooming'
O filii et filiae
O Gud, du ved og kender 'O God, Thou knowest'
O sacrum convivium (Hakim)
Omnis terra adoret te, Deus
Op, al den ting, som Gud har gjort 'Arise, all things that God has made'
Oui (O), prince, je languis, je brûle pour Thésée
Our Lady's minstrel (Hakim)
Ouverture libanaise (Hakim)
Påskeblomst (Hakim)
Påskeblomst! hvad vil du her? 'Paschal Flow'r! why do you care to come forth?'
Paster noster
Petite Suite (Hakim)
Phèdre (Hakim)
Piano Concerto (Hakim)
Prelude for clarinet and organ
Prière (Hakim)
Römishes Triptychon (Hakim)
Så vældigt det mødte os først i vor dåb 'How wonderful, that the Word first met us in baptism'
Salve regina (Hakim)
Set me as a seal upon your heart (Hakim)
Sindbad (Hakim)
Smilende 'Smiling'
Sorrig og glæde 'Sorrow and gladness': Andante
Strømmende 'Streaming'
Strømmende 'Streaming': Ritmico
Suite française (Hakim)
Suite norvégienne (Hakim)
Sumens illud Ave
Tanets (Hakim)
Theotokos (Hakim)
Three Basque Dances (Hakim)
To call my true love to my dance (Hakim)
Toccata (Hakim)
Trois Paraphrases sur Ave maris stella (Hakim)
Uudslukkelig 'Unextinguishable': Allegro con fuoco
Variations on Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern (Hakim)
Velkommen igen, Guds engle små 'Welcome again, God's small angels': Allegro
Villancico aragonés (Hakim)
Vitam praesta puram
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